Player Ideas for a PVP-cash shop

Player Ideas for a PVP-cash shop

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Wat are other methods to make money from PVP?

I know they talked about the custom finishers like a “moo moo cow finisher” which is great, but maybe we can give them more ideas…

My suggestions for buyable items:

-More custom PVP armor.
-Tokens to trasmute PVE armor into PVP (no stats, just aesthetics)
-Tokens to trasnmute PVP into PVE and wearable outside Mists
-Custom stomp particle effects (like purple, neon, instead of the default yellow)
-Custom weapon dyes
-Custom taunts (don’t t-bag me bro!)
-Team/guild logo finishers

(edited by gwawer.9805)

Player Ideas for a PVP-cash shop

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Instead of tickets > stones costing 500 gems , guaranteen ur access to paid tournament for the next 15 days :P
Unlimited use , for 15 days :P

Player Ideas for a PVP-cash shop

in PvP

Posted by: admiralnlson.2380


They’d need to revive PvP first. But well I agree there could be more options.

Just one thing:
-Tokens to trasmute PVE armor into PVP (no stats, just aesthetics)
-Tokens to trasnmute PVP into PVE and wearable outside Mists
These 2 should be free and have been implemented right from the start… (or at least the first one, considering how terribly easy it is to get gear in PvP…)