Permanent heal

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

I fought against a DH last night that was continually healing for like 30 sec. Any damage taken was almost immediately healed. After I was killed I watched him do the same thing to my teammate. I have to believe thst most of his healing should have been on cool down. Is this a hack or does a trap build DH really have that much healing?

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Which traps was he running other than the heal? Guardians have many ways to heal. Was the healing a steady flow every second from regen or was it more bursty every few seconds? They can trait to make symbols heal, meditation skills heal etc. The trap heal gives a large amount (nearly 10k with healing power). Was he dealing burst comparable to a thief or power shatter mesmer?

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

It was like every attack I dealt was healed after I landed it. Seemed like too much to be regen. After I died, my teammate burst him down like 50% and that was immediately healed. It’s hard to say what his dps was like because there was someone ranging me at the same time…

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


It was like every attack I dealt was healed after I landed it. Seemed like too much to be regen. After I died, my teammate burst him down like 50% and that was immediately healed. It’s hard to say what his dps was like because there was someone ranging me at the same time…

Might be sanctuary, you just didn’t see the dome.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


My advice: don’t report until you know beyond a reasonable doubt that they’re hacking. I remember using phase traversal teleporting to someone past an obstruction in Forest. It was the central node and normally to reach where I teleported you’d need to take a long back way but I went from the center node to the stairs on the way to the vantage point and thought, “I can’t believe that worked” and, “Hope they know I’m not hacking.”

Then you have mesmers and their, “I can’t believe they aren’t hacks!” mechanics. So yeah, just because it seems like a hack doesn’t mean it is.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


It was like every attack I dealt was healed after I landed it. Seemed like too much to be regen. After I died, my teammate burst him down like 50% and that was immediately healed. It’s hard to say what his dps was like because there was someone ranging me at the same time…

Or It wasnt a guardian, but a warrior with Defiant Stance. 30 sec CD.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

He had procession of blades so i’m sure

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


It was like every attack I dealt was healed after I landed it. Seemed like too much to be regen. After I died, my teammate burst him down like 50% and that was immediately healed. It’s hard to say what his dps was like because there was someone ranging me at the same time…

That’s very vague. How much damage did you do?

With high healing power, regen and Absolute Resolution a DH can easily heal 0,5k/sec.
Plus heal on attack, on skill etc.
50% health is easily possible with his heal skill.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Is mender’s dragonhunter meta and did it finally graduate from its bronzestomper role from season 1?

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Blue Hare.8612

Blue Hare.8612

Is mender’s dragonhunter meta and did it finally graduate from its bronzestomper role from season 1?

Mender + Symbol of Faith heals about 600 per second, and when traited, the symbol has almost permanent uptime. I fooled around with it some time ago.

Pic from lobby:


{Lepus Timidus}

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: lead.7543


First investigate what the game provides:

Rune of the Dolyak
#Regenerate health every second

Rune of Dwayna
#10% Regeneration Duration
#25% chance when struck to gain Regeneration for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 45 seconds)
20% Regeneration Duration
when you use a heal skill, you and all nearby allies gain Regeneration for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)

Case closed.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: geekilo.8512


It depends on the build
Sometimes, i run zerker DH, my HP sits at 12k. F2 heals for 4k, trap heals for 6k. It’s the same effect with thief because of our small health pool, it seem like we heal for alot.

On the other hand, I also run mender medi DH, my HP is sitting at 17k and 1k healing power, each medi skill heal for like 2.5k, F2 heals for 5.2k, shelter heals for 5k+2.5k from the traits and Renewed Focus which reset F2. The amount of heal is crazy but it’s more of a sustain build.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


I cant say for certain but a similar thing happened to me, but i was on the receiving end.
I was playing my warrior on the forest map, and i wasnt losing any health.. At all.. I 1v1 against a necro. I knew i was going to get slaughtered, but for some weird reason.. I wasn’t getting hurt. I seemed to just heal up, and he was throwing everything at me.
Didnt see anyone healing me or helping me.. So i’m guessing its a bug??

Didnt get hurt or damaged during that whole match. It was very strange. It felt like i had the passive non-combat health regen active while fighting.

Like any true evil player, i tried to recreate the bug in the next match, but didnt have any luck

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


I fought against a DH last night that was continually healing for like 30 sec. Any damage taken was almost immediately healed. After I was killed I watched him do the same thing to my teammate. I have to believe thst most of his healing should have been on cool down. Is this a hack or does a trap build DH really have that much healing?

Did he dodge a lot?

You probably did face some guy merging DH with bunker guard spec.

Does he was able to give a lot of damage or more sustain damage? (cleric ammy don’t do that much, but with traps it’s better)

What you describe in the quote, is the experience of being in 1v1 versus a bunker guard. You can’t beat him more than he can heal / protect / cleanse.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


im pretty new in pvp, did a few 100 matches, and i definitely also got the impression of hacked pvp. a lot. everything i checked on so far confirmed my suspicions. like i wondered how long you can stay in stealth, because lots of thieves use it at will for as long as they want.

i made a thief and took everything stealth relevant, skills, increased duration and energy regen stuff to be able to use it as often as possible. i found out that you can get a stealth combo from pistol, but all that stuff is animated and requires energy. i couldnt see a legit way to play like those thieves i saw. also, i am unable to port 3 times in a row in downstate. it was obvious from the start, but i still checked on it.

i stopped playing, because you know when youre up against bads, and losing against people you outplay for a long time, not doing anything to them, but they oneshot you as soon as they get you, which would happen in a matter of secs with skilled players, but those dont deal that much dmg. they arent that resilient. and they sure arent that stupid.

if you are all that good, isnt the “having all advantages guy, that plays like a kitten” obvious ? one stupid warrior runned away from me the whole distance between the strongholds in the “war of the ancients” map. i dont know why, because i kept up with him, attacked relentlessly.. and got consistently 0 dmg feedback. he took 0 dmg for like half a minute.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I have never seen a hacker and ive played pvp for quite a while. I have seen a couple of botters, thats all.
There is a couple of expoits, also a couple of ‘putting mechanics to good use’ that seem like exploting if you dont know, how it works. There might also be some bugs.
But no hacks. Literally. Everything you see is completely legit.
Your thief thing f.E. it is totally possible to maintain almost perma stealth. It is just not very viable.
And trust me: if a thief would hack, they would get something better than stealth.
You might meet some hackers in custom arenas, but rated play is being overwatched and monitored.
Oh and: you cant port three times, but there are teamskills that can tp you around in downstate. Thief is also one of the best classes to avoid getting stomped, they suck in down vs down and are easily cleaved tho.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


sounds exactly like those excuses from people i know are frauds. sorry, but thats my experience for real. the most hacked games literally have the most blatant deniers, and they always claim “never seen..”, except after general agreement, which you work against. then its “maybe a speedhack a year. just the obvious one everyone complains about.”

i said i cant port 3 times in a row. i assume another thief all alone by himself cant either. thats what i saw. its not only stealth, they also have no energy issues and spam skills that are supposed to have cds.

maybe those guys figured it all out and time their skills perfectly, but like i said, why are they so stupid and anything but like a skilled player then ? i have no problems being outplayed. but losing while noticing a bad player just ignored all your dmg, and needs like 2 buttons to kill you, after you losd him again and again to get several full rotations out with barely an effect.

i know there are technical explanations for a lot of stuff. but idc, this game feels too fake to bother.

it will get worse and worse soon, seen it, have fun with silly pvp and silly excuses here.

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


There can be some really wonky off meta builds you run into every once in awhile, that while not great, can make you go “what the…”

I havn’t pvp’d a ton, but a decent bit since beta, and I haven’t ever personally met any hackers, only a handful of (suspected) botters.

When they do hack its usually speed hacks + teleport hacks. I’ve never heard of a stealth or heal hack.

Also sometimes (very very rarely) there are wonky bugs that have never been recreated. I was once invis to one enemy for half a match. Yet could attack (not stealth, could see my attacks but not target me). No idea how it happened.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


well, i had dcs, which i usually never ever have, during pvp. right before/after a stomp.

there are of course hacks for heals. in some games, healers are fotm (or foty whatever). fotm means a lot of players play it. and there sure is demand for such hacks. in fact, i know exactly how that looks ingame what the te described. like everything you do, no matter what or when, gets exactly matched.. its obviously fishy.

and bots are hacks btw, their ai is a third program, like hacks. and in wow those stupid interrupt bots fe, those are hacks aswell.

exploiting means achieving st in the game only with gamecode. so you shouldnt mention that, because its st entirely different. much less harmfull, and thats why certain people call everything exploits.

