Pip gain/loss needs to be consistant

Pip gain/loss needs to be consistant

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Won a game earlier, 5 rubies vs 5 rubies, 2 pips gained. Lost on similar and didn’t lose a pip. Play vs 2 Diamond and 3 ruby, with 3 sapphires on my team, 2 pips gone. Win a game with 2 sapphire vs 5 rubies and premade and get only 1 pip. Come the kitten on. This makes ZERO sense.

P.S. – We need a report for afk option.

(edited by Sommazzatore.8367)

Pip gain/loss needs to be consistant

in PvP

Posted by: Opc.4718


Pip gain is tied to MMR, you gain/lose more pips if the game expects you to lose or win more respectively. The only weird thing is that MMR and leagues are separate and contradictory systems that just don’t work well together.

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