Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Some players will never understand how bad it is. Today, we actually had someone calling it when it was up and telling people to get it. He gave up tranquility for it.

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Nah. It is fine. Sure you will run into randoms who have no clue, but that’s also why listening to pug chat is usually a bad idea.

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The problem is some people believe that they are helping the team doing it.

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: Schurge.5194


People should be free to make bad decisions. If this causes you too much stress then cut out the stupid by running with friends.

Even Tranquility is useless compared to Stillness. You are free to disagree.

Champion Phantom
We are not friends.

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: WuGzaGenius.5684


Ferocity is really bad, but when you wipe a team (which is rare) getting it when you have nothing to do is good, because 8 points per kill if you do wipe them again is a lot.

But im not an advocate.

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Ferocity will never turn a losing fight around. Yet, that is when I see most people going for it. It actually puts you even further behind in that situation.

Plus, it destroys rotations. I’ve done 100+ point comebacks on Temple from the enemy teams getting complacent and taking ferocity while my team caps the points and the other bonuses. It’s amazing how much ferocity can hurt a team. And yet, some people just can’t stay away from it.

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Ferocity is really bad, but when you wipe a team (which is rare) getting it when you have nothing to do is good, because 8 points per kill if you do wipe them again is a lot.

But im not an advocate.

Ferocity only makes a difference when you are wiping the enemy team repeatedly, which usually means that you will win with/out ferocity


Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


The secondary objectives on every single PvP map are of questionable value most of the time. Sometimes they’re game winning. If the score is 497 red with double cap to 492 blue with single cap, you may be happy someone picked up ferocity.

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow Dragon.1469

Shadow Dragon.1469

i won this match but i had a necro on my team leave mid uncapped just to go get ferocity then went back to cap mid no one was on it ( i was watching on the map going wtf wtf wtf) diamond too leagues dont equal skill or smarts specially in this meta….

playing with ALL classes keeps it fun that’s how i do it

Please Remove Ferocity from Temple

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Ferocity is really bad, but when you wipe a team (which is rare) getting it when you have nothing to do is good, because 8 points per kill if you do wipe them again is a lot.

But im not an advocate.

Ferocity only makes a difference when you are wiping the enemy team repeatedly, which usually means that you will win with/out ferocity

you will win the game faster though.

ferocity is there for teams who kept on wiping the other team.