Players Working on the Capricorn Achievments?
I had no idea the Capricorn achievements were only for a limited time and now its almost impossible to join a Capricorn map.
Can Anet do something to give ppl the chance to finish the ap before they get removed?
This could be your thread to bring players together to team up for the achieve. The title looks promising in that regard, but it looks like you just wanted to start yet another whine thread.
Look, this map has been up for almost 2 months. So many players got the achieve in well under 2 weeks, before League s4 even started. Salty Sea Dog in 2mo was never a challenge, by any stretch of the imagination. Only challenge is if you start now, in which case, who’s to blame?
Like I said before, find people who need the achieve and team up. 6 wins should be a piece of cake, even with the new map taking over the pinned slot.
If I knew the achieves had a time limit I would have done them on the first week but I didn’t know that …
I was chilling coz I thought I had unlimited time to do those achieves so I didn’t rush to do them.
Did anet inform we only have 2 months to do them???
If they did I missed it coz I don’t usually come to the forums.
Why remove the achieves in the first place?
This could be your thread to bring players together to team up for the achieve. The title looks promising in that regard, but it looks like you just wanted to start yet another whine thread.
Look, this map has been up for almost 2 months. So many players got the achieve in well under 2 weeks, before League s4 even started. Salty Sea Dog in 2mo was never a challenge, by any stretch of the imagination. Only challenge is if you start now, in which case, who’s to blame?
Like I said before, find people who need the achieve and team up. 6 wins should be a piece of cake, even with the new map taking over the pinned slot.
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that someone set up a team of 5.
There is a 43% – approximately – chance of any given unpegged map even coming up to vote. Even if it does come up, five people voting for it isn’t guaranteed to get it, and a premade team of five is likely to be matched against other premades who may be voting as a block for another map. Let’s allow a fudge factor for some occasions where the enemy team votes for the same map and call it a ¼ chance of even getting Capricorn.
You then need to win. Assuming MMR has done its job, you should have roughly a 50% chance of winning a game. So that’s 8 games to progress Seaside Victory by 1, on average. If, hypothetically, someone was looking to start from scratch, that’d be 200 games.
I’ve got three wins I still need, so I’m not looking at 200 – just 24. If I get together a full team of people who will vote Capricorn. That’s a far cry from yesterday, where you had a better than even chance of getting Capricorn in the first place, so you could realistically expect a Capricorn win every 3-4 matches just by soloqueuing. Which is a bit more than I could realistically grind out last night, but 9-12 in soloqueue is a lot better than 24 if you have a full premade team.
Now, once I’ve done the new story, I may well be looking to team up. However, “just form a team” is not exactly consolation when the difficulty even with a team has now gone up significantly compared to what it was just with soloqueue before.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
If I knew the achieves had a time limit I would have done them on the first week but I didn’t know that …
I was chilling coz I thought I had unlimited time to do those achieves so I didn’t rush to do them.Did anet inform we only have 2 months to do them???
If they did I missed it coz I don’t usually come to the forums.
Why remove the achieves in the first place?
The achievements were indicated as limited time (Until end of what was then the next season) in the patch notes and all release material concerning the map.
Can someone explain WHY the achievements are limited time? They are fun to complete. They add a separate fun reason to play. Why take them away?
Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
I’d like to add my disappointment in how Anet is handling this situation.
I need a few more wins in Capricorn and stopped playing ranked matches in order to get these achievements before the cut-off date.
I did not know that getting into the Capricorn map would be near to impossible after the new PVP map with achievements came yesterday. I tried several times last night and only had time for about 5 matches. Capricorn appeared once in the rotation and was selected by me, but we ended up going to the new PvP map 4 out of 5 times and to one other randomly chosen map.
This could be your thread to bring players together to team up for the achieve. The title looks promising in that regard, but it looks like you just wanted to start yet another whine thread.
Look, this map has been up for almost 2 months. So many players got the achieve in well under 2 weeks, before League s4 even started. Salty Sea Dog in 2mo was never a challenge, by any stretch of the imagination. Only challenge is if you start now, in which case, who’s to blame?
Like I said before, find people who need the achieve and team up. 6 wins should be a piece of cake, even with the new map taking over the pinned slot.
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that someone set up a team of 5.
There is a 43% – approximately – chance of any given unpegged map even coming up to vote. Even if it does come up, five people voting for it isn’t guaranteed to get it, and a premade team of five is likely to be matched against other premades who may be voting as a block for another map. Let’s allow a fudge factor for some occasions where the enemy team votes for the same map and call it a ¼ chance of even getting Capricorn.
You then need to win. Assuming MMR has done its job, you should have roughly a 50% chance of winning a game. So that’s 8 games to progress Seaside Victory by 1, on average. If, hypothetically, someone was looking to start from scratch, that’d be 200 games.
I’ve got three wins I still need, so I’m not looking at 200 – just 24. If I get together a full team of people who will vote Capricorn. That’s a far cry from yesterday, where you had a better than even chance of getting Capricorn in the first place, so you could realistically expect a Capricorn win every 3-4 matches just by soloqueuing. Which is a bit more than I could realistically grind out last night, but 9-12 in soloqueue is a lot better than 24 if you have a full premade team.Now, once I’ve done the new story, I may well be looking to team up. However, “just form a team” is not exactly consolation when the difficulty even with a team has now gone up significantly compared to what it was just with soloqueue before.
A 5-man premade will not necessarily (and probably not even likely) be matched against another 5-man. You’re only guaranteed to be matched against 2-man premade or higher. So, assuming you’re going in with a decent team comp, a decent plan, have decent communication.. cos if you’re teamed up, why wouldn’t you have that?… you should have a very good chance of having a favorable winrate, well over 50%. But yeah, you’re more or less right. It’s a pain, but doable.
Just offering a solution, but I guess a lot of people would rather complain than put effort into it. In which case, how important is the title to you, really? The sense of entitlement is astounding. We were informed in the July 26 Game Release Notes that the achieve was limited-time-only, just like we always are for limited-time content. If a person can’t be bothered to read the release notes, he/she shouldn’t be upset when this sort of stuff approaches the final stretch.
I will concede, however, that releasing and pinning the new map before retiring the previous one (and its associated achievements) is a bit puzzling. I do like the concept of rotating through trial maps in Unranked, though. People have been asking for new maps for a long time. This seems like a great way to test out new maps, and I hope some are well-received enough to make it into Ranked, which atm is basically always Forest and Legacy.
but I guess a lot of people would rather complain than put effort into it.
There’s a quote that I think is relevant here: “Reasonable people change themselves to suit the world. Unreasonable people change the world to suit themselves.”
This sounds like it’s saying that people should be “reasonable” and adapt to change, but it actually goes deeper than that. Who are the people who change the world, for better or worse? The people who decide that they aren’t going to put up with how things are, and take whatever action they can to change it.
In this case, there’s little we can do. However, one thing we can do is let ArenaNet know, in polite but direct fashion, when we’re angry about something in the hope that they will do something to change it. Or, to put it another way: complain.
If we complain, we might bring ArenaNet’s attention to the problem. If ArenaNet recognises the problem, they might take steps to fix it, or at least make sure they don’t do the same thing again. As you’ve acknowledged yourself, what’s really problematic here is not the time limit – we’ve known that was there for weeks – but because the rules got changed without warning to make it substantially harder to finish if you hadn’t already done so.
If we don’t complain, and just roll with the punches as you seem to be suggesting… then well, there’s no chance of anything happening.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Lfg of 4 more players wanting to team up for Capricorn,feel free to add me when I’m online.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
If we don’t complain, and just roll with the punches as you seem to be suggesting… then well, there’s no chance of anything happening.
The extent of the moaning is absurd.
“Anet should have told us sooner that the time was limited.” They did. Read the update notes.
“Let’s have a separate Q for each map.” Sure, now everyone suffers long-kitten Qs to benefit the achievement hunters who waited too long.
“Let us play it in custom arenas.” Capricorn achieve arena pops up, everybody gets the title in 25 matches. (Sad thing is, I’m sure this sounds like heaven to you guys.)
“Add Capricorn to Ranked.” As if Ranked didn’t have enough DH unbalance as it is. (Not talking about build balance, just the lame team comps in DH meta.)
“Extend the time limit.” So what’s the point of setting a limit in the first place?
The only reasonable gripe is that Coliseum was added and took over Capricorn’s pinned spot a couple weeks early. To be fair, though, players still have had ample time to finish the achieve many times over, and even now it’s not out of reach to finish it up.
I do think that Capricorn should get the pin back until the end of s4.
Lfg of 4 more players wanting to team up for Capricorn,feel free to add me when I’m online.
