Perma Chilled

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


Too much chilled!

Everytime I’m attacking a bunker ele, I’m chilled! Just by auto attacking. Aura of frost needs to get nerfed. Reduce the cd, from the traits and the utilities. Also, fighting a Reaper=Perma Chilled. I’m ok with being chilled from time to time. But perma chilled needs to stop. This condition is super op. Reduced the effect to 33%.

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Regon Phoenix.8215

Regon Phoenix.8215

No, chill isn’t an issue with any class.

When you fall, i will be right behind you and whisper: “Who will protect you now?”

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Sezz.3029


No, chill isn’t an issue with any class.

chill affects every class….

(edited by Sezz.3029)

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059


All I want is for Attunement swap to not be affected by Chill.

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Too much chilled!

Everytime I’m attacking a bunker ele, I’m chilled! Just by auto attacking. Aura of frost needs to get nerfed. Reduce the cd, from the traits and the utilities. Also, fighting a Reaper=Perma Chilled. I’m ok with being chilled from time to time. But perma chilled needs to stop. This condition is super op. Reduced the effect to 33%.

Wow, As a necro main I opened this post expecting to see someone ranting about necro chill, and I was going to tell them to go get lost because Reaper chill is a shell of what it used to be. It has been so nerfed.

So nerfed that Ele chill is apparently stronger.

Sad sad day for the main class mechanic of reapers.

I remember the original statement, you wont be able to get around fast but you can chill them and keep them from getting away! hahahahah NOPE.
Ele’s do it better apparently..

Perma Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


Theres been a lot of complaining about classes recently. Apparently there’s an immortal ele in pvp wiping whole teams.