Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
I know Anet have officially said they are investigating players who are specifically aiming to lower their MMR, but aside from if they remain in the lobby or go afk and us reporting for botting as Anet said to do, how can we report those who we can clearly see are doing the same?
For example, a match we just lost (losing us yet another point in emerald), we had one thief and one necro who took 20 seconds to even move from the base (one could argue it was lag)… then they come out, ignore close (meanwhile 3 of us dying on mid) and the thief stands there doing nothing and then pursues the boss (on forest map) to then die (without even capping close).
For the entire match he followed me around (I was playing DH) and would go down INSTANTLY no matter what, once I tried to rez him he didn’t even bother to try and get up nor was fighting the person aiming to stomp him.
This kind of behaviour went on throughout and was utterly pathetic. I do not see why anyone would want to intentionally lose like this other than to lower their MMR rating. I am literally sick to death of being placed with teams who just should not be in ranked PvP.
I know I can’t prove that he was actively playing badly on purpose, but if he wasn’t, he is genuinely a bad player, please don’t put us with people like him. One other guy in our team wanted to AFK the whole game just to get it over with, and that is just plain sad.
It comes to something when you’re winning more unranked than you are ranked these days -.-
Utterly fed up.
In addition to this, it seems when we play as a guild we do worse than if I play alone or if my husband and I play together – what is that about??
Your allies are very likely just bad/distracted, not trying. When you queue as a group the game rates you as much, much stronger, and unless you run a good class comp and communicate, then you’re fighting harder enemies without really getting the benefit of a team.
Yeh I appreciate that actually and have told my guild we need to practice properly in unranked before we even approach ranked again and properly determine a solid team with the best classes to support each other and to negate what we may come across.
However on the other point I made… I can’t believe that thief was just plain ‘bad’. Even so, please do not put me with him :’(
“Pippin ain’t easy”.
Magic Toker queueing with his “top emerald” friends and 1 diamond.
Btw we lost a pip.
This MMR abuse is a lot similar to the elo boost of League of Legends.
I encourage any of you to write in game report and then report this issue via “support” whenever you see such players abusing Matchmaking system, especially if you have evidence of them doing so.
They just deleted the most noisy thread about this issue, but we shouldn’t give a kitten about censorship and voice this issue as much as possible ;-)
Come one people, we’ve seen this coming. them skyham farmers converted into ranked pip farmers now. well played ArenaNet wp.
I even saw in lobby chat people requesting a way to ‘farm pips’. The whole thing is just messed up.
Sportsmanship, team play and FUN has been completely annihalated for the selfishness of others who I don’t want to be in a team with and have no real way of making sure they get punished.
“Pippin ain’t easy”.
Magic Toker queueing with his “top emerald” friends and 1 diamond.
Btw we lost a pip.
This MMR abuse is a lot similar to the elo boost of League of Legends.
Oh my god you need to stop your waterfall of tears buddy, You dont even know who those players are. Theyre top players that dont have much time to play this game, and one day decided to que with toker. That doesnt make him an mmr abuser, and you need to stop posting that screenshot everywhere like it means something.
I have never seen so much unjustified QQ until pips became a thing. Pips making everyone turn into pure salt
It is kinda the result of when you don’t do house keeping regularly. The grime kinda builds up to the point it is harder to get rid of.
It something that players as far as 2 years go were concerned about when they saw daily rooms. People argued it is only hotjoin matches, and who cares about that?
It then spread to casual matches with side swapping, observe flipping etc.
To bring it full circle the behaviour has now spread to higher tier matches because the benchmark of disciplining manipulative behaviour has never been addressed.
The sad thing is, no matter what level you play at, it is not overly hard to progress or improve in PvP, but when the door is left wide open to behaviours that erode the integrity and fun of matches for others the knock-on effect of players leaving, and just bad behaviour remaining eventually becomes more and more an issue.
At this point most players don’t trust titles anymore, they can be farmed in daily rooms. They don’t trust the matching making and now they don’t trust their own team members and are mindful of players throwing matches. All this means is that very few players have any trust in Anet PvP.
If the problem of match manipulation had been addressed from the start, it won’t have grown to the scale it is now.
“Pippin ain’t easy”.
Magic Toker queueing with his “top emerald” friends and 1 diamond.
Btw we lost a pip.
This MMR abuse is a lot similar to the elo boost of League of Legends.
Oh my god you need to stop your waterfall of tears buddy, You dont even know who those players are. Theyre top players that dont have much time to play this game, and one day decided to que with toker. That doesnt make him an mmr abuser, and you need to stop posting that screenshot everywhere like it means something.
