Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


It’s Diviners Amulet – 70% boon duration uptime.

I find it extremely powerful and broken, I’m not the best player though but lets see how you guys go with it.

If you cant be bothered looking, basically it’s resistance and quickness uptime. Enough to have nearly 22s left at the end of the first mid fight.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

what happens if your boons get corrupted or stolen ?

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


what happens if your boons get corrupted or stolen ?

Re-apply it lol

there’s so many sources that you don’t need to stack and burst, you can apply boons just while fighting through means of passives and the utilities are for a bit more control for when that does happen.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Why did you pick Lyssa rune instead of Leadership?

Leadership is 30% boon duration on it’s own.

Honestly, if you’re going to min/max and talk broken, you might aswell do it properly.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


Healing signet: 6sec / 20sec CD
Berserker stance: 11sec / 60sec CD (traited)

Thats perma resistance?

Ok…. these arguments are worse every day, this build doesnt even bring boon duration runes or sigil.. nothing.

what happens if your boons get corrupted or stolen ?

Re-apply it lol

there’s so many sources

oh my god right!? perma…. lol

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So I ran the setup (recorded it too)

It lacks damage. And I need that damage to put things like thieves on the ground immediately.

So yeah, great boon uptime, but not OP.

Will post the vid when I get to it.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Why did you pick Lyssa rune instead of Leadership?

Leadership is 30% boon duration on it’s own.

Honestly, if you’re going to min/max and talk broken, you might aswell do it properly.

So I ran the setup (recorded it too)

It lacks damage. And I need that damage to put things like thieves on the ground immediately.

So yeah, great boon uptime, but not OP.

Will post the vid when I get to it.

Honestly went Lyssa for condition removal to make up the loss from Cleansing Ire but the damage does lack a little, I’ve been experimenting on getting that higher since I posted by using Hoelbrak runes.

Still dusting off the Warrior but this thread was mostly aimed at the duration of resistance and quickness that an unskilled player like myself could achieve, I’m sure Warrior mains could do a lot better and I am definitely going to try Leadership runes now thanks

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Healing signet: 6sec / 20sec CD
Berserker stance: 11sec / 60sec CD (traited)

Thats perma resistance?

Ok…. these arguments are worse every day, this build doesnt even bring boon duration runes or sigil.. nothing.

what happens if your boons get corrupted or stolen ?

Re-apply it lol

there’s so many sources

oh my god right!? perma…. lol

I don’t think you have played Warrior since January….

Resistance does not last for the duration of Berserkers stance since january, it pulses Resistance at intervals.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


Healing signet: 6sec / 20sec CD
Berserker stance: 11sec / 60sec CD (traited)

Thats perma resistance?

Ok…. these arguments are worse every day, this build doesnt even bring boon duration runes or sigil.. nothing.

what happens if your boons get corrupted or stolen ?

Re-apply it lol

there’s so many sources

oh my god right!? perma…. lol

I don’t think you have played Warrior since January….

Resistance does not last for the duration of Berserkers stance since january, it pulses Resistance at intervals.

Berserker stance: 11sec / 60sec CD (traited)

This means 11sec resistance / 60sec Cooldown…

i didnt stated it last for the full duration of berserker stance, maby you misread it.
And pulsing resistance doesnt mean perma resistance, perma resistance means someone have resistance ALL the time. and the pulsing change of berserker stance is already some months ago.. so your little bit too late now to cry about it. or didnt you played since january?

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Why did you pick Lyssa rune instead of Leadership?

Leadership is 30% boon duration on it’s own.

Honestly, if you’re going to min/max and talk broken, you might aswell do it properly.

So I ran the setup (recorded it too)

It lacks damage. And I need that damage to put things like thieves on the ground immediately.

So yeah, great boon uptime, but not OP.

Will post the vid when I get to it.

Honestly went Lyssa for condition removal to make up the loss from Cleansing Ire but the damage does lack a little, I’ve been experimenting on getting that higher since I posted by using Hoelbrak runes.

Still dusting off the Warrior but this thread was mostly aimed at the duration of resistance and quickness that an unskilled player like myself could achieve, I’m sure Warrior mains could do a lot better and I am definitely going to try Leadership runes now thanks

Leadership does team-wide convert 2 boons on elite use, kitten cd. That said, you can avoid heavy condi pressure without cleansing ire by taking a range weapon for kiting, and properly using your resistance (not talking max boon duration either, but timely use XD )

Here’s the boon duration vid. Crit rate is pretty low for a power build, and even when it crit it didnt feel like it hit hard enough. Especially against those thieves who I needed to go down easier than not.

