Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

I really wish PvP was balanced. It seems like there are some classes that are just not very viable at all.

Also, sometimes I see people bursting for, what at least seems to be, way more damage than they should be able to do. For example, I have seen Warriors really going crazy, so I made one, but it just doesn’t seem like I can keep up. Either I’m really missing something, or some people are doing more damage than should be possible. Also, I’ve seen lots of DPS Guardians, and I really