I have never seen so much unjustified QQ until pips became a thing. Pips making everyone turn into pure salt
Firstly I loathe the use of “QQ” and the word “crying”, because nobody is ‘crying’, people are stating facts about the problems in what is a serious competitive area of PvP. So I disagree with this comment. People were complaining a long time before the league was made about unfair matchmaking. It’s just hightened now because it means something. You’re on an official leaderboard whereby you could essentially become part of a pro team and be in the running for the top prize of $250,000 in the future (afaik). That is not to be messed with and if people are actively purposefully losing matches for their own gain, or indeed building a team on purpose to make their MMR lower, or however they do it, it is absolutely 100% unfair and down right wrong to the people s/he is playing with. And this goes for ALL PvP not just ranked.
PvP is a team game, there’s zero room for selfish gain in my book. Regular sport outside of the gaming world wouldn’t stand for it, so why should we?
@CntrlAltDefeat – couldn’t agree more.
(edited by Celine.6857)
Regular sports do it all the time. University American Football teams make their own schedules, and you’ll notice the top teams always stack their schedules with some easy games against low-tier teams at the beginning of the season. They get free wins to make sure they start the season near the top of the standings, and the other teams don’t mind getting dumped on, because they get a lot of revenue from facing off against a famous team.
The whinging about having to face one top player here is pretty amusing. There is a problem with the matchmaking system, but it isn’t the problem you’re all crying about. The reality is that, when you’re one of literally only a handful of total players in Diamond/Legendary divisions, the matchmaking system simply isn’t equipped to create matches for you, so you’ll queue for an eternity without finding a match; queuing with lower-division players is a workaround for these players to actually be able to play at all. It’s hardly some secret strategy to guarantee wins; the whole concept is that you’re facing one top player counterbalanced by weaker players. This is a team game; not even the best players in the world can win matches by themselves. If anything, a team’s weakest link matters more than its strongest player, and when a Legendary division player and an Amber division player queue together, the weakest link is on the team you’re complaining about. So quit kittening and exploit that. Tune into their Twitch streams sometimes—the guys doing this lose their fair share of matches to be sure.
Regular sports do it all the time. University American Football teams make their own schedules, and you’ll notice the top teams always stack their schedules with some easy games against low-tier teams at the beginning of the season. They get free wins to make sure they start the season near the top of the standings, and the other teams don’t mind getting dumped on, because they get a lot of revenue from facing off against a famous team.
If that’s how it works in the USA then fine, but in Europe we play something that is called “fair play”, even when matchmaking. Football matches for example are being drawn by lot.
Getting stomped by rank III’s as a team of rank I & II because they lost games on purpose is not how I think PvP matchmaking should work. It is unnecessary, unfair and frustrating, especially for people who don’t often play PvP. If someone wants that Diamont/Legendary rank that bad than fine, but ithey gotta work for it.
The whole MMR is a failure in my opinion. Just pair people with others that match their rank and (guild) teams with (guild)teams. I’d rather wait 2 min longer than lose a game to a group that has people 2 ranks above mine in it.
Firstly I loathe the use of “QQ” and the word “crying”, because nobody is ‘crying’, people are stating facts about the problems in what is a serious competitive area of PvP.
Following Chaith from topic to topic posting stuff irrelevant to what he was saying isn’t crying? And posting a screenshot is not stating facts.
Firstly I loathe the use of “QQ” and the word “crying”, because nobody is ‘crying’, people are stating facts about the problems in what is a serious competitive area of PvP.
Following Chaith from topic to topic posting stuff irrelevant to what he was saying isn’t crying? And posting a screenshot is not stating facts.
How Celine can be following Chaith in topic made by Celine?
I’ve no idea how can you consider having different opinion than Chaith about something as crying, fanboys and pipboys everywhere around…
Also, screenshot is evidence and proof, while words are just words.
Firstly I loathe the use of “QQ” and the word “crying”, because nobody is ‘crying’, people are stating facts about the problems in what is a serious competitive area of PvP.
Following Chaith from topic to topic posting stuff irrelevant to what he was saying isn’t crying? And posting a screenshot is not stating facts.
How Celine can be following Chaith in topic made by Celine?
I’ve no idea how can you consider having different opinion than Chaith about something as crying, fanboys and pipboys everywhere around…Also, screenshot is evidence and proof, while words are just words.
I didn’t say Celine was following Chaith she made a general statement that people aren’t crying about mmr abuse, however people followed Chaith to this thread and posted irrelevant screenshots to him which IMO is crying.
As for screenshots you don’t know why they are playing with lower division players, someone has already said Toker was playing with friends.
As for screenshots you don’t know why they are playing with lower division players, someone has already said Toker was playing with friends.
I can say that cows fly, it doesn’t mean that cows fly. There is no reason to actualy believe what people say, unless you got evidence to prove what they said is true.
Believing to empty claims is probably the most foolish thing you can do. I’d rather believe in random screenshot than care about what random guy has to say, and I should note that pip farmers playing among “Farmboys” who run together with guys on alt accounts aren’t more trustworthy than random unknown people.
There are good players who often play with other good players – also not yet in the divisions they should be in. It is going to take some time before they all do get to diamond/legend.
Those that are intent on screaming abuse & trash talking players will have to eventually come to terms with the nature of a grindy league that does not shoot you up in divisions fast enough when you beat other established league players.
Strap in, cause when season 2 starts, and everyone’s divisions are reset, it’ll be the same bloody path that strong players starting from amber division will carve, again.
I didnt pvp for 1 whole day, and then i was like, lets give it another chance. Guess what, i got faced opposite team members who abused the system to face lower divisions, aka 1 ruby is teamed up with a amber and both were revs. I even think the person played on both accounts since revs are just roll on keyboard. Im tired of this sheet.
If i dont get teamed vs a full premade its either this:
- Only soloq vs 3man-4man premades.
- I get put into a 3man premade to be faced fullman premade (when i entered as solo).
- I get put into a 3man-4man premades that suck kitten vs higher tier which the premade cant handle. GG.
I cant be competitive as soloq in this game, and i said it before but i will say it again, im quitting leagues as of today. Have fun league abusers and premades >.>
(edited by sanctuary.1068)
I even saw in lobby chat people requesting a way to ‘farm pips’. The whole thing is just messed up.
Sportsmanship, team play and FUN has been completely annihalated for the selfishness of others who I don’t want to be in a team with and have no real way of making sure they get punished.
This is what you get when you tie ranked play with a legendary item.
It should have been done like in LoL, at end-season people with rank x get reward y, and that’s it.
But arena net aren’t really interested in doing any type of effort for actual competitive gameplay, if they were they’d have done a balance patch or 3 (LoL has a balancepatch EVERY WEEK!) by now, they’d have mechanisms in place to properly report abuses and bad behavior in pvp (report for botting? are they serious?). They should have a proper progress mechanic that ties into to your performance, not be farmable.
Its sad when economy ingame wins over making the game fun, its sad when appearances of a competitive game are more important than having a competitive game.
That’s GW2 atm, half-measures, half-truths and a whole bunch of not being fun anymore.
I even saw in lobby chat people requesting a way to ‘farm pips’. The whole thing is just messed up.
Sportsmanship, team play and FUN has been completely annihalated for the selfishness of others who I don’t want to be in a team with and have no real way of making sure they get punished.
This is what you get when you tie ranked play with a legendary item.
It should have been done like in LoL, at end-season people with rank x get reward y, and that’s it.
Thats the way swtor does it, but anet would hate that because it removes the grind, the need to log in every day for 60 days. In reality one still has to play a large number of matches to get their rank up but it removes the illusion of grind, the emotional rollercoaster of gaining pips then losing them.
If i dont get teamed vs a full premade its either this:
- Only soloq vs 3man-4man premades.
- I get put into a 3man premade to be faced fullman premade (when i entered as solo).
- I get put into a 3man-4man premades that suck kitten vs higher tier which the premade cant handle. GG.I DONT WANT TO BE IN A PREMADE OR FACE A PREMADE UNDERSTAND ANET.
I cant be competitive as soloq in this game, and i said it before but i will say it again, im quitting leagues as of today. Have fun league abusers and premades >.>
The only constant in all those teams is YOU.
All this random QQ from random plebs about how they always lose and it’s all ANet’s fault—they couldn’t possibly have anything to do with their own losses (of course, if they win one, it’s because they carried). Take some responsibility for your own play. Yeah, it sucks when you get braindead teammates, but it happens to everyone, and it happens to the people you play against, too. If you’re really as good as you think you are, you should come out ahead in the end, because that would mean your team only has four rolls for braindead teammates, where the opposing team has five chances for idiocy.
When you lose, instead of pointing the finger at everyone else, look at what you could have done differently to increase your odds of winning. If you’re really honest with yourself, there’s almost invariably something you could have done better.
Firstly I loathe the use of “QQ” and the word “crying”, because nobody is ‘crying’, people are stating facts about the problems in what is a serious competitive area of PvP.
Following Chaith from topic to topic posting stuff irrelevant to what he was saying isn’t crying? And posting a screenshot is not stating facts.
Posting screenshot is not stating facts? Are you implying people photoshop images to throw accusations at these “pro” players?
If i dont get teamed vs a full premade its either this:
- Only soloq vs 3man-4man premades.
- I get put into a 3man premade to be faced fullman premade (when i entered as solo).
- I get put into a 3man-4man premades that suck kitten vs higher tier which the premade cant handle. GG.I DONT WANT TO BE IN A PREMADE OR FACE A PREMADE UNDERSTAND ANET.
I cant be competitive as soloq in this game, and i said it before but i will say it again, im quitting leagues as of today. Have fun league abusers and premades >.>
The only constant in all those teams is YOU.
All this random QQ from random plebs about how they always lose and it’s all ANet’s fault—they couldn’t possibly have anything to do with their own losses (of course, if they win one, it’s because they carried). Take some responsibility for your own play. Yeah, it sucks when you get braindead teammates, but it happens to everyone, and it happens to the people you play against, too. If you’re really as good as you think you are, you should come out ahead in the end, because that would mean your team only has four rolls for braindead teammates, where the opposing team has five chances for idiocy.
When you lose, instead of pointing the finger at everyone else, look at what you could have done differently to increase your odds of winning. If you’re really honest with yourself, there’s almost invariably something you could have done better.
Theres smth wrong with your reading skills. I dont complain that i lose, i actually win more than i lose and im in sapphire division. What im complaining about is that i dont want to get thrown into premades or fight vs premades when i enter as soloq. Problem is that when i enter 80% of the time i face premades or get thrown into a premade. Even if i win i still hate premades. If i wanted to play as premade id create a frikkin premade with proper communication. Not this kitten.
So basically, im awesome since i win more than i lose. Thank you for your compliment.
I even saw in lobby chat people requesting a way to ‘farm pips’. The whole thing is just messed up.
Sportsmanship, team play and FUN has been completely annihalated for the selfishness of others who I don’t want to be in a team with and have no real way of making sure they get punished.
This is what you get when you tie ranked play with a legendary item.
It should have been done like in LoL, at end-season people with rank x get reward y, and that’s it.Thats the way swtor does it, but anet would hate that because it removes the grind, the need to log in every day for 60 days. In reality one still has to play a large number of matches to get their rank up but it removes the illusion of grind, the emotional rollercoaster of gaining pips then losing them.
Actually that’s not even accurate, they could have the same thing that LoL has, rank decay. If you’re inactive your rank decreases, in fact LoL’s system almost flawless for what Arena Net wants, it allows players to play at their pace instead of having to grind every 2 months because leagues here are stupid short, it allows players to recoup their ranks at season starts because it has promotional games which place you in a more or less accurate rank depending on your performance, and it takes into account your previous rank to improve that standing. So rank in league actually represents a player’s skill to a very accurate degree. GW2’s ranks just represent number of matches pretty much.
Rank decay also “forces” players to play way more consistently than 4 seasons a year, eventually people will get bored of having to climb ranks every 3 months, while LoL’s system you’re not climbing again, you’re working to improve your standing or just keeping your own.
And the rewards are not “must have”, but do depict your status. When you’re bronze/silver/gold and you get a diamond ranked player opposite you, you know its gonna be tough. In here, not worried.
I dont understand the screen shots at all. Dont assume the players are cheating and quit acting like the players are cheating you. Anet made these leagues and the games with them.
Anytime people can say they have been in Que for over 15 min is a bad system.
I even saw in lobby chat people requesting a way to ‘farm pips’. The whole thing is just messed up.
Sportsmanship, team play and FUN has been completely annihalated for the selfishness of others who I don’t want to be in a team with and have no real way of making sure they get punished.
This is what you get when you tie ranked play with a legendary item.
It should have been done like in LoL, at end-season people with rank x get reward y, and that’s it.Thats the way swtor does it, but anet would hate that because it removes the grind, the need to log in every day for 60 days. In reality one still has to play a large number of matches to get their rank up but it removes the illusion of grind, the emotional rollercoaster of gaining pips then losing them.
Actually that’s not even accurate, they could have the same thing that LoL has, rank decay. If you’re inactive your rank decreases, in fact LoL’s system almost flawless for what Arena Net wants, it allows players to play at their pace instead of having to grind every 2 months because leagues here are stupid short, it allows players to recoup their ranks at season starts because it has promotional games which place you in a more or less accurate rank depending on your performance, and it takes into account your previous rank to improve that standing. So rank in league actually represents a player’s skill to a very accurate degree. GW2’s ranks just represent number of matches pretty much.
Rank decay also “forces” players to play way more consistently than 4 seasons a year, eventually people will get bored of having to climb ranks every 3 months, while LoL’s system you’re not climbing again, you’re working to improve your standing or just keeping your own.
And the rewards are not “must have”, but do depict your status. When you’re bronze/silver/gold and you get a diamond ranked player opposite you, you know its gonna be tough. In here, not worried.
I would agree that such a system would be much better than what we have.
Oh my god you need to stop your waterfall of tears buddy, You dont even know who those players are. Theyre top players that dont have much time to play this game, and one day decided to que with toker.
If this screenshot reflects state of “top pvp players”, then we don’t need such top at all.
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