I’m uploading the match I did straight after to show you the comparison.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


@Nickname it is perma resistance you can apply it over 4 minutes with new amulet. Just use healing signet and zerker stance at the same time, signet again and zerker stance is rdy again

Grimkram [sS]

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Aaaand that other vid

If you could make a half decent hybrid build with your boon stacking, then you might be able to make some serious bank.

Oh and if you wonder why I’m firing into shield blocks, its because I took doly sig instead of might XD. Could not figure out why they kept reflecting. Lag? A new bug? Nope…

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


@Nickname it is perma resistance you can apply it over 4 minutes with new amulet. Just use healing signet and zerker stance at the same time, signet again and zerker stance is rdy again

ah didnt played sinces 3-4months now.. but yeah with that new amulet you should have longer boon duration (it will cost you offensive stats also, and it cost you passive healing..) but meh ok could be good vs condi.. OP? maby vs some condi players but thats what it does i guess..
if you go for the new amulet + runes etc you could say the same about other classes having perma protection or perma fury/might or whatever.

(edited by nicknamenick.2437)

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

@Nickname it is perma resistance you can apply it over 4 minutes with new amulet. Just use healing signet and zerker stance at the same time, signet again and zerker stance is rdy again

ah didnt played sinces 3-4months now.. but yeah with that new amulet you should have longer boon duration (it will cost you offensive stats also) but meh ok could be good vs condi.. OP? maby vs some condi players but thats what it does i guess..
if you go for the new amulet + runes etc you could say the same about other classes having perma protection or perma fury/might or whatever.

Yes, eles could take the ammy, leadership, and spam their protection etc

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


It’s Diviners Amulet – 70% boon duration uptime.

I find it extremely powerful and broken, I’m not the best player though but lets see how you guys go with it.

If you cant be bothered looking, basically it’s resistance and quickness uptime. Enough to have nearly 22s left at the end of the first mid fight.

I tried this build.

I love the high uptime on Quickness, but I feel that this build does too low dps because lack of crits.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


I tried this with GS – M/S in HotM, Seeker’s Amulet, Leadership rune, Disc/Defence/Berserker, keeping Cleansing Ire. It did pretty well. I’ll try it in games later. Chances are it’ll be too squishy against Thieves and other power based specs, but it should do fine against hybrids or strict condi specs. It’s quickness uptime is fantastic and you actually have a reason to use a regular burst skill (GS for fury). I found Seeker’s boon uptime was sufficient enough. You only lose a second or two on most skills. And the extra crit makes up for it. I might also swap GS to Rifle if sustain is too low to always be in melee range. The only real defence it lacks from Macebow is vitality or toughness. Though with how high burst is, ANY lost defence is going to be noticed quickly.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Sazukikrah.5036


Definitely not a broken build considering the fact you have constant counter play out in PvP . Boon stripping and necro wells/auto attacks and null sigils. Resistance can be hard to fight against for pure condition classes… just waiting out the duration is all they can do . It’s not like its 50 resistance seconds. Besides in pvp you’re never fighting alone , not unless you’re in dueling servers… So fighting a boon stack warrior or any other class with boon stacking isn’t bad considering if your set up is right.

Hadi the Edgemaster – Pro level Warrior (Youtube Hadi the Edgemaster)
Black Gate Tier 1 Roamer
Harbinger " I will make you (QQ)"

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Check the boon duration on haste (When applied), tell me if it works.

I hope it doesn’t but wouldn’t be surprised. as it does not work for thief’s haste…
Along with some stolen ecoplasm skills.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Why did you pick Lyssa rune instead of Leadership?

Leadership is 30% boon duration on it’s own.

Honestly, if you’re going to min/max and talk broken, you might aswell do it properly.

So I ran the setup (recorded it too)

It lacks damage. And I need that damage to put things like thieves on the ground immediately.

So yeah, great boon uptime, but not OP.

Will post the vid when I get to it.

Honestly went Lyssa for condition removal to make up the loss from Cleansing Ire but the damage does lack a little, I’ve been experimenting on getting that higher since I posted by using Hoelbrak runes.

Still dusting off the Warrior but this thread was mostly aimed at the duration of resistance and quickness that an unskilled player like myself could achieve, I’m sure Warrior mains could do a lot better and I am definitely going to try Leadership runes now thanks

Leadership does team-wide convert 2 boons on elite use, kitten cd. That said, you can avoid heavy condi pressure without cleansing ire by taking a range weapon for kiting, and properly using your resistance (not talking max boon duration either, but timely use XD )

Here’s the boon duration vid. Crit rate is pretty low for a power build, and even when it crit it didnt feel like it hit hard enough. Especially against those thieves who I needed to go down easier than not.

I’m uploading the match I did straight after to show you the comparison.

What’s the go with that thief at 5:40 when you down him? He just glides across the ground lol

Hack or lag? Never seen that before 0.o

Anyway that first mid was fantastic to watch until their whole team arrived

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

I tested the build and played some matches with it.
It lacks damage and the boons are almost always stolen / transfered / corrupted.
I tryed other builds with the same amulets but i feel they were all lackluster in damage.

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Why did you pick Lyssa rune instead of Leadership?

Leadership is 30% boon duration on it’s own.

Honestly, if you’re going to min/max and talk broken, you might aswell do it properly.

So I ran the setup (recorded it too)

It lacks damage. And I need that damage to put things like thieves on the ground immediately.

So yeah, great boon uptime, but not OP.

Will post the vid when I get to it.

Honestly went Lyssa for condition removal to make up the loss from Cleansing Ire but the damage does lack a little, I’ve been experimenting on getting that higher since I posted by using Hoelbrak runes.

Still dusting off the Warrior but this thread was mostly aimed at the duration of resistance and quickness that an unskilled player like myself could achieve, I’m sure Warrior mains could do a lot better and I am definitely going to try Leadership runes now thanks :D

Leadership does team-wide convert 2 boons on elite use, kitten cd. That said, you can avoid heavy condi pressure without cleansing ire by taking a range weapon for kiting, and properly using your resistance (not talking max boon duration either, but timely use XD )

Here’s the boon duration vid. Crit rate is pretty low for a power build, and even when it crit it didnt feel like it hit hard enough. Especially against those thieves who I needed to go down easier than not.

I’m uploading the match I did straight after to show you the comparison.

What’s the go with that thief at 5:40 when you down him? He just glides across the ground lol

Hack or lag? Never seen that before 0.o

Anyway that first mid was fantastic to watch until their whole team arrived

Some bug occurred to do with the animation, what he was doing, when and how he went down, and how the server/client processed it all. He was down where he landed, but I couldn’t be sure/figure it out as… yeah he just kept sliding as far as the client my end was concerned XD

From about 5:20 for anyone wondering wtf we’re talking about

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Ive run a variant of this in WvW. If it’s anywhere as brokenly OP in sPvP as it is there then it’s something that needs to be looked at IMO. As long as there is access to boon duration in sPvP, the cooldown on Zerker Stance and Healing Signet active needs to be upped, or Resistance boon itself needs to be tweaked.

(edited by roamzero.9486)

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Ive run a variant of this in WvW. If it’s anywhere as brokenly OP in sPvP as it is there then it’s something that needs to be looked at IMO. As long as there is access to boon duration in sPvP, the cooldown on Zerker Stance and Healing Signet active needs to be upped, or Resistance boon itself needs to be tweaked.

High resistance uptime might look amazing on paper (and depending on the meta, or just what you’re fighting at the time it is). But as soon as you bring something simple as a mesmer into the mix who’s running shattered concentration, or knows hot to handle a solid null field (I know some who’d swear by iDisencanter too) all that strength evaporates and the resistant reliant warrior is in for the kitten.

So sure, if there’s some big rise in wars with long duration resistance, you’ll quickly find boon ripping builds arise that’ll shut it down hard and fast. Because, it’s that easy XD

Perma quickness/resistant Warrior build.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

If you could maintain full might stacks through LB and blasts, you could run a hybrid damage build with team support.

Not really sure on the second weapon set. Everybody loves a shield, axe provides that power burst, though sword provides more mobility. Both have leap finishers attached, so can proc fire shields. Stats are fairly bruiser worthy too. Maybe I’ll run it by the warrior subforum and see what they think.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)