THIS is what more people should be doing.
If we don’t complain, and just roll with the punches as you seem to be suggesting… then well, there’s no chance of anything happening.
The extent of the moaning is absurd.
“Anet should have told us sooner that the time was limited.” They did. Read the update notes.
They did. However, they changed the rules for the last two weeks, and that wasn’t communicated in advance.
“Let’s have a separate Q for each map.” Sure, now everyone suffers long-kitten Qs to benefit the achievement hunters who waited too long.
And waiting for 3 minutes then being stuck for 10 minutes or so on a map you don’t want to play is better?
Separate queues would mean that the people who want to play the maps can, and the people who don’t, for whatever reason, can play the other maps without de facto trolling the people who do want the beta maps.
And if you want shorter queues, just check all the boxes, just like it currently works with Stronghold.
“Let us play it in custom arenas.” Capricorn achieve arena pops up, everybody gets the title in 25 matches. (Sad thing is, I’m sure this sounds like heaven to you guys.)
Did anyone actually suggest that?
“Add Capricorn to Ranked.” As if Ranked didn’t have enough DH unbalance as it is. (Not talking about build balance, just the lame team comps in DH meta.)
I think this was aiming towards resolving the conflict between playing ranked and playing unranked for an achievement. Making it finish when the season did was a curious choice.
“Extend the time limit.” So what’s the point of setting a limit in the first place?
Good question. What was the point of setting a limit in the first place? Particularly if you’re going to change the rules before that limit expires?
The only reasonable gripe is that Coliseum was added and took over Capricorn’s pinned spot a couple weeks early. To be fair, though, players still have had ample time to finish the achieve many times over, and even now it’s not out of reach to finish it up.
This may come as a surprise to you, but sometimes people have peaks and troughs in the times they’re able to play. This can lead people to make decisions like, say “okay, this particular thing is available for three months, but there’s a month in there that I won’t be able to play much, so I’ll do a bit in the first month and finish it off in the third”. Having the rules changed so it’s significantly harder to get games does, as another poster stated, feel like getting the rug pulled out from under your feet.
I do think that Capricorn should get the pin back until the end of s4.
That would probably be sufficient for most people here. Still a pain compared to waiting until Oct 3 to release the new map, but that way you’d at least be able to cast a vote for the map you want each game, rather than it being two layers of RNG to get the map.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
What rule was changed? This one?
The map will be pinned to the Unranked Map Selection Screen for the duration of this off season. [emphasis mine]
If anything, Anet changed the rule in our favor by keeping it pinned throughout most of the season, i.e. almost two months past the off season.
If we don’t complain, and just roll with the punches as you seem to be suggesting… then well, there’s no chance of anything happening.
The extent of the moaning is absurd.
“Anet should have told us sooner that the time was limited.” They did. Read the update notes.
They did. However, they changed the rules for the last two weeks, and that wasn’t communicated in advance.
“Let’s have a separate Q for each map.” Sure, now everyone suffers long-kitten Qs to benefit the achievement hunters who waited too long.
And waiting for 3 minutes then being stuck for 10 minutes or so on a map you don’t want to play is better?
Separate queues would mean that the people who want to play the maps can, and the people who don’t, for whatever reason, can play the other maps without de facto trolling the people who do want the beta maps.
And if you want shorter queues, just check all the boxes, just like it currently works with Stronghold.
“Let us play it in custom arenas.” Capricorn achieve arena pops up, everybody gets the title in 25 matches. (Sad thing is, I’m sure this sounds like heaven to you guys.)
Did anyone actually suggest that?
“Add Capricorn to Ranked.” As if Ranked didn’t have enough DH unbalance as it is. (Not talking about build balance, just the lame team comps in DH meta.)
I think this was aiming towards resolving the conflict between playing ranked and playing unranked for an achievement. Making it finish when the season did was a curious choice.
“Extend the time limit.” So what’s the point of setting a limit in the first place?
Good question. What was the point of setting a limit in the first place? Particularly if you’re going to change the rules before that limit expires?
The only reasonable gripe is that Coliseum was added and took over Capricorn’s pinned spot a couple weeks early. To be fair, though, players still have had ample time to finish the achieve many times over, and even now it’s not out of reach to finish it up.