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Well. I will not assume you are a bad player but honestly, a lot of the things you talk about sound a lot like l2p issues. Saying ‘thieves stealth too much’ makes as much sense as ‘you cant counterplay dragonhunter traps’.
You also yourself admitted you only played a ‘few hundred games’ it is natural you dont understand everything thats going on. And it clearly means you are not in position to judge wether or not another player is ‘bad’.
I belong to the kind of people who get called hacker once in a while (not in gw2 tho) for no reason but the opponents stupidity.
I will not deny it is possible to meet a hacker, but my long term experience in gaming has led me to one conclusion: People who actually use hacks are obvious. If you ask yourself if someone might use hacks, or if nobody else is suspicous of that player, that player is to 90+% not a hacker.
You see something, you cant explain it. That does not mean, there is no explanation.
You should also look at your opponents gear. Every! hacker in a major title like guild wars will eventually get caught, pretty soon usually. So no sane person will ever use a hack on their main account.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


first of all, you changed my argument and quoted me wrong. i said i wanted to figure out the stealth mechanics, which is why i looked into the thief mechanics. to see if it explains the behaviour i saw in pvp. and it doesnt. some thieves use stealth at will, literally 10 times in a row if necessary, without any animations or energy drain. and it was just an example.

i completely understood other games though, and i see the same kitten here. thats why i said i dont even bother with the mechanics anymore. i checked the thief thing and got my answer. i see forum posts and recognize patterns. its all the same, over and over in every game.

im not the best player, i actually dont care much how good i am. but i do believe im above average (like everybody here) i won most 1vs1, and if not, i got away pretty often. maybe its just because i played mesmer, but when i played, people here said only chronobla is viable and i dont own the expansion. i play condi with my own build, which i assume would be considered crappy. i have twice as much best stats than games played as a solo qer, probably doesnt say much, but its not bad at least.

i consider myself experienced enough to recognize the same kitten i dealt with in other games. i have no doubt in my mind that its exactly the same thing, like the excuses, the exact same thing. like that healing hack, there was a thread just a month ago in another forum about that hack.

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Ok…I do not know, why I continue this discussion, but here we go.
Ive taken a few minutes to read up on this stuff and find out, what kind of hacks are actually out there.
90% of everything are bots. There is obviously no reason you should have a problem with them in pvp. Most of them are more like movement scripts to complete jumping puzzles etc.
Every ‘actual’ hack for gw2 is completely obvious. Fly, teleport…you will be able to tell if they are using it. There is also some wallhack, completely useless for spvp direct combat.
It is appearently really hard for hacks to use the game itself. So like a healing or stealth hack. The skill stuff is likely to be calacualted serverside, so there is virtually nothing you can do about it with the information sent by your client.
I dont know in detail, how this stuff works, but the only way I could think of is if your client makes the game think you are using a ‘fake’ skill, that you dont really have, and appearently they have done something about that, since virtually nobody offers these kind of hacks.
That mean: if it A) works with the game mechanics b) has any sort of visual effect or animation c) is related to damage or healing, it is probably not! a hack.
So stop being a cospirationist. It looks like a duck, smells like a duck, sounds like a duck. Perhaps it is just a kittening duck. Just cause you were unable to fly in your first few hours of a duck existence doesnt mean other ducks shouldnt. (the metaphor might be lacking)

You basically act like a conspirationist. You are completely resistent to common sense, just because you read soemthing about the temperature of jet fuel…

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


aha the server excuse, the hacks you listed already contradict your sovereign server argument. so you did a quick search and now youre up to date ? now you know whats up huh ? .-)

thats honestly equally annoying than cheats ingame, hypocrites denying them. without silly advantages, they cant compete, so their fun is over as soon as they have to play legit. thats why they always avoid a discussion. they drop excuses and get personal. rince and repeat. but thats really all they have to offer. there is no reason to fear them, just because they have a big mouth. theyre like aggressive chihuahuas, good for a laugh at best. and dont fear to be perceived as a bad player, or dumb, or a noob, when you know whats up.

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


You know what? Go ahead. who am I to deny yout o live in your own world if it makes you happy? If you need an excuse, its fine with me. If constantly pretending people were hacking makes you so upset you stop playing the game, it wont bother me either.
Just…for the sake of future discussion, perhaps about more serious topics: try to base your arguments on facts not feelings, would you.
The point is: I actually took the time to look this up, you didnt. I did the calculation that easily proves a perma heal guardian is possible, you didnt. And no matter what I tell you, you just say im wrong.
Base your on world facts and not facts on your world. But that is really just an advice to live by. I do not intend to be offensive towards you in any way, I do not intent to justify my own position.
Have fun being miserable. ^^

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


i played the game when it came out. a thief stayed in stealth during combat and just hit with knife standard and insane high alacrity. i found out, that there was a tiny procc chance for alacrity, but that thief, i remember the name, st like jaggard, had it constantly. and those who attack while in stealth after the opener are the worst kind of cowards. i dont want to play with such people. so i quit.

guess who i met first day playing again ? thats right, jaggard, right away, no kidding. theres a lot of hacking going on, as a mesmer you can kind of dance around people and observe them. looks pretty bad.

i did base my words on facts. and regarding the healing hack, i just said it exists and is en vogue in another game. which has teleports and spoofed data and everything like here too, so it might just be the same again.

i said a thief cant port 3 times in arow, down and alone. you said the team did it. basically ignoring my statement and making an excuse, and that is not a discussion.

and i seriously doubt that you looked up anything. youre in vc with someone praising the server excuse. next to admitting hacks that contradict sovereign server checks. you dont even know what you are talking about.

its just about pretending and insisting. and referring to stuff unrelated, i didnt discuss the healskills with you, that was another one. so you cant even distinguish between a few people when you adress them.. i wonder how that looks ingame.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I do realize you are not the creator of this thread, you did adress the ‘healing’ problem at at least two occasions.

I am not going to continue our discussion on hacking in general. You ahve an opinion, so do I.

But there is one thing I would ask you to do: If you have any suspicion your opponent may be hacking: why dont you just start recording. The effort is downloading a free programm and clicking one one button when you see someone.
This allows your fellow players to validate your opinion and tell you, if you actually met a hacker. This allows also to report people accurately and make sure they are banned.
Cant think of a contrary argument. If you actually meet that amount of hackers, it would be pretty selfish, not to do anything about it, wouldnt it be?

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


ingame, i actually just want to play and not mess around with tickets. i looked if there is an easy way. but cheating isnt categorized. and i doubt anet cares, i saw jaggard right away, and such people dont play legit. he probably played constantly since release unpunished.

i actually did record hacks. all it does is proving that companies dont care anymore. it really started back in 11 i think, numerous people sent screens and vids about hackers on the biggest wow pvp server in eu. but blizzard ignored them all.

since then im sure modtools became serious business. theres some pretty ridicolous evidence out there, like people killing entire cities on their own..

i would probably do it if i could assume integrity. but i think anet wants just to hide the truth. jaggard is still around, so they really dont care.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Then do it for me. The next time you meet a ‘permastealth’ thief, gimme the vid and I will be able to name you the used skills, initiative and cooldowns at any point of the fight.
Or maybe im in for a suprise, and you can confirm your observations, who knows…

Ohh and: this got pretty popular. I recommend you to read the text too.

Finally, to turn away from our private war and add something related to the op:
Using the build editor, I cam e up with a guard, that should give a healing of over 91000 over the duration of 30 seconds. That is entirely theoretical, you will never get to that number ingame, but it might explain things.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

A: Teleporting in down state is a teleport hack, they do exist and are easy to get your hands on. They do work, even in down state.

B: Boon, skill, and damage hacks do NOT exist. They are handled SERVER side, not client side, the only way to achieve those types of hacks would be to hack the server itself which is not viable for anyone except a select few

C: Extremely few gaming companies will ban people for hacking/botting unless it is completely and totally 100% undeniable and there is no way, shape, or form for it to be disputed. Most gaming companies ban HUGE masses of players at once for such infractions as a ‘publicity stunt’ type deal as it generally gets people talking about the game for a while. This is more a of kill 2 birds with one stone deal (free marketing & ban bot/hacks) and most will deny this practice but it is very obvious/blatant.

D: I have done EXTENSIVE research into hacks/bots in ALL online games I play just so I am to identify, record, and publish videos of hack/boters to youtube as well as send a link to the games support team. The only hacks in GW2 are:

Flying (Self explanatory)
Speed strafing (moving left or right at high speed)
Super speed (running at extreme speed not actually obtainable in game)
Super Jump (like flying but it is just a modified jump),
Wall clipping (walk through walls/objects)
Full clipping (ability to clip through anything wall clipping doesn’t allow (such as the map floor)
Endurance hack (gives every class a 3rd dodge bar but will cause the user to dc if they try to use a 4th dodge bar, unknown if Daredevil can use a 4th without crashing)
Teleport (A few variation thereof, most common is click to teleport and teleport to coordinate)
Radars (usually used for WvW, a hack that shows enemies on your minimap)
There are a few others but are EXTREMELY limited in functionality and aren’t feasible outside very specific parts of the game and can not in any shape or way be used in pvp.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

being rather intimate on the knowledge of what hackers/botters look like in GW2 I can Bhappily say I’ve seen only one hacker/boter (was both at once) in about 4 months now. The majority of hackers are found in WvW as hacking is not worthwhile in most other game types

Anyone who plays all gametypes equally (like I used to do) will tell you that there are extremely few hackers in pve/pvp, and the occasional few in wvw.

I would actually link a website that hosts a hacking program just to prove that certain features such as damage or stealth hacks do NOT exist, but I’m sure it’d be against the EULA or something the other. If you honestly want to do your own work to figure it out, youtube some hacking showcases where people show off their hacks (and make sure it isn’t extremely out of date as anet has actually made certain hacks no longer possible).

If you do find a hack that allows skill/boon/trait/stealth etc type hacks please be sure to let the support team know about it.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Nice research. Pretty much seconds the impression I got from my first few google searches. Glad to hear I didnt miss anything yesterday. I dont know about hackers in wvw, dont play it. But there may be more of them than I encounter in spvp.(none)
I also like how the uploaders themselves tell people not to annoy anyone with their hacks or they wont last.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


ingame, i actually just want to play and not mess around with tickets. i looked if there is an easy way. but cheating isnt categorized. and i doubt anet cares, i saw jaggard right away, and such people dont play legit. he probably played constantly since release unpunished.

i actually did record hacks. all it does is proving that companies dont care anymore. it really started back in 11 i think, numerous people sent screens and vids about hackers on the biggest wow pvp server in eu. but blizzard ignored them all.

since then im sure modtools became serious business. theres some pretty ridicolous evidence out there, like people killing entire cities on their own..

i would probably do it if i could assume integrity. but i think anet wants just to hide the truth. jaggard is still around, so they really dont care.

post videos of the hacks plz, cant wait to see your video of a theif comboing off his smoke field lol……. the only real hack that legit helps with pvp is the radar thing.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


I would actually link a website that hosts a hacking program just to prove that certain features such as damage or stealth hacks do NOT exist

the first gw hacks vid i saw on yt was a thief harassing a raid in wvw. he stayed below geometry, which made him invisible. there is also a name for that related to gamemechanics, its called stealth. i think it was even a pretty famous case where anet deleted his char during a stream (good job btw) so.. there obviously is a way to stealth hack, inspite of your caps.

if you claim some gamemechanics dont exist, yet they do, youre considered a newb (for good reason) but a newb really doesnt know. if you clearly deny st (with caps and pseudo stuff to put some irrelevant weight to it) there might be more to it though.

like the server excuse for spoofed data is irrelevant, if gm mode has been cracked. then youll have a noticeable increase in dcs aswell, so judge for yourself.

just imagine how silly those people are, and some want to protect business. they will lie, attack legit complaints, try to impress you with pseudo bs, hoping youre an idiot, and rant..

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I agree someone looks very silly here indeed.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


I agree someone looks very silly here indeed.

since you insult without any given reason, i have to agree. but there are more for sure.

btw one way to dismiss evidence in case it shows up, is starting trouble. i mean you cant discuss with silly people anyway, but theyll spam insults until the thread gets closed. should give you a hint about the company aswell if that happens consistently.

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


DH cleric guard is extremely powerful with the right build and duo partner…

To give an idea, imagine that Aegis heals, imagine that Aegis AoE heals when it’s blocked, now imagine that Cleric Guardian dispensing AoE Aegis onto Mesmer Clones just from blocking attacks without using any skills….. Now imagine using those skills to dispense more AoE Aegis… Or we can just dodge for 2k AoE heals.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I agree someone looks very silly here indeed.

since you insult without any given reason, i have to agree. but there are more for sure.

btw one way to dismiss evidence in case it shows up, is starting trouble. i mean you cant discuss with silly people anyway, but theyll spam insults until the thread gets closed. should give you a hint about the company aswell if that happens consistently.

You insulted yourself in my humble opinion. You called the other side of the argument silly, and I decided to agree with your point that some people look silly.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: shagwell.1349


Eles healing the conquest npc is pretty stupid (in combination with diamond skin). With two eles stacking it’s impossible to get something down without everyone bunkering at the own lord.

[orz] below mediocre – we sponsor Arenanet
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

It was like every attack I dealt was healed after I landed it. Seemed like too much to be regen. After I died, my teammate burst him down like 50% and that was immediately healed. It’s hard to say what his dps was like because there was someone ranging me at the same time…

Its likely he was using a variation of
with menders amulet
It has tons of self healing and some healing for allies as well as a good % on protection uptime.

The damage however is absolute crap and thus it’s only good if 1vX for contesting points or when you have allies nearby to range nuke while enemies focus you.

Generally speaking its best to just ignore a guardian using this as their damage is laughable & nuke their allies instead.
Only go after the guard if you have multiple allies nearby, lots of boon corrupt or lots of CC as thats the only way you will down them.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

DH cleric guard is extremely powerful with the right build and duo partner…

To give an idea, imagine that Aegis heals, imagine that Aegis AoE heals when it’s blocked, now imagine that Cleric Guardian dispensing AoE Aegis onto Mesmer Clones just from blocking attacks without using any skills….. Now imagine using those skills to dispense more AoE Aegis… Or we can just dodge for 2k AoE heals.

This ^ is hyperbole at its best.

AEGIS can heal true, but at best its just over 1k, and only the person it’s on.

The dodge heal is more or less 1k and requires endurance to use so at best you will get 3 every 12 seconds if you can keep vigor up permanently _(guardian cannot do that themselves)

This all also requires you sacrifice the vast majority of your offenses and be little more then a heal bot, one that is outdone easily by a druid or ele BTW due to their increased CC &possibly damage potential while doing the same or better healing.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


You insulted yourself in my humble opinion. You called the other side of the argument silly, and I decided to agree with your point that some people look silly.

yes i called hackers silly, thats very true. so you think the other side of the argument are hackers then. interesting.

and your humble opinion about insults may be very interesting aswell, but i really dont see any value in such unrelated statements. it adds nothing new, informative, or relevant to the topic.

such statements just hurt talk culture in a thread, at the end its just about stupid insults, which is pointless (for legit players)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


You insulted yourself in my humble opinion. You called the other side of the argument silly, and I decided to agree with your point that some people look silly.

yes i called hackers silly, thats very true. so you think the other side of the argument are hackers then. interesting.

and your humble opinion about insults may be very interesting aswell, but i really dont see any value in such unrelated statements. it adds nothing new, informative, or relevant to the topic.

such statements just hurt talk culture in a thread, at the end its just about stupid insults, which is pointless (for legit players)

I’ve heard that hackers can’t melt steel beams.

On topic that’s unlikely to be a hacker while uncommon there are still some bunker guards/DH that could do what you described.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Khales…would you do yourself and us a favour and let it go already?
You admittedly are an inexperienced player, yet you claim to be able to judge by someones combat performance, whether they are using hacks or not.
Due to the fact that very few people complain about hacking, and all confirmed hacks are rather obvious it is unlikey, tho not completely impossible you have encountered such hackers.
So as long as you keep insisting you met hackers but are unable and unwilling to provide any hard evidence or proof for your qualification to judge, you are in fact making yourself look pretty stupid.
If you have a theorie, thats completely fine, but if you can not back it up in any way I would advise you to keep it to yourself.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


DH cleric guard is extremely powerful with the right build and duo partner…

To give an idea, imagine that Aegis heals, imagine that Aegis AoE heals when it’s blocked, now imagine that Cleric Guardian dispensing AoE Aegis onto Mesmer Clones just from blocking attacks without using any skills….. Now imagine using those skills to dispense more AoE Aegis… Or we can just dodge for 2k AoE heals.

This ^ is hyperbole at its best.

AEGIS can heal true, but at best its just over 1k, and only the person it’s on.

The dodge heal is more or less 1k and requires endurance to use so at best you will get 3 every 12 seconds if you can keep vigor up permanently _(guardian cannot do that themselves)

This all also requires you sacrifice the vast majority of your offenses and be little more then a heal bot, one that is outdone easily by a druid or ele BTW due to their increased CC &possibly damage potential while doing the same or better healing.

The heal does just over 2k on dodge. This is my build though, otherwise as base then yes it’s rather low.

The tooltip is correct to your statement but doesn’t apply itself like that… The tooltip on Aegis heals is for that person who has the Aegis, but once blocked it has a 180 radius I think, very small but still noticeable. Another case of an incorrect tooltip is the Daze Mantra from Mesmer which also has a 180 radius to it even though it’s meant to be single focus.

You are right, it has next to no damage, for mine I run s/f m/s and that’s only for block abuse, heal abuse and blind spam, ontop of a our diamond skin (Hunters Fortification) in the DH line which makes us immune to conditions via blocks of which we excel at but like I said in my first sentence “DH cleric guard is extremely powerful with the right build and duo partner”… The build is next to useless with PUGS so instead I run a CORE build variant in soloq (refer to pic), the DH build I have in mind has been built in tune with a mesmer running inspirations trait line but either way all the heals are there

If you were worried about vigor, I believe the Energy sigil has you covered and maybe the Honor trait line if the passive vigor on crit is still there.

I’m just a scrub who enjoys making weird builds, but the heals on Guardian CAN be next to permanent.


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


Khales…would you do yourself and us a favour and let it go already?
You admittedly are an inexperienced player, yet you claim to be able to judge by someones combat performance, whether they are using hacks or not.
Due to the fact that very few people complain about hacking, and all confirmed hacks are rather obvious it is unlikey, tho not completely impossible you have encountered such hackers.
So as long as you keep insisting you met hackers but are unable and unwilling to provide any hard evidence or proof for your qualification to judge, you are in fact making yourself look pretty stupid.
If you have a theorie, thats completely fine, but if you can not back it up in any way I would advise you to keep it to yourself.

i described a situation you ignored, i insist because i know what happened. you said it must have been the team, but you cant know, yet you still deny/insist.

then the way you argue, you cant even distinguish between a few people in a simple “discussion”, and you have no idea what you are talking about, thats why you contradicted yourself more than once..

no, of course i wont let it go .-) imagine you want to say st you know is true. then someone denies it, ignores reason and tries to be persuasive with caps, claims and unrelated bs. then other people show up (who cant differentiate either, same issues. and silly people always cry for help) then insults of course. and now youre begging me to shut up .-)

i know certain people are scared by this topic. in pvp they run around with their combat scripts, unable to figure out whos who, like here. as soon as they are forced to play legit, theyre done.

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Who used caps?
Honestly my friend, you have not brought a single valid argument over this entire discussion. All you do is trying to turn semantic mistakes of ours against us.
You have described a single scenario, that you have tried to ‘replicate’ unsuccesfully.
You can easily get 12 seconds of stealth from one smoke field. If that stealth run out, you have regained 12 initiative and can get another 9 seconds and so on. That does not even require utility skills or the option, to shadowstep>IA>IA>Shadow return. Or stolen skills like the stealth you get from some illusions…or traits.
Combat is also a very unclear situation. Thats why I asked you for video footage. Your brain is overprocessing, therefore speeding up your suspective feeling of time passed. If you think your oponent used 10 seconds of stealth, it was more likely 4-6 seconds in reality.
If you want to, I can easily record a few hundred hours of of pvp gameplay without ever meeting anything remotely suspicous. Would take a while ofc.
Did you know, that people ‘know ’ that god exists and the theory of evolution is a lie.
People ’know’ they have been abducted by aliens? (That is probabaly ‘unrelated bs’ isnt it? ^^)
And by the way, I am still fully aware of who im talking to, I have not insulted you at any time (at least I did not intend to)

(edited by Asrat.2645)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


I’ve heard that hackers can’t melt steel beams.

On topic that’s unlikely to be a hacker while uncommon there are still some bunker guards/DH that could do what you described.

look, i didnt make this thread. that was someone else, ok ? seems really hard to grasp for some reason (or peers)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Khales.3198


Who used caps?
Honestly my friend, you have not brought a single valid argument over this entire discussion. All you do is trying to turn semantic mistakes of ours against us.
You have described a single scenario, that you have tried to ‘replicate’ unsuccesfully.
You can easily get 12 seconds of stealth from one smoke field. If that stealth run out, you have regained 12 initiative and can get another 9 seconds and so on. That does not even require utility skills or the option, to shadowstep>IA>IA>Shadow return. Or stolen skills like the stealth you get from some illusions…or traits.
Combat is also a very unclear situation. Thats why I asked you for video footage. Your brain is overprocessing, therefore speeding up your suspective feeling of time passed. If you think your oponent used 10 seconds of stealth, it was more likely 4-6 seconds in reality.
If you want to, I can easily record a few hundred hours of of pvp gameplay without ever meeting anything remotely suspicous. Would take a while ofc.
Did you know, that people ‘know ’ that god exists and the theorie of evolution is a lie.
People ’know’ they have been abducted by aliens? (That is probabaly ‘unrelated bs’ isnt it? ^^)
And by the way, I am still fully aware of who im talking to, I have not insulted you at any time (at least I did not intend to)

so why did you respond to me about st someone else wrote, if you are fully aware like you claim again ? its again, a contradiction.

and you already claimed that i have an issue with just stealth duration, thats why i already answered that. i already said that you changed my argument, and tried to explain what i mean. that was obviously pointless. so why would that be any different now ? why should i take someones “insight” in gamemechanics srsly who cant process simple sentences and has no attention span, who doesnt even know what hes talking about and to whom ?

and those random bs at the end again. its the same like caps, totally empty. whatever those people you mention know, its probably more than you do. you should start googling semantics btw, because you chose to use that word, and you sure have issues with it.

(edited by Khales.3198)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


English is not my native language. Furthermore: with all the time I already spend at this forums I honestly do not want to waste much time in discusson a topic like this.
I have to thank you actually: Ive done some research in the psychological reasons why people refuse to question their own position. And I find these sorts of topics extremely interesting. I would also ask you to not get offtopic. there is literally no connection between me being too lazy to correct typos and my ability to discuss the issue.

I was again referring to the stealth example, because it was your most prominent. And also the one that proves where you are undoubtly wrong.
The ‘downed teleport’ for example can be explained, but if you sincerely say, that you saw a downed player teleporting several times, that player was probably an actual hacker.
But…we can not tell this for sure. That is why we asked you again and again to provide any evidence for your claim. If you actually encounter hackers, that should not be hard to provide at all. Again: a single click on a hotkey and you are recording.
I like to see myself as a reasonable person. If you can provide me with evidence, I will gladly believe it, I will not try to to deny it based on ridiculous claims.
But unless you do so, everything you say here is just a way for you, to feel better about yourself, because it doesnt force you to correct flaws in your gameplay.

Because they’re “evidence” that dark forces are at work in the world and actively working to subvert the lives of normal people through nefarious means. Believe it or not this is an attractive idea for a lot of people who like to believe that their lives aren’t as good as they could be because of the forces gathered against them rather than their own failings.

Conspiracy theories also “prove” that the dark forces have been caught out doing something and haven’t covered their tracks as well as they think. They’ve made a mistake and the forces of good have revealed them for what they are.

It goes a step further because conspiracy theorists who have discovered “the truth” know that they’re part of an elite club who can see behind the lies and discern the facts from the deliberate fiction. Everyone else is just a mindless sheep to a conspiracy theorist who has managed to rise above the ignorant herd and discover what really likes behind the facade the evil have put up to fool the foolish.

A good conspiracy theory lets someone feel clever about their ability to spot the work of evil people while everyone else has the wool pulled over their eyes.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their own ineptitude and evaluate their own ability accurately. Their research also suggests corollaries: highly skilled individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others. Source

…one of the great secrets of human nature is that the one thing people want more than love, security, sex, chocolate or big-screen TV’s is to feel hard done by. Why? Because being hard done by is the kitten. Feeling hard done by is the sweetest of drugs. If you’re being persecuted — it must mean you’re doing the right thing, right? You get the mellow buzz of the moral high ground, but without arrogantly claiming it as your own. You get an instant, supportive community in a big dark scary world of such scope it may well literally be beyond rational human processing. When you are hard done by, you get purpose in a life where otherwise, you’d have to find your own. And when you ride that high, then no amount of logic, no pointing out that in actuality you and your beliefs are at a high point of popularity and influence for the last hundred years — is going to pry that sweet crack-pipe of moral indignation from your hands.

I can not with any certainty say, that I am not influenced by any of the above effects. I can only try to observe and question myself at every given moment. Due to the fact, that I have some kind of inferiority complex and suffer from extreme self-hatred, I am less likely to be a victim of f.E. dunning kruger. It is ofc still possible.

The reason, why I will give up discussing with you for good now. You will eventually have to find the truth yourself. I wish you all the best.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


ive fought bots which is the closest thing there is to these combat scripts… and the reason im sort of writing you off here is because ive been playing mmo pvp since 1998, and since 1998 there has always been a difference between obvious hacking ie speed hacks flying hacks and whatnot and someone just being so good that to the casual player it seems as though they are hacking in a way to make all their skills land and never be hit. At one point i was even one of the people like you, i would accuse people of hacking and then i started getting better (speaking from Ultima Online experience) and i started getting accused of hacking. It can be a frustrating experience for both parties. When i gott better and learned all the game mechanics you start to notice little things that you once thought werre hacking or something and now you realize its just a mechanic that you werent all that familiar with.

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S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA