Players looking for a team

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Batmang.5421


D for Daggers/Fuzion came up with an idea to start a thread for free agent players looking for a team in hopes of getting more competitive teams together. I hadn’t seen the post yet so I figured I would get things rolling.

If you’re not on a team and looking to join/create one please post you IGN, NA or EU, class(s), rank and QP’s.

Hopefully this will be a good resource for people to find players and get some more teams formed. Good luck!

PS: I did not post this in the guild recruitment thread because this isn’t a recruitment thread for guilds. o.O

(edited by Batmang.5421)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: D Is For Daggers.8741

D Is For Daggers.8741

Well thanks for making the thread blinx… I guess I’ll post since I need a team :p

D for Daggers r34 16 qp (so low ;[ ) Main on ele and situationally a burster, but also decent (I’d like to think) mes

Hopefully this helps at least a few people find teams… anything to get more tourneys and more competition

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Maze.5283


Nice idea, hope this works out


Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Sorta same boat, i have 3 or 4 friends who inconsistanly play tournies with me, never get 5 on consistantly, be nice to fill out our ranks.

WE could use 2, maybe three dedicated players who want to reveiw games and take feedkback/pratice duels etc so they can learn to fight against specific classes. that kinda thing.

(edited by daydream.2938)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


r14 necro on desolation (EU) looking for expanding his tpvp-friendlist!

Able to communicate! (—> English even).

No QP’s as of yet. People like to stare at my rank.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Lamp.2315


Yeah AIM team 5 is looking for roamers and bunkers

whisper me or mail me in game

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey all,
IGN: Steez
R37 power/well necro, condi trap ranger NA
Over 1k tournys played
15 QPs, no dedicated team ;/
Message in game or here on forums
(may have a r42bunker with me as well if the team needs one)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Azar.6234


Alerast (Ele – d/d, s/d) / Cyreza (Necro – Wells, Condi Spread, d/d power) / Kayrez (Thief – any build)
r42 / 79 QP…
In need of a solid team / guild that is dedicated to getting better and active. I was in a guild that was doing pretty well, but core members just kinda disappeared and stopped logging on. Send me a message in game if interested.

This thread is a nice idea, hopefully we can get some more paids going NA side.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: BonzerSkate.6275


Rank 28
11 QP’s

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Lamp.2315


well since im not sure how well my team will work:

North ‘Murica
Roamer ele, roamer thief, dps (i can go bunker) guard, trap ranger, side point mesmer and willing to learn engineer or Oppa’s build warrior if needed
Rank 19 (almost 20 lol)
0 QP’s only done two paids and lost against some of the better players both times in the first round lol

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Batmang.5421


bump as there is another thread going. Lets try to keep this all on one thread.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Xanados.5718


IGN: Syndicate Ele
Rank 41
D/D Aura Ele | D/D Necro | Guardian
25 QP

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Illuminati.2683


Looking for an Ele, Necro and Mesmer for team META. r40+ and a few paids ok.

Loggin in during EST paid time is key =)

Send PM

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Snate.2961


great idea. thank you again blinx.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Batmang.5421


great idea. thank you again blinx.

It was Fuzion and D for Dagger’s idea. Thank them ^^

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Nettle.9025


<—- IGN
Burst Thief, Shatter Mesmer, or Trap Ranger
NA R34, 4 QP

My team is on hiatus and may be coming back soon, but until then I wouldn’t mind filling in for any teams who need another to keep sharp. I played heavily from beta to paids release (hence low QPs), but have been getting back in it doing frees with random friends recently.

Frees or paids are cool for me. Can stream as well if its wanted, or PM me for the channel to see my play.

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief

(edited by Nettle.9025)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


IGN: Chööps
Rank 33
Engineer (I’ve played just about any build I come across either on forums or youtube, so I’m pretty versatile), Mesmer (it’s easily been over a month and a half since I really did anything with my mes, but I used to play Taugrim’s “Legion” build and did pretty well with it)
Looking for other people to attempt tournaments with or even a guild on Anvil Rock, as I was on Sorrow’s Furnace but all my friends bailed on the game, so I googled ‘gw2 best pvp server’, it said Anvil Rock, and I figured I’d try to make some new friends there Now that I’m done with that wall of text, hit me up IG or send me mail or something. I get bored a lot lol
TL;DR I’m a better than average Engi that knows his kitten and is trying to get to that next level as far as teamwork and skill with my class. TY for reading

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Lamp.2315


You know what im gonna invite 4 of the people on here tomorrow afternoon to a team guild

or i can mail you guys too if you’d like, just PM me and i’ll either mail you IG or send you a team guild invite

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Chaotic.9742


AIM team 6 is looking for a mesmer off node and a condi necro or engi. Feel free to mail me in game or msg me on here.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Tasuki.5064


HI all.
I’m a R18 Player who is looking to join some PvP tourney teams. I’ve only done enough tournaments to get monthly achievements latetly but I like to believe I’ve a decent player (75% win ratio in sPvP).

I mostly play Guardian but have experience with mesmer, ranger and thief. I’m a quick learner and understand the roles/requirements of tourney play.

I’m available usually in the evenings (5pm – 3am EST) but I do work a 45 hour workweek that fluctuates times from week to week.

Feel free to hit me up in-game or message me here.


“Leveling builds Character”

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Coffee.2538


Lets see if this works

IGN: Coffeerage
Primarily a Warrior (Hammer+Axe/shield) Brawler Build, Alt: Elementalist D/D
Over 1k tourneys played
4 QPs, but looking to increase that!
Message in game or here on forums

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


IGN : Zhyx
Server : Anvil Rock
Main : Engineer -> Multi spec (DS burst, Grenade Roamer, Support, Bunker)
Rank : R14
Details : I play between 21h00 and 00h30 all week long. Got TS,Vent,Skype ect. Looking for a competitive team for some tournament.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Jerek.6271


I play a roaming axe mace warrior but do not know too many people who like to sPvP. The only thing I do in GW2 is tournaments (usually as a single or 2 person pug) I enjoy theory crafting an duelling/strategy planning as well. Send me a message if you want to get together and smash kitten.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


Roamer thief / wells necro
most experienced on thief
Rank 23
4 QPs

Playtime: anytime but usually late prime time EST (8-1a.m.)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Nazer.7301


rank 27 almost 800 hours on the mez
3 qps
8-1am est

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Apophis.8561


ranger (main) , warrior (alt), and i dabble in a bit of d/d ele.
timezone = NA
play time = evenings (5-11pm est) maybe earlier, maybe later depending on my class schedule
all i do is pug, and it is starting to become quite frustrating. going into paids with pugs against people who play together daily is a disadvantage already. i would like to find a team, but most solid players are already on one or are about to give up like i am.
send me a mail or something in game.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Fubar.4389


Fubar.4389 / Marmite / Desolation

Eng / R32.

Dbl Pistols / Elixirs.

Available 7pm+ GMT. Love to tournie and sick of pugging. All I’m doing at the moment until I find a team is a bit of sPvP. Played a lot of tournies previously but had to move house and now my team/pvp guild has vanished.

I have all the usual voice comms downloaded and a good mic/headset.

Mail me in game.

Marmite – Engineer – Desolation – EU

(edited by Fubar.4389)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Dardamaniac (EU)
I can work with some really good builds that Ranger has,i got 800-900 matches played in hotjoins but still very small tournament experience.My english arent that good but i can understand the basics

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

K pop (NA Anvil Rock)
warrior primary guard secondary
est something like 9pm -12am

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: yawn.7819


Warrior Off point/Roamer
Random times.

-= Yawn =-
Follow My Stream!

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: KooB.6503


Twindragona(NA Kaineng)
Ele roamer/support/bunker
rank 25
random. usually est 4-7

- Twin Doggy Dawg

(edited by KooB.6503)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Batmang.5421


So the list has been out for a few days now. Have this been helpful for any of you?

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


Might as well put this here because it looks like the team is actually done:
IGN: Shannarax
Pro: ELE

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: astrapios.5812



Server Anvil Rock

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: sason.3496


Big sason
Eu- desolation
Teamspeak (english)
Rank 20
Hundred blades warrior(crazy kitten hundred blade) / trap ranger and working on a backstab thife..

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Elrah.8532


IGN: Elrahziel
Class: Thief (Glass Cannon) (I can also play glass cannon Warrior. Working on bunker Engineer, C/D Thief, and bunker Guardian)
Rank: 22
Region: NA
Tournaments Played: 277
QP: 0 (I’ve only done 1 paid and lost first round lol)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


IGN: Gostie
Class: Guardian (Retaliation DPS (If you got questions about this ask me)
Also just hit 80 on my Thief and went glass cannon D/D Backstab. Still need a little training the pvp but getting good.
Rank: 14
Region: US Crystal Desert

Hi! I am currenty in a tPvP guild but can never seem to get enough on. I would like to run a lot more tournaments and am in need of another team. Most people are a bit squirmy about my build and think I need to go support as a Guardian. That is until they see it in action. Give me time to explain and see me in action and you’ll wonder why more Guardians don’t run this spec. 95% of sPvP I will be top player including top kills and point defends. I could always use a little work like anyone but I feel I am pretty good. Hope to at least prove myself or tryout for a group. I hope to not disapoint. I have tons of MMO PvP experience. Thanks for your consideration!!

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Stormblade.8274


Fort Aspenwood atm but switching to anvil rock next week
I play Trap ranger/Port,shatter mes/ backstab theif/hb war/ power engi/ and d/d burst ele
No qp but im ready to start getting into paids
IGN Chuckles the Bear or Maetrix
I am a good player and I am hoping to find a competitive team that can use me to win

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Ranko.2678


IGN: Ranko Hibiki
Rank: 29
QP: 45 (as bunker)
Server: Anvil Rock

I’ve mostly played bunker guardian, with some minor experiences as a mesmer. I’m in the same boat as Alerast, who posted above as our team mates simply just stopped logging in and we had no one to replace them. I could really use a solid team, and if anyone is interested, please message me in game.

Ranko Hibiki/Ryouga Hibiki

(edited by Ranko.2678)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Dontryme.6892


IGN : Dontryme
Rank : 13
QP : 0
Server : Jade Quarry

I play mostly condi necro with D/D ele on the side . Im looking for people to play with and have fun and do tournament , nothing super serious yet … ho and i have a mic

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Creatoni.9856


IGN: Creatoni
IGN: Creatonii
Rank: 20
Server: Desolation
For now I’m playing Engi, Mesmer and Ele but I rather play to win, switching prof or server is not a problem.
I like theorycrafting , troubleshooting and tPvP but for now I’m in PvE guild, so there is not much of what I’m looking here.
4+ hours online everyday.
Fluent english.
Theorycrafting before game and troubleshooting after lost one.

Rank 20+ is not much but if any semi-hardcore/hardcore team is looking for a versile teammate who is ready to work hard to improve, pls mail.

This is my story.

(edited by Creatoni.9856)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


Looking for a team too
Ar server
Really want a perm one xD

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


Im an ele btw ….. forgot to say

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Bishop.5938


Name Jimboz snow
region US
timezone Australia
class Engineer
rank 15

Looking for a team or staring a team if people are interested. Looking to play Oceanic afternoons/night.

Roundy (Sanctum of Rall)
[Blud] Blood Hammer

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Kalel.4076


Demon Slayer Taki
Rank 39. US
Prof- Thief/Ele/guardian
LF team for some serious paids. message me on here or in game.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: PridefulAesir.1708



My name is Prideful Aesir a close friend and i are putting together a team for frees and eventually paid’s we know its going to take time to get there but believe with hard work and team work its possible. If your frustrated with pugging and going against groups that play together all the time, if you understand the basic mechanics of your class and other classes , the meaning of positioning ,the value of timeing ,know how to rotate and are interested in new team comps, new builds, and innovative strats then Team Celestial Being is the place for you real quick some of the basic requirements we have

Please Be r35+ not because we care if you farm hot joins but because we want to be sure you have spent time with you class have experience against other classes and understand the basic mechanics of the game

Hours of availability
Daily 4:00pm to 8:00pm Pst

Classes we need
Mes, ele , guard, war, necro

Must be willing to

Work as a team
Show up to practice daily
Be respectful to you team
Willing to try new things
Willing to think outside the box
WILLING TO TRY AGAIN WHEN WE FAIL because its the only way to get better

Message me vial email or pm me for an interview i am on all day after 3:00pm pst to about 12:00pm pst msg me at PridefulAesir.1708

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: luxen.8376


me and a friend who’ve always played free/paid tournaments together are looking for a team or for 3 experienced players to make one.
Presenting myself, I’m Yumpi and I play Elementalist (all roles) and Engineer. I’m currently Rank 34 with 39 Qualifying Points.
My friend’s Kraver and he plays Warrior, Ranger, Thief and Guardian. He’s currently Rank 37 with 42 Qualifying Points.
We’re Portuguese and have our own teamspeak server and are able to speak English without any problems. We’re usually on every night after 9 pm GMT+0.
Send me ingame mail or whisper me if you’re interested.
Best regards,
Luxen & Kraver

Luxen – Engineer, Elementalist & Warrior

(edited by luxen.8376)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Hi, we r 3 player (EU server) that looking for 2 more for make a strong team, the goal is to make a good team made by PEOPLE not only player, the FUN is the first goal, of course the second goal (not less important) is to be competitive

we are looking for

mesmer shatter
thief burst


know your class in pvp
be able to take critisism (no one is god)
be able to looking for new tactics and be update about your class
use ts and dont be afraid to talk
be mature
rank 25+ (it means that u had spend a bit of time for pvp)

our play time is usually from 6pm untill 9:30 pm gmt

contact us in game: Lian Olsam.9541 or sultra.4612

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: dEjAhVu.4526


Hey everyone,

I’ve recently started sPvP. Mainly do a lot of WvW but want to get more into free/paid tournaments. PM me ingame to friend me and Ill join up whenever I can.

S/D & S/P Thief

Drax Voogd Guardian
Drax Maus Necromancer
Server – Blackgate

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: TrustyTurkey.1653


IGN’s : Junk, Louis, TrustyTurkey, etc… Feel free to just send a message to TrustyTurkey.1653.
Server : Anvil Rock
Profession : Guardian. I also play D/D elementalist.
Rank : 34
Details : I get on around 6:00-10:00pm PST on weekdays, and a large chunk of the day on weekends. I have TS, Skype, Vent, and can even livestream our games if I find a good team. I’m very experienced with PvP (it’s basically all I do in this game nowadays), and communicate well. I expect you to know exactly what you’re doing, so you can expect me to do/know the same.