This may come as a surprise to you, but sometimes people have peaks and troughs in the times they’re able to play. This can lead people to make decisions like, say “okay, this particular thing is available for three months, but there’s a month in there that I won’t be able to play much, so I’ll do a bit in the first month and finish it off in the third”. Having the rules changed so it’s significantly harder to get games does, as another poster stated, feel like getting the rug pulled out from under your feet.
I do think that Capricorn should get the pin back until the end of s4.
That would probably be sufficient for most people here. Still a pain compared to waiting until Oct 3 to release the new map, but that way you’d at least be able to cast a vote for the map you want each game, rather than it being two layers of RNG to get the map.
Well said… I agree completely and then some. The game to which I was an avid player is getting less and less of my time due to time-gated material and the loss of goals. I have been playing since launch, have maxed out my dailies and I am stuck with more than 1000 ap’s (acheivement points -30K) shy of finishing the achievement armor. I have done and finished most all of the general, story, dungeons, fractals and pvp achievements as well as a chunk of the wvw ones as well. I have played through seasonal features such as halloween and wintersday each and every time. I frequented the mini game activities as well. I am still far from the ap chest pieces and I earn maybe 10 pts a week at best with 1 ap here and there, and now there are very few achievement pts to earn that are left and those are now time sensitive.
I am an adult, I work more than 50 hours a week and maintain a household, I may not be the target audience, but there is increasingly less incentive or goal oriented play left in gw2, so I consider the new map a slap in the face. And yes, I will take some cheese to go with my whine.
Have to agree with the above, they posted this a couple of ways. Here is one in particular:
New Conquest Map: Revenge of the Capricorn
The Capricorn returns! And this time it’s out for vengeance! Join your teammates to protect the town from the ship’s onslaught while simultaneously defending your territory from the enemy team.
This new map features the traditional Conquest 3-point gameplay along with a secondary mechanic that centers around a periodically available fourth capture point located in the middle of the map. Capturing the fourth point earns points for your team and also helps defend the town from the Capricorn.
Revenge of the Capricorn is currently available to play in Unranked and Custom Arenas.
The map will be pinned to the Unranked Map Selection Screen for the duration of this off season.
Have any thoughts on the map? Perhaps you have some suggestions for improvements, or maybe you’d like to see it added to the Ranked rotation? Head on over to the PvP Forums and let us know what you think!
*New Limited-Time PvP Achievements: Revenge of the *_Capricorn_
Complete a new series of limited-time, Capricorn-specific achievements to celebrate the release of the map.
These achievements will only be available from now until the end of the next PvP League season.
These achievements can only be completed in rated matches (currently only Unranked Arena—not in Custom Arenas)."
It should also be noted that they are following this same pattern for the new map too, just a heads up.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Thanks for pinning Capricorn map again!
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
If I knew the achieves had a time limit I would have done them on the first week but I didn’t know that …
I was chilling coz I thought I had unlimited time to do those achieves so I didn’t rush to do them.Did anet inform we only have 2 months to do them???
If they did I missed it coz I don’t usually come to the forums.
Why remove the achieves in the first place?The achievements were indicated as limited time (Until end of what was then the next season) in the patch notes and all release material concerning the map.
I must have missed this in the patch notes. which patch notes was it in? not the recent one ?
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
I must have missed this in the patch notes.
which patch notes was it in? not the recent one ?
July 26, when the map was introduced. If you read them, you’ll see they’ve actually been rather generous (even before people started whining about their enTITLEments), by keeping Capricorn pinned far longer than they initially said they would.
But by keeping it pinned, there was some implication that it would remain that way til the map is pulled, so I’m glad they’ve repinned it.
Now it is pinned… but people still mostly select coliseum. Result: I have finished more coliseum achievements than capricorn ones…
I’ve only played 1 Unranked match today, but most of the players picked Capricorn.
These achieves are very easy and fast. I suspect a lot of people who get their Coliseum achieves first will start picking Cap again simply to play it a bit more before it’s gone.
Don’t fret, this should be super-easy.
Now it is pinned… but people still mostly select coliseum. Result: I have finished more coliseum achievements than capricorn ones…
Now is the time to use PvP LFG tool and get a 5-man Capricorn group together. Had no problems getting majority of Capricorn games last night with 5+ people voting for Capricorn, ofc the fluke with Coliseum winning even when it was 7-3 favour of Capricorn, but hey, that’s map voting for you…
One soul even voted for Skyhammer at some point… lul wat!
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season