Players looking for a team

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Mankee.2735



I’ve only been playing this game for a little over a month, but I have plenty of PVP experience from other games (battlemaster with 155k kills in WoW, rank 70 in Swtor, 2 months after release).
Anyway, I’m looking for a team in which I can learn and where everyone will make mistakes and learn from them. Details below;

In game name: Uranus Probe
Class: Guardian, greatsword, rank 21 at the moment
Server: Whiteside Ridge, EU
Details: Playing hours flexible, can adjust to team needs. Can communicate in any voice chat program. I use full cotton candy dye.

Thanks, I hope to hear from someone soon.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Hi. Am starting to put together a team, need 1 or 2 more people so we can get a more consistant 5 online.

Am mainly looking for Burst dps roamers ala Thief. Or condition damage dealers ala RAnger or necro.
We typically play between 9pm est to 2am est.

Must be rank 25+
Willing to listen, have vent, be patient with a new team starting to get coordinated etc. And be serious about improving in pvp.

Mature attitude a must.

(edited by daydream.2938)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Akumetsu.8591


i am looking for one more for my team need a player willing to lose and learn from that loss and get better. pref class would be either a mesmer, bunker guard or bunker ele. but if we think another class might work we will give it a try

One hope, One dream, One Dagger Thief
K U R A Enguard [ENG], Pretty Princess Squad [MEN]

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


Looking for a solid team or somebody to start one with, Want to make a decent tournament team we have to start from 0 as everything so if anybody is up or need me(description below) pm me I’ll me more than happy to get a team/create one.

IGN: X Noobless X
Rank: 28 ( Rushing to 30)
QP: 1 I been runing around with random people so cant win paids atm lol.
Server: NA anvil rock
Prof: Elementalist>Thief>trap ranger>mesmer
I have teamspeak and vent

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


IGN: Swiftpaw Sharpclaw
Class: Guardian. D/D ele, bunk ranger. Am available to run any class/build.
Rank 15
New to pvp but I am a fast learner. Just getting into it since I’m done with pve, got my legendary etc.

Not after anything too serious just a decent tourny team. I like to use vent but am able to use other programs also. I see alot of kitten behavior in tourneys, I much prefer a guild with good sportsmanship.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Creatoni.9856


Hello Everyone!
check this out:

Just mail me on forum or in game.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Nazral.3152


Brilliant Idea! this thread has been very usfull

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: wKaJIik.2931


Hey everyone,
Thief r 40 Lf team – free/paid tourneys . Better paid ^^ Have an experience in teamwork and practice in paids.
Can play every day from 6 p.m.
Nickname – Lyrcx.
Contact in game – wKaJIik.2931.
Server EU – Desolation.
Mail – or

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Silferas.3841


EU – Desolation
IGN: Don’t have one
Rank: 34 (I avoid hotjoin, most of my glory has been farmed by winning tournaments).
Class(es): ordered from played well to played ‘kay
- Guardian (I can pull off most builds on this class, I use shout bunker mostly)
- Ranger (beastmaster, have experience with playing trap builds, just tired of them)
- Elementalist (bunker only)
I also have experience playing thief and mesmer, that I could develop further in case of need/interest by team.
QP: 0 (as my rank works like a good paid-team invite repellent)
Qualities: I have lots of experience playing with and against people of ranks considerably higher than mine, as most of the players on my friend list with whom I play frees are ranks 40, by now even 45+. I am willing to adapt and eager to communicate if given a chance.
What I am looking for: a permanent team of capable players, who have missed the train and are stuck labeled as “newbs” such as myself, or if some miracle happens: an experienced team willing to give an unknown guy a chance. I want to start playing paid tournaments, but I refuse to waste my tickets on chest runs or PUGs that won’t help me grow as a player.

In case anybody was interested in having me join his team, send me a mail in game please

[Path] of the Immortals – a guild for veterans – Join us
[S]illy [L]ittle [U]gly [T]rolls – our little dungeon forum community
“My mind has left, my body follows”

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Balistix.2601


Guardian, Mesmer, Necromancer, Learning Ranger

R35, QP 41

Very experinced player who reently got a job that allows me to play during prime time and anticipating custom arena / outside league/ladder play

Imgur- Aodans
GW2Guru – Aodan

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: EasyR.6830


I am looking for a serious team with good experience in Paid.
Server: EU
Class: Guardian (Bunker, -OFFG.) or Ele ( Bunker)
Rank: 34
QP: 51

(edited by EasyR.6830)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: bashoo.6854


IGN: Bashuu Server: EU: Desolation
Class: Elementalist D/D (Roamer/Support)
TS: Polish/English
Rank: 32 QP: 8
LF solid team to play paids

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Fatty.1769


QP : 0
Cond dual pistol potion engi or elixir gun engi.
US: Darkhaven

Looking for a team to hash out some games with

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Limitbreaker.4176


LF a NA team.

Im Rank 26 and have 0 QP.
I play all of the classes except Thief & Necro.
I’m in Eastern Time zone.

Mail me in game please, thanks.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Kabangers.7263


NA Anvil Rock

Engie (bunker/100nades/p.p condi)
Necro (dd power/wells)
Ranger (traps/double invuln roamer)
Mesmer (shatter)

Playtimes usually weekends or late night weekdays

Timezone EST

Currently play on the 5 engie team

In game mail me if interested

(edited by Kabangers.7263)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: FruitDip.5691


Tebby Browne NA Ranger rank 13 0 QP

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Nacht Fuchs.3762

Nacht Fuchs.3762


I’m looking for an active paid turnament team.
I am very familiar with nearly all recent “meta” builds and don’t have to be micro managed (i know most of the common tactics in paid’s). Coming from a GW1 background where i played GVG in top 20, I am a very team oriented and ambitious player. Played the PVP since the GW2 beta…

Nicknames: Nacht Fuchs
Class: Necro /Ele /Thief
Rank: R34 and 42QP
Time Zone: GMT+1 , Mo/Tue 7pm-12pm; Wed/Thu 10pm-12pm; Fr and weekend RL dependent
Server: Riverside [EU]

Contact me here or in game if you are interested.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Wicked.9261



I’m currently in a casual group that plays less than 2h/day but I’m the type that trains a lot for more than 6h per day so I’m looking for a team that will eventually do some paids competitively. Since I play alone for the most part, I trained with other classes as well, so I’m better with my main now because I know how to counter some builds I used to play.
I have a twitch channel ready for streaming if we really need to.

Nickname: Zarroc Wickedblade, Wickedjr
Class: Thief main; off: ele, ranger, mesmer, guardian
Rank: R38, 4QP
Time Zone: GMT+2, 7 PM – 2 AM with 1-2 days free, training/theorycrafting can begin earlier
Server: Desolation EU
1200+ tournaments played

Razac Wickedbane

World Guardians [WvW] SFR Romanian Guild

(edited by Wicked.9261)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Strife.2693


Looking for an active paid tourneys team( high level )
NA Anvil Rock

Elementalist/Mesmer(any role), can change class sometimes

Playtimes depending of the period. More then 6 hours a day in weekends, I play every day I can connect.
No mic atm
Timezone Europe
I’m coming with high pvp xp in MMOs, I’m rank 18 and master my main class(elem).
Contact me in forum or in game if interessed.

(edited by Strife.2693)

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Plah.9041


Rank 43, Balanced Mesmer, Shatter Mesmer, Staff Support Ele, D/D Bunker ele, condi Necro, Power/Hybrid Necro, Dps Guardian, Bunker Guardian, great overall player.

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

team lf2m EU server necro condi and mesmer shatter or thief burst, playing time from 6 untill 9:30 gmt+0 for more info contact me in game