Plea from a 32 year old gamer

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: Jonos.8149


I’m sure there have been posts like this before but i don’t have time to trawl the forums so feel free to ignore.

I love the combat in this game, it’s great. I’ve been playing games since I was about 9 and would consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer. I own all the consoles, play games of every genre and consider gaming to be one of my main hobbies.

But these days I can’t game like I used to. I just don’t have time. There are other things in my life that take priority. But I still enjoy it when I can do it.

I really like playing Guild Wars 2 sPvP for example. But the way the game has been designed makes it actually impossible for me to do so in an enjoyable way. I can play cricket in the summer with my village team, I can play 5v5 football at the weekend but I can’t actually play guildwars 2 sPvP in any meaningful way purely because the infrastructure is not there to support it.

I don’t have time to form a team with anyone, and none of my friends play Guild Wars. Hot join is a cluster kitten that isn’t even the same as the competitive game and if I queue for tournaments I’m going to get stomped by organised teams. It’s just such an obstructive system. I WANT to play but you have designed it in such a way that makes it so difficult to get into.

If you look at any professional sport one thing they always talk about is ‘grass roots’ play. Well guild wars 2 doesn’t have grass roots play at all. Even if I do decide to play a tournament I have to queue for the tournament and then wait for 2 minutes for the game to start.

I follow the game closely enough to watch the guildwars2guru vids on youtube and I have not heard anything that leads me to believe this is even on the devs radar. It just seems so utterly stupid.

At the very least you could change hot join to 5v5. At least that would help educate the noobs (like me) on how to play the competitive game.

What possible good reason is there for having 8v8 when the all the maps are balanced around 5v5 for top level play? How does running around in a zerg help with learning the conquest gametype? This is probably why there are so many calls for deathmatch etc. That’s all conquest is to most people anyway.

Anyway, no point in going on. I’m just an average player, I want to play your game, I want to enjoy it but you seem to be doing everything in you power to make this impossible.

You seem to have forgotten a vital thing in your quest to make this game an esport. It’s not just about the players, it’s about the viewers. I’m never going to be a top level player but I would watch it. But not if i don’t play it, not if I don’t understand it. It’s not just about Team Paradigm etc it’s important to think about players like me as well.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

At the very bottom of the hotjoin list, there are 5v5 servers. Try those, they’re a little better.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


These are legitimate concerns. Alot of people are pushing for solo/duo Q system, which would address this. but i doubt any fix is coming down the line soon as doing that sytem would require a huge redress.
Free tournies have gotten slightly better since most premades do paids now.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


At the very bottom of the hotjoin list, there are 5v5 servers. Try those, they’re a little better.

As of the January Temple week , 5v5 is basically exclusively dueling atm.

The great forum duppy.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


At the very bottom of the hotjoin list, there are 5v5 servers. Try those, they’re a little better.

As of the January Temple week , 5v5 is basically exclusively dueling atm.

Its usually ok if u join one with 7 or 8 ppl in it.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


if 8v8 hotjoin remains, I WILL NOT STEP FOOT INTO SPVP. especially if free tourneys remain an 8 team 3 round cesspool. like, we’ve already been through all this guys. stop splitting up the kitten pop, and consolidate us into 2 modes that everyone is begging for: 5v5 1 round free tourneys, and 5v5 paids. your game is a freaking mess in the 8v8 format, so just stop it already. nobody wants to wait around for 8 teams to form up, nobody wants to play 3 rounds against the same team unless it’s an evenly matched paid, so just stop it already.

im praying u guys are actually taking this feedback and rolling with it for the 26th release. u have like 1k people playing spvp, maybe even less. this is SAD. youve failed horribly so please listen to player feedback.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: Awe.1096


From a casual PvPer perspective I actually like the concept pf hot-join. It allows me to skip the waiting and instantly join the action without fear of getting stomped by some premade. Yes, I will sometimes roll a bad team and I well get stomped regardless, but luck sorts it out in the longer run and for every bad game I will get my good game eventually. I could agree that 8v8 for hot-join might be bad becouse it promotes zerging which destroys the standard meta game. Switch to 5v5 hot-join can be beneficial. However I still prefer for hot-join to remain in place. Unless they can introduce in its place a solo-queue only 5v5 matches with some sort of ELO system trying to balance both teams. Even then, I would miss the zero waiting boon of hot-joins. Current free tournaments? If you solo-queue they a clusterkitten far worse from hot-joins as you get constantly farmed by organized teams which dont have anything better to do (which is also an issue, give those teams something better to do other than pubstomping).

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: SuperHaze.4210


At the very bottom of the hotjoin list, there are 5v5 servers. Try those, they’re a little better.

As of the January Temple week , 5v5 is basically exclusively dueling atm.

Its usually ok if u join one with 7 or 8 ppl in it.

The problem with 10 man hotjoin is that they are rarely full. I would rather wait in queue for a couple minutes just to guarantee a full map and punish those that leave so that the games are always full. When I do join a full map, it is usually for that one round and then members of the losing team will leave the next round and we end up starting the next match with less players.

I also don’t have as much time to play as I have a very busy life, but the time I do have I would like to be able to play the game as it was meant to be played. Plus more game modes wouldn’t hurt so that I’m not always stuck playing conquest. CTF, Kill the Lord, King of the Hill, and arenas would add some much needed variety. Conquest is getting old.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Well said OP, as a fellow 32 year old gamer with a family, career and all the responsibilities and time constraints of life I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The underlying point is this huge disconnect between the ‘pros’ and the average gamer. The population comes from the oh so reviled ‘casuals’ and average gamers. The no lifer population will have their spot at the top but without a healthy population of regular gamers in-game all they’ll be doing is sitting in a queue somewhere playing with themselves all day.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


Liked. I feel EXACTLY the same way. Something needs to happen or I’m gone forever. I’m currently seriously enjoying playing Knights and Merchants the Remake more because it actually kind of has a scene going on and it’s easy to start games which will be some sort of a challenge or learning moment, rather than stomping or getting stomped.

Professor James – Mesmer

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

So you want to be able to form PUG tourney groups, that are as good as pre-made groups?… ok there bud.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


i’m in the same situation.

I just had a discussion about this with a guy who asked me to join their team for paids, and when he started asking me to “play on a regular basis” , while i simply can’t, studying and having multiple jobs on my side, mostly because this game requires you to be absorbed in order to become a “top” player, i had to refuse.

It used to be worse, to be fair: 3 matches tournaments required 40 guys to queue, at least now we have 1vs1 matches.

Just wait for next patches: i’m hopeful they’ll add a serious ranking system, where you’ll be able to play just few matches a day, for a couple of hours, and still be able to climb the ladder, just like we’re able to do in other games.

With a proper ranking system, the only issue will be to find a team which doesn’t force you to play on a schedule ( unlike tons of “wannabepro” teams already do) and your problems will be solved.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: Awe.1096


So you want to be able to form PUG tourney groups, that are as good as pre-made groups?… ok there bud.

No. I want to be able form PUG group that will fight another PUG group and not a pre-made. PUG-s are just a cannon fodder for premades. In the long run nobody wants to play a role of a fodder.

Plea from a 32 year old gamer

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


The problem is this.

1) 8v8 teaches you nothing and serves no value other than farming glory.

2) 5v5 gets used primarily for dueling, which for tPvP and forward, can actually handicap your ability to play in a team.

The result? When you pug, you still find players trying to slug it out in a random location with another player who’s just stalling for time, or 3 people run to all try to cap henge or mine at the start of a match, not even realizing how they are already going to lose to the team that knows the game is about point control, and how would they know? All game modes that are not tPvP rewards you for playing selfishly.

It’s a very good game and a very good PvP mode handicapped by probably the worst “weening-in” phase of any game I can remember. It’s like letting people play outside freestyle tossing a football around and then, tomorrow, expecting them to play each position on the field to their perfect role, based on free-for-all backyard play.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast