Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

hi guyz, i saw lots of QQ and not much theory craft… i know that, you might feel hopeless against X or Y, but you just need to figure out how to counter it.
The balance might not be perfect yet, but every class is counterable/viable, and for such a young game, it’s quite an impressive feat.

I hope you’ll enjoy the game, we are using a thief mid, instead of the classic Bunker Guardian:

Have faith in Anet, they are doing an amazing job with the balance, if you have a problem with a specific class/spec/strategy, feel free to ask, i’ll do my best to help.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

(edited by Ace of Spades.6325)

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Sezu.8564


I’ll agree that most classes have at least one viable build, but mesmers surpass all other classes at almost every role.

Edit: Let me add that there are no real counters for mesmers as well. If you deny it, I’ll supply some facts later, but I’m headed to bed now and too tired.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

Support ele, dancing dagger thief can render a mesmer useless in khylo. And in forest i would never pick more than one mesmer, since a necro or a ranger can bring much more in team fights, and thiefs/warriors are much better for beasts control.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: phaeris.7604


The thief died alot. Surely replacing him with a guardian would have meant an easier game?

Also…the numbers you get on your shatter/unload burst. Just ridiculous. You didn’t even have to use any utilities to get that combo! Yet people still cry about the HB warriors….Also, beating a thief and a guardian at the same time, and still having unused abilities at the end of the fight…..

All seems balanced with mesmers….

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Hsulf.9370


You’re basically watching a masterclass of a mesmer by Lastivka there to be honest. That’s why the mesmers are so good on Khlyo.

Tbh you didn’t need a bunker player guarding that mid with the treb/near point control thanks to Last.

Good stuff though.

Godmóde of Team Paradigm
(Necro, Ele, Thief, Guard)

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Hopeless.8195


You’re basically watching a masterclass of a mesmer by Lastivka there to be honest. That’s why the mesmers are so good on Khlyo.

Tbh you didn’t need a bunker player guarding that mid with the treb/near point control thanks to Last.

Good stuff though.

Although being a very good player who has mastered his class, Mesmers are still quite strong as a class because of their nature. It seems to me like the Mesmer was created with a lot of PvP in mind. Others classes have very viable and strong builds of course.

With that said I think the current game is quite balanced and is fun.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Oh I have no doubt he’s a great player.

Being more skilled than the next guy doesn’t change the numbers coming off abilities.

Mesmers are so good everywhere, not just in khylo.You get the luxury of picking and choosing fights.

So pray tell, as a mesmer have you ever lost to any class apart from another mesmer? If that?

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

Oh I have no doubt he’s a great player.

Being more skilled than the next guy doesn’t change the numbers coming off abilities.

Mesmers are so good everywhere, not just in khylo.You get the luxury of picking and choosing fights.

So pray tell, as a mesmer have you ever lost to any class apart from another mesmer? If that?

Do you mean 1v1? Guardians, thieves, eles, necros and rangers, all have at least 1 viable build that mesmers can’t win 1v1 or they have a hard time dealing with.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

(edited by Ace of Spades.6325)

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Hopeless.8195


Oh I have no doubt he’s a great player.

Being more skilled than the next guy doesn’t change the numbers coming off abilities.

Mesmers are so good everywhere, not just in khylo.You get the luxury of picking and choosing fights.

So pray tell, as a mesmer have you ever lost to any class apart from another mesmer? If that?

Do you mean 1v1? Guardians, thieves, eles, necros and rangers, all have at least 1 viable build that mesmers can’t win 1v1 or they have a hard time dealing with.

You mean where a class would have to spec specifically to deal with mesmer and might just win but not necessarily .

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

Oh I have no doubt he’s a great player.

Being more skilled than the next guy doesn’t change the numbers coming off abilities.

Mesmers are so good everywhere, not just in khylo.You get the luxury of picking and choosing fights.

So pray tell, as a mesmer have you ever lost to any class apart from another mesmer? If that?

Do you mean 1v1? Guardians, thieves, eles, necros and rangers, all have at least 1 viable build that mesmers can’t win 1v1 or they have a hard time dealing with.

You mean where a class would have to spec specifically to deal with mesmer and might just win but not necessarily .

They are not builded specifically to deal with mesmers, they just happen to be good against it. For example the support ele is good to kill trebs, and it can deal with mesmers easly.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I’m confused you post like it’s a counter or better, yet the guy on voice chat keeps complaining how he cant hold mid

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that even if something is good, it isn’t really “better” then other options by much quantitatively. Skill, tactics, and strategy for the most part will triumph over simply selecting what the community views as overpowered for the current day.

Edit: Also keep in mind, that games go back and forth as well, just because someone wins doesn’t make them automatically better skill-wise. Games go back in forth between top teams, you win some and lose some. In this case though, very well done by SS.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

(edited by Ayestes.1273)

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


do you have any vids of you facing well known premades with multiple bunkers? i.e. 2+ bunker guards/eles

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Bunker Guards and Eles can be taken down with Engi or Necro condition damage builds. Thief and Ranger possibly, but it’s more bursty and full of multi-attacks, which makes them a little vulnerable to Retaliation and condition removal. It’s generally smart to 1v2 them though even in this case, as their roamer can often respond to the bunker in time due to the length of time it still takes to kill one. That way you end up usually with a 2v2 while the bunker is poisoned.

In my opinion, I prefer the Engineer as a Roamer and the Necro as it’s own bunker. A Bunker Necro flat out beats most other bunkers. It’s just worse in a 1v2 situation, though. The Engineer pretty much has permanent swiftness regardless of build, which makes it a good roamer. Honestly Engineer bunker builds are a bit overrated, but that’s just my own opinion.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


Ace of Spades.6325

Support ele, dancing dagger thief can render a mesmer useless in khylo. And in forest i would never pick more than one mesmer, since a necro or a ranger can bring much more in team fights, and thiefs/warriors are much better for beasts control.

Can you expand on what you feel a ranger brings to team fights? (Not a rhetorical question.) I’m curious what niche you feel rangers fill in competitive tPvP, and specifically what build they use to do it. Thanks.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


hi guyz, i saw lots of QQ and not much theory craft… i know that, you might feel hopeless against X or Y, but you just need to figure out how to counter it.
The balance might not be perfect yet, but every class is counterable/viable, and for such a young game, it’s quite an impressive feat.

I hope you’ll enjoy the game, we are using a thief mid, instead of the classic Bunker Guardian:

Have faith in Anet, they are doing an amazing job with the balance, if you have a problem with a specific class/spec/strategy, feel free to ask, i’ll do my best to help.

Your video shows you trying to use a thief at mid and failing miserably yet still winning because mesmer is so powerful. I do not think this video shows what you think it shows.

Basically what your post actually shows is how unbalanced the game is. You are just relying on a being carried by one overpowered class to make up for not having another.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Without the Thief POV I think it’s really hard to accurately identify what is going on in mid. I think people are making assumptions on both sides here.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


I am making the assumption that the person on teamspeak constantly saying “losing mid” is the thief and he is in fact losing mid constantly, he isn’t just saying it to troll his teammates.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904



Your video shows you trying to use a thief at mid and failing miserably yet still winning because mesmer is so powerful. I do not think this video shows what you think it shows.

Basically what your post actually shows is how unbalanced the game is. You are just relying on a being carried by one overpowered class to make up for not having another.

This. I’m sorry.
It’s a nice vid and I enjoyed it but really all the video shows is how crazy powerful and useful mesmers are (especially on Khylo).

While I don’t believe ANet has completely kittened up, after all the game is quite fun and all games need some balancing done for pvp, we shouldn’t be trying to gloss over the nature of class usefulness and purpose with rose-tinted goggles.

What your video showed was that mesmers are game changers, and that had your team used the ele to bunker mid, or replaced that warrior (why on earth would you bring a warrior over a guard or any other class?) with a guard/engi to bunker mid the match wouldn’t have had so much “OMG I’M LOSING MID” every few seconds in the voice chat.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Arken.3725


It’s a nice video, I hope you guys continue to do well.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


“Have faith in Anet, they are doing an amazing job with the balance.” – Mesmer.

I am sorry but I just cant help it xD Yeah, well what can I say. Anyone can do without guardian but why would they? Its overall better choise.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

Lowell was 1v2 most of the game, that’s why he was losing, he was supposed to survive till we could secure our treb and take down theirs, and he did it very well.

Plus he says that he’s losing all the time, but in the end he always win XD

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: RhysSebastian.7651


As a power staff/axe necro I dont usually have trouble with mesmers. As a tip for most necros, if you see a team that lacks a severe amount of knockdowns retrait death shroud to have a 50 percent cooldown, as opposed to stability. This will allow you to flicker in and out of DS to avoid phantasm damage. This will also make sure you can off their mesmer guarded treb. Additionally you can utilize flesh wurm and spectral walk to keep their kitten mesmer off the treb while providing limited support to mid.

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Lowell was 1v2 most of the game, that’s why he was losing, he was supposed to survive till we could secure our treb and take down theirs, and he did it very well.

Plus he says that he’s losing all the time, but in the end he always win XD

he wins because glass cannon mesmer comes and helps him revive from downed and can port instantly back to the outer node lol. If that was bunker guardian/ele or even engi he would not be struggling nearly as much even vs 2v1, i think everyone here knows that.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


i’ve seen the video , but sorry this is a joke , i don’t know how Anet still think Mesmer are fine , mesmer won the game pretty easy he comes help and portal to other node he goes to help treb portal to defend node , well fine if Anet think that’s fine and to have all those utility + huge dps + stealth in one class , than i don’t know what to say

i didnt even mention moa-morph and all their illusions , i believe mesmer needs a huge look at

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

Don’t you think to be a little arrogant? I played the game, it was my team, we did talk about it later, and so i know how he felt about being mid.
Do you think we would send a thief mid against Paradigm without even testing it? We tested it, and we saw that the thief wins at clock vs guardians.

They did a good job outnumbering us mid, but we outnumbered them somewhere else.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


Ace , next time let lowell stream and capture the video , so we can see how his unicorn build will hold mid better than a guardian

and u people should start admitting that mesmers/guardians are a bit overthetop , im not saying the game is very badly balanced far from it , but there’s lots to be done to be perfectly balanced and ready for esport

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Don’t you think to be a little arrogant? I played the game, it was my team, we did talk about it later, and so i know how he felt about being mid.
Do you think we would send a thief mid against Paradigm without even testing it? We tested it, and we saw that the thief wins at clock vs guardians.

They did a good job outnumbering us mid, but we outnumbered them somewhere else.

the thief didnt do anything to win that match, the mesmer saved him multiple times and when it was engi + guardian vs mesmer + thief at mid you were getting tooled until your treb saved you.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Playing without Guardian mid, Paradigm vs Super Squad

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

They had treb too, and he was already at 20% healt cuz of 1v2 when i joined in.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad