Plea to make something of GW2

Plea to make something of GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

Been playing since beta, All I ever play is PVP. Yet why log in any more? I don’t want to sound like i’m complaining and i’m sure this has been beating like a dead horse but… I can fathom why Anet would have such a good foundation as a game and just destroy it??

1.Games are worse then ever (uneven,blowouts,playing with rank 1-10s)

2.Why is LB useless now (not like it meant much before)

3.The game IMHO is more balanced then ever yet we have been playing the same builds for a year now, almost wish it got shaken up

4.Why is 5v5 still the only PVP ranked. if they made 2v2 and 3v3 im sure this game would come back at least for a while. (Yes it splits the community) (What community?)

5. Why can’t we have normal seasons with the top performers gaining new gear and style?? We would obviously need a LB that works for this to even start.

6. Everything i have said has been repeated and regurgitated 100’s of times. Yet I guess lighting whip stow is going now, so all the hardcore community of 5 can be thankful.


Plea to make something of GW2

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


1. I don’t think its worse, its about the same
2. I think they could spice it up with better ways to earn points, like actual in game tournaments, not this play a random team tournament, let matchmaking que you with another random team. But rather a real tournament style like 8 teams tourney they use to do. And you get more points from that, heck even the GW1 PvP tournament system.
3. Balanced than ever before? It seems pretty much the same to me, some classes just dominating, others aren’t.
4. 5v5 still the only mode and you want 2v2 3v3, gtfo, how about 8v8 instead of that 2v2 3v3 garbage. GW1 highly rated pvp system, it wasn’t no 2v2 or 3v3 garbage, it was 8v8. Old, yet Fun hotjoins…. 8v8 pal. New, boring, always uneven teams and you hurt a lot because of uneven teams, the current 5v5 hotjoin, everybody hating on and perfectly acceptable to hate on it hotjoin. Bring that kitten back to 8v8.. 7v8 match isn’t as bad as a 4v5 match is. And ranked? 8v8 that kitten, don’t go smaller, that’s dumb.
5. Ya we do need seasons, current leaderboard is fine, it should reward active players, but there should be ways to get higher points like in game tournaments, 8 team tournaments or bigger.
6. Hardcore community of 5, you referring to The Abjured, the free $400 a week team because every other player too scared, too busy to try hard? 11 Weeks straight is it? They should just cancel ESL and leave a reoccurring $400 to there accounts because they win each week and they ‘those 5’ are the ‘only community’ left.

I mean they don’t even post the ESL videos anywhere as far as I know. Who wants to tune into ESL if its already known the same team is going to win anyways. That they win because those 5 players are the only hardcore community left, nobody else is hardcore.

Problem isn’t the fan’s because ESL is a fan based site and its giving some pretty good incentives, $400 a week to the best team of 5. But the problem is with the GW2 team, they aren’t making the game competitive within itself. I don’t mean it by those big tournaments they have, but I mean it as everyday or everyweek type competition. Like a weekly big ingame tournament runned in game and known ingame and no signups or anything, easily enter into it and get awesome prizes for participation (5g) and the victors get something nice like 100g 1000 gems, 50 leaderboard points.

But do GW2 do stuff like this? Nope.
Why 5g? Because you want people to do it, and that’s enough to get people to do something, and it isn’t going to break the economy either.