Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Argilla.8340


I’m just sick of fighting the same premade over and over again

It’s literally killing the game, just bring back Solo ranked

^ Link to Petition ^

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Argilla.8340


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

Your logic is flawed because all you’re saying is that some premades should feel good about themself cuz they’re farming 5 kittens with 0 communication between them

While I agree that this is a teamgame, putting premades vs full soloq won’t benefit anyone, it wont make the TeamQ’ers better and it will just destroy the experience for the soloq’ers

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: laokoko.7403


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

I don’t understand the logic in it. If you are a team. Why would you want to fight against a bunch of solo queue players?

and if that’s the case just remove solo players from rank arena. Rank should be team only.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


If Ranked was team only then we would have 15m queues on top of 15m queues we already have. #exageration #butseriouslythough

I never liked soloQ. The leaderboards was always a rng joke; it wasn’t competitive. The current system is at least more competitive – forcing you to have some form of communication to your otherwise communicationless team. If you can’t stand the heat, I recommend hotjoins.

I’m actually saddened that I don’t play these premade teams as often as most people do The last time I played against a team like Abjured had to of been 6 months ago…

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Logic is not flawed simply because you say it is. Ranked exists for obvious reasons, Unranked is a place for teams to practice. If they only allowed 5-man teams in these queues, the wait time would be ridiculous because players don’t feel like getting a team together and would rather just solo queue. So by allowing people to solo queue in Unranked and Ranked matches alongside the teams, it gives the teams at least SOMEONE to fight against in the event no other team is available, while also creating the added benefit of allowing solo players to join these matches without going through the trouble of finding a team.

This was designed to be mutually beneficial. Being matched against a team as a solo player is due to the fact that the number of players that can’t be bothered to form a team to queue with outnumber the teams that are queuing. There is also the fact that when queuing solo I have come across many pre-made teams, many of which we won the match against. Having a pre-made team of 5 players is not an automatic win.

Finally, like I mentioned earlier, 5v5 matches are not the place to prove your worth as a solo player. It is designed to be a team effort requiring coordination and communication within the group. What you are looking for are smaller arenas designed for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 battles. It is unfortunate that Anet does not provide this for the large number of players interested in such a set-up, but that is not a reason to bring back solo queue.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I like to solo queue. Just like I enjoy doing pug in pve.

If solo queue is so unimportant, I guess I wont’ be pvping much.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Argilla.8340


Logic is not flawed simply because you say it is. Ranked exists for obvious reasons, Unranked is a place for teams to practice. If they only allowed 5-man teams in these queues, the wait time would be ridiculous because players don’t feel like getting a team together and would rather just solo queue. So by allowing people to solo queue in Unranked and Ranked matches alongside the teams, it gives the teams at least SOMEONE to fight against in the event no other team is available, while also creating the added benefit of allowing solo players to join these matches without going through the trouble of finding a team.

This was designed to be mutually beneficial. Being matched against a team as a solo player is due to the fact that the number of players that can’t be bothered to form a team to queue with outnumber the teams that are queuing. There is also the fact that when queuing solo I have come across many pre-made teams, many of which we won the match against. Having a pre-made team of 5 players is not an automatic win.

Finally, like I mentioned earlier, 5v5 matches are not the place to prove your worth as a solo player. It is designed to be a team effort requiring coordination and communication within the group. What you are looking for are smaller arenas designed for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 battles. It is unfortunate that Anet does not provide this for the large number of players interested in such a set-up, but that is not a reason to bring back solo queue.

Out of your source I can already guess you have average MMR, which ranked is totally fine for

If you’re in the higher brackets you always get matched with really bad people vs full decent premades everytime, which just proves nothing

In the old system you had insta qpops in SoloQ and in TeamQ with full premade almost always against equally skilled teams

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

Solo players are in a team too. Saying “this is a team game” means nothing. OP is not asking for dueling or 1v1 balance or something.

Also, saying “people put in the effort to form a team” also means nothing. Because at this point, it’s just like cheating if you go up against soloers. The fact that other games have solo queues means something. It means that it is bad design to have premades fight against those who are in a team but not in premades.

So once again, in case I haven’t made it clear – “Soloers are team players too. They are just not premades”. Team =/= premades.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Team leaderboard will reward teams for their effort. Not only with the leaderboard prestige (because it will be an ELO leaderboard + decay) but with exclusive rewards at the end of the season. And the final leaderboard positions will mean the access to major tournaments.

The issue is if teams got wins because they chain stomped soloer team. It’s not fun at all for both of sides and it will make team leadeboard a joke.

So Full premade should face only other full premade, NEVER other roster compositions.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Poliator.7021


I sincerely don’t like Solo Queue either. You can get bad matchmaking due to various factors (which leads to occasional full pugs vs full premades, thing that is not common EVEN THOUGH a lot of people insist it is), but we know that competitive matches (future League Ranked matches) don’t punish you for bad matchmaking (the % win mechanic).

So… if suddenly we get an inmense playerbase pool and ANet makes their sPvP teams grow, I’d not be bothered by the addition of SoloQ, but right now, I feel like we are good without it.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Argilla.8340


They could also try this for a week to see how many people actually prefer SoloQ over Ranked and make their decision based on that

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


I think now we are in a “waiting for HoT” spot so the issue is not really big.

But try to consider this scenario (the future scenario).

Hot released- a lot of new stuff, new game mode, new pvp leagues, new team leaderboard.

And most of all. A lot of people. A lot of people will buy the expansion, a lot of people will come back to try the new expansion.

And you have no idea how many complaints will be and how many people will quit the game with the combo “struck in hotm while queuing + facing a full premade when i’m solo”

It will be the worst boomerang ever.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


I like to play with my wife and one of my friend. That is 3 people one of them is a girl, one of them has crappy internet and frequent dc or lagg. Why should we play against a five man premade with teens who have unlimmited freetime teamspeak ect. ? We would loose every match we play.

I agree with the fact you shouldn’t face full premade BUT your friend with bad connection shouldn’t play ranked match.

This is because lag and dc will ruin your experience and the game to the other 2 guys you have in your team.

If sometimes I have a ping > 100 i don’t go ranked and i prefer to do something else.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If it is a queue problem, I suppose there is no way of fixing it.

I don’t get why people keep saying they dont’ like solo queue though. You don’t need to play it. Let other people who enjoy it play it.

Just like I don’t care about 5team vs 5team fight. So I dont’ play it. Now I don’t even want to pvp because there is only 5team vs 5team.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Poison.4875

Phoebe Poison.4875

Oh look another daily skyhamm… err I mean soloq thread. Well no difference, result is likely to be the same.

one of them is a girl, one of them has crappy internet

Being a girl confirmed a disability.

P.S. Obviously +1 on the actual topic even tho it feels hopeless.


Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Necromonger.4970


I really doubt they’ll separate the queue, but i one can hope.
IMO, the alternative is implementing in-game voice comms

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Ironcloud.3892


I really can’t comprehend how anyone could argue against a ranked solo/duoQ, it’s only a positive. Putting solo players (especially newer ones) up against premades isn’t going to suddenly give them the drive to make a team, if anything it’s going to make them stop playing entirely. To an extent the same goes for premades – they generally aren’t going to improve (or have fun) stomping solo players.

You need a way for competitive casual players to actually prove themselves (without the annoyance or fear of potentially facing a premade) so that they THEN can think about moving forward and perhaps creating a team, a thing that isn’t easily achievable with the current iteration of ranked (and slapping on ‘leagues’ probably won’t help).

TeamQ having long q times isn’t really an issue, it’s to be expected considering the population, but at least you’re guaranteed relatively competitive games. With enough incentive and events it should work out.

(edited by Ironcloud.3892)

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Logic is not flawed simply because you say it is. Ranked exists for obvious reasons, Unranked is a place for teams to practice. If they only allowed 5-man teams in these queues, the wait time would be ridiculous because players don’t feel like getting a team together and would rather just solo queue. So by allowing people to solo queue in Unranked and Ranked matches alongside the teams, it gives the teams at least SOMEONE to fight against in the event no other team is available, while also creating the added benefit of allowing solo players to join these matches without going through the trouble of finding a team.

This was designed to be mutually beneficial. Being matched against a team as a solo player is due to the fact that the number of players that can’t be bothered to form a team to queue with outnumber the teams that are queuing. There is also the fact that when queuing solo I have come across many pre-made teams, many of which we won the match against. Having a pre-made team of 5 players is not an automatic win.

Finally, like I mentioned earlier, 5v5 matches are not the place to prove your worth as a solo player. It is designed to be a team effort requiring coordination and communication within the group. What you are looking for are smaller arenas designed for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 battles. It is unfortunate that Anet does not provide this for the large number of players interested in such a set-up, but that is not a reason to bring back solo queue.

Out of your source I can already guess you have average MMR, which ranked is totally fine for

If you’re in the higher brackets you always get matched with really bad people vs full decent premades everytime, which just proves nothing

In the old system you had insta qpops in SoloQ and in TeamQ with full premade almost always against equally skilled teams

Making baseless assumptions about my mmr is pointless, and I’ve been here since launch and getting an instant queue pop was extremely rare. If the game’s sPvP population increased exponentially, I could see a valid reason to leave Unranked as it is and separate Ranked into Solo and Team Queue. But with the current population numbers in sPvP, splitting up the Queues will only make things worse. There were complaints when the queues were split, now of course there is complaints now that the queues are together. Anet is simply taking the most logical route.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Separating Queue back to solo and team is something that will not happen anytime soon.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274


Oh look another daily skyhamm… err I mean soloq thread. Well no difference, result is likely to be the same.

one of them is a girl, one of them has crappy internet

Being a girl confirmed a disability.

P.S. Obviously +1 on the actual topic even tho it feels hopeless.

Well only because I as a boy started to play video games when the first commodore come out, and she as a girl started a few years ago, and never truly got into it. So equality and all, there is a reason why there are few competitive gamer girl, mostly because the math beyond the mechanics bore them, and they never have the competitive mindset during a game like man.

your logic is outstanding. i guess that would explain why a lot of competitive gamer boys are older than you.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


tbh i wouldn’t care about this at all if the system actually matched premades with premades,

3man + 2 pug vs 3man + 2 pug
2man + 2man + 1 vs 2man +2man + 1
4man + pug vs 4man + pug

stuff like that

sadly this is not the case and it happens way too often that it is something like 3man vs 5man pemade.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


The problem here is lack of pvp population…

I would have no problem with solo q mixing with team q if there were an equal amount of partied players on both teams in a match….. but that is almost never the case.

There is almost always a team that gets completely screwed by this system.

Red team has a 3 man party and Blue team is all solo join….
because there wasn’t another party trying to pvp at that exact moment to match up against the red team…. and rather than making you wait in a queue that would divulge how dead the game is….. matchmaking just puts the 3-man team against an all solo join team.

If the system fails matching parties, it should have never been implemented.

…but again anet didn’t care when they did it because it created the illusion that pvp in this game isn’t completely dead.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


The lack of population is because NOW there is no reason to go in ranked and there is no reason to make a team.

That’s all

With this new system, there are A LOT of reasons to go in ranked and make a team.

I recently watched a Wooden potatoes video about pvp leagues (this —> ).

He is a pve and www player and he does spvp only for daily. After this announcement, he is really hyped and he seriously will want to try to show how good he is and where he can end.

At the same way, A LOT of more players (pvers and www players too but in general every players and new players) will do the same thing.

So, avoiding these issues (queue in hotm + soloers vs premade) is very important to avoid they leave early the pvp.

I really hope they don’t miss this chance.

(edited by Phil.8901)

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Israel.7056


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

1.) solo queue was a team game just like team queue was. The teams were just randomly formed in solo queue.

2.) it doesn’t follow that because the game is designed as a team contest that premade teams should be given an unfair advantage against randomly formed ones. It’s possible to match random teams against other random teams and premade teams against other premade teams.

3.) you seem to categorize a 2s or 3s arena team as “not a team.” Why?

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

1.) solo queue was a team game just like team queue was. The teams were just randomly formed in solo queue.

2.) it doesn’t follow that because the game is designed as a team contest that premade teams should be given an unfair advantage against randomly formed ones. It’s possible to match random teams against other random teams and premade teams against other premade teams.

3.) you seem to categorize a 2s or 3s arena team as “not a team.” Why?

1) Hotjoin is also a team game. But much like Solo Queue, it amounted to a bunch of random people running around doing their own thing.

2) This system makes an attempt to match teams against other teams. The problem here is the lack of population in sPvP. Splitting the queues would cause much higher queue times for the pre-made teams, made evident by the fact that solo players are already being matched against them because there is no other team in the queue for them to play against. Causing all of this just because solo players don’t like losing to a pre-made team and can’t be bothered to make their own team is just silly and anet isn’t going to take that route.

3) I never stated 2v2 or 3v3 arenas are not team games. Solo Queue players would however be more fitting there due to a single player having a much larger impact on the outcome of the game, thus granting a player a better chance at showing off their individual skills. Not to mention players have been asking for this since launch. I personally could care less.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Argilla.8340


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

1.) solo queue was a team game just like team queue was. The teams were just randomly formed in solo queue.

2.) it doesn’t follow that because the game is designed as a team contest that premade teams should be given an unfair advantage against randomly formed ones. It’s possible to match random teams against other random teams and premade teams against other premade teams.

3.) you seem to categorize a 2s or 3s arena team as “not a team.” Why?

1) Hotjoin is also a team game. But much like Solo Queue, it amounted to a bunch of random people running around doing their own thing.

2) This system makes an attempt to match teams against other teams. The problem here is the lack of population in sPvP. Splitting the queues would cause much higher queue times for the pre-made teams, made evident by the fact that solo players are already being matched against them because there is no other team in the queue for them to play against. Causing all of this just because solo players don’t like losing to a pre-made team and can’t be bothered to make their own team is just silly and anet isn’t going to take that route.

3) I never stated 2v2 or 3v3 arenas are not team games. Solo Queue players would however be more fitting there due to a single player having a much larger impact on the outcome of the game, thus granting a player a better chance at showing off their individual skills. Not to mention players have been asking for this since launch. I personally could care less.

You seem to not understand that no1 wants to queue with the current system, bring back old system and there will be alot more players

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

1.) solo queue was a team game just like team queue was. The teams were just randomly formed in solo queue.

2.) it doesn’t follow that because the game is designed as a team contest that premade teams should be given an unfair advantage against randomly formed ones. It’s possible to match random teams against other random teams and premade teams against other premade teams.

3.) you seem to categorize a 2s or 3s arena team as “not a team.” Why?

1) Hotjoin is also a team game. But much like Solo Queue, it amounted to a bunch of random people running around doing their own thing.

2) This system makes an attempt to match teams against other teams. The problem here is the lack of population in sPvP. Splitting the queues would cause much higher queue times for the pre-made teams, made evident by the fact that solo players are already being matched against them because there is no other team in the queue for them to play against. Causing all of this just because solo players don’t like losing to a pre-made team and can’t be bothered to make their own team is just silly and anet isn’t going to take that route.

3) I never stated 2v2 or 3v3 arenas are not team games. Solo Queue players would however be more fitting there due to a single player having a much larger impact on the outcome of the game, thus granting a player a better chance at showing off their individual skills. Not to mention players have been asking for this since launch. I personally could care less.

Hotjoin is not a team game since you can switch teams, leave matches, and join in the middle.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

1.) solo queue was a team game just like team queue was. The teams were just randomly formed in solo queue.

2.) it doesn’t follow that because the game is designed as a team contest that premade teams should be given an unfair advantage against randomly formed ones. It’s possible to match random teams against other random teams and premade teams against other premade teams.

3.) you seem to categorize a 2s or 3s arena team as “not a team.” Why?

1) Hotjoin is also a team game. But much like Solo Queue, it amounted to a bunch of random people running around doing their own thing.

2) This system makes an attempt to match teams against other teams. The problem here is the lack of population in sPvP. Splitting the queues would cause much higher queue times for the pre-made teams, made evident by the fact that solo players are already being matched against them because there is no other team in the queue for them to play against. Causing all of this just because solo players don’t like losing to a pre-made team and can’t be bothered to make their own team is just silly and anet isn’t going to take that route.

3) I never stated 2v2 or 3v3 arenas are not team games. Solo Queue players would however be more fitting there due to a single player having a much larger impact on the outcome of the game, thus granting a player a better chance at showing off their individual skills. Not to mention players have been asking for this since launch. I personally could care less.

Hotjoin is not a team game since you can switch teams, leave matches, and join in the middle.

It’s a match between two teams. Your personal feelings nor the player’s abuse of mechanics changes the fact it is a team game.

No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

1.) solo queue was a team game just like team queue was. The teams were just randomly formed in solo queue.

2.) it doesn’t follow that because the game is designed as a team contest that premade teams should be given an unfair advantage against randomly formed ones. It’s possible to match random teams against other random teams and premade teams against other premade teams.

3.) you seem to categorize a 2s or 3s arena team as “not a team.” Why?

1) Hotjoin is also a team game. But much like Solo Queue, it amounted to a bunch of random people running around doing their own thing.

2) This system makes an attempt to match teams against other teams. The problem here is the lack of population in sPvP. Splitting the queues would cause much higher queue times for the pre-made teams, made evident by the fact that solo players are already being matched against them because there is no other team in the queue for them to play against. Causing all of this just because solo players don’t like losing to a pre-made team and can’t be bothered to make their own team is just silly and anet isn’t going to take that route.

3) I never stated 2v2 or 3v3 arenas are not team games. Solo Queue players would however be more fitting there due to a single player having a much larger impact on the outcome of the game, thus granting a player a better chance at showing off their individual skills. Not to mention players have been asking for this since launch. I personally could care less.

You seem to not understand that no1 wants to queue with the current system, bring back old system and there will be alot more players

This is naive at best. Been here since launch, through every PvP system they have rolled out. Making a Solo Queue will not bring in a swarm of players, no matter how much you want to believe it.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No thanks. Solo Queue was just a glorified hotjoin. This is a team game. If you can’t make the effort to form a team for whatever reason, you should be at a disadvantage against those that did put in the work and effort to get a team together.

What you should instead petition for is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arenas if you’re looking to show off your individual skill. 5v5 matches are not the place for that.

1.) solo queue was a team game just like team queue was. The teams were just randomly formed in solo queue.

2.) it doesn’t follow that because the game is designed as a team contest that premade teams should be given an unfair advantage against randomly formed ones. It’s possible to match random teams against other random teams and premade teams against other premade teams.

3.) you seem to categorize a 2s or 3s arena team as “not a team.” Why?

1) Hotjoin is also a team game. But much like Solo Queue, it amounted to a bunch of random people running around doing their own thing.

2) This system makes an attempt to match teams against other teams. The problem here is the lack of population in sPvP. Splitting the queues would cause much higher queue times for the pre-made teams, made evident by the fact that solo players are already being matched against them because there is no other team in the queue for them to play against. Causing all of this just because solo players don’t like losing to a pre-made team and can’t be bothered to make their own team is just silly and anet isn’t going to take that route.

3) I never stated 2v2 or 3v3 arenas are not team games. Solo Queue players would however be more fitting there due to a single player having a much larger impact on the outcome of the game, thus granting a player a better chance at showing off their individual skills. Not to mention players have been asking for this since launch. I personally could care less.

Hotjoin is not a team game since you can switch teams, leave matches, and join in the middle.

It’s a match between two teams. Your personal feelings nor the player’s abuse of mechanics changes the fact it is a team game.

What abuse of mechanics? These are intended mechanics! It cannot be a “team game” if you can just switch teams in the middle because then you have no shared goal with your team members. The goal is not to win, but to amass personal points. There is no team. Merely sharing the same color does not make a team.

If hotjoin players could attack their own color, they would! It’s only the rules of Anet that prevent them from doing so…

Not so for unranked/ranked q.

Calling hotjoin a “team game” is like calling the human population of the “Walking Dead” series a “team”. It’s every man for himself.

Again – this is how hotjoin is supposed to be. There is literally 0 “team play” in hotjoin. Why? Because a team has shared goals. Players in hotjoin have no shared goals.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


Team leaderboard will reward teams for their effort. Not only with the leaderboard prestige (because it will be an ELO leaderboard + decay) but with exclusive rewards at the end of the season. And the final leaderboard positions will mean the access to major tournaments.

The issue is if teams got wins because they chain stomped soloer team. It’s not fun at all for both of sides and it will make team leadeboard a joke.

So Full premade should face only other full premade, NEVER other roster compositions.


- Team ELO leaderboard
- team rewards at the end of the Season
- Access to major tournaments with leaderboard

+ ofc every other personal reward everyone can get with the pvp leagues.

Honestly the effort to create a team is well paid, i don’t see reasons to make the entire Team structure a joke, going against soloers and ruining at the same time the solo experience.

(edited by Phil.8901)

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: hisorange.3957


I wonder if anyone even reading this kind of topics anymore? Is my post will be read? How many times this was posted?

This kind of topics always end up with 2 kind of people arguing, one who plays premades and farm randoms and think that’s how it should be, but never playing in any tournament because they know they only good enough to abuse the system’s flaw;
The other ones who are desperate to find at least a bit more equal scenario and win or lose by their performance not by RNGod to be rolled against a premade.

It’s all ok if you wana play in premades but then take the courage and play against other premades only, solo Qers never asked for premade opponents but premades asking for solo Qers to feed their pride.

btw practice? F1 pilots not getting better by overtaking cyclist…

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


They could also try this for a week to see how many people actually prefer SoloQ over Ranked and make their decision based on that

They had separate solo and team queue but most likely removed it because team queue times were too long.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: laokoko.7403


They could also try this for a week to see how many people actually prefer SoloQ over Ranked and make their decision based on that

They had separate solo and team queue but most likely removed it because team queue times were too long.

How about the solo queue time, is it long too?

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: onevsone.2098


I’d be happy to not face full premade if i go solo.

I’m fine with trio or duo if I have the same roster size on my side, but a full premade has too many advantages.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


I’d be happy to not face full premade if i go solo.

I’m fine with trio or duo if I have the same roster size on my side, but a full premade has too many advantages.

You can still win with your team.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Necromonger.4970


This is naive at best. Been here since launch, through every PvP system they have rolled out. Making a Solo Queue will not bring in a swarm of players, no matter how much you want to believe it.

No, but HoT will bring new/returning players and the retention rate is important. It’s pointless arguing with a person that thinks hotjoin is a team game.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Collero.7963


I don’t know why people seem to think that queues are faster now than they were before the changes. I have longer queues now than I ever did in SoloQ & TeamQ – I was ‘Top 20ish’ in both of those too so MMR wasn’t the issue.

SoloQ was the BEST thing to happen to GW2 sPvP – It’s a fact.

It won’t come back though and that’s why GW2 will forever fail.

Top 10 TeamQ // Rank 1 & 2 SoloQ // 12,000+ sPvP Games
…and what a waste of time it all was.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: onevsone.2098


I’d be happy to not face full premade if i go solo.

I’m fine with trio or duo if I have the same roster size on my side, but a full premade has too many advantages.

You can still win with your team.

Only in rare case you can win against a full preamade with soloers, basically they need to be a bad premade and you need to have really good players with you.

The fact they can use voice communication + profession optimization is a great advantage, honestly a full team never should meet a soloer team.

And from a full team prospective, there is no glory to win against a full soloers team, no real practice and i don’t see reasons why a team should gain positions in team leaderboard stomping soloers.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


They could also try this for a week to see how many people actually prefer SoloQ over Ranked and make their decision based on that

They had separate solo and team queue but most likely removed it because team queue times were too long.

How about the solo queue time, is it long too?

It was pretty short. I waited on average 3mins for a queue. Team queue was upwards of 10mins

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


instead of falling back in this bad set up (solo & team) may be should we use our energie to find a better solution.

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: MrDark.8632


I’m just sick of fighting the same premade over and over again

It’s literally killing the game, just bring back Solo ranked

^ Link to Petition ^

“Do not post petitions, “I demand an answer” threads, conspiracy threads, or comments about circumventing the rules.” — Forum Code of Conduct

~ Blue Darkpurr

Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I’d be happy to not face full premade if i go solo.

I’m fine with trio or duo if I have the same roster size on my side, but a full premade has too many advantages.

You can still win with your team.

Yeah..right…when all planets align and your team play at ESL level to go around the lack of voice communication in order to win against double/triple bunker while having 2 rangers + necro +zerk war in your team…you should make a video guide