Pile O' Balance Ideas

Pile O' Balance Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Shadowwaka.1952


Hey everyone! I was just kinda sitting around thinking about PvP balance and stuff (yeah, kinda sad, I know :P) and I had an idea : why not have a single thread where anyone can post what they think should be changed?

I also kind of have a love of collecting information and stuff like this, so it’d be a win / win for me if you all would use this, so yeah, feel free to type away, and have a good day!

Random note: If you’re feeling ambitious and wanna write why you’d want a certain change, that’d be awesome!

Pile O' Balance Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Stop talking about balance. This game will die before February patch.

Alerie Despins

Pile O' Balance Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.4802


1. Remove Specializations from PvP due lack of balance/knowledge how to.
2. Roll back to HamBow meta (pre December 2014)
3. ???
4. Profit.

Denied NA Account | 8.4k hours | 5.6k Games | Bored

Pile O' Balance Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


remove every specialization, remove revenent,nerf diamond skin, make ranger viable and you have balance.

Grimkram [sS]

Pile O' Balance Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Leohart.4610


Stop talking about balance. This game will die before February patch.

oh no, GW2 is going to die. Everyone run, better find a new MMO before the end hits.


Pile O' Balance Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Stop talking about balance. This game will die before February patch.

lol, pretty much. ArenaNet is so dumb.

Pile O' Balance Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Stop talking about balance. This game will die before February patch.

oh no, GW2 is going to die. Everyone run, better find a new MMO before the end hits.

Lol. I am not even looking for a MMO. Though, Path of Exile 2.1 patch is released on December 11th.

Alerie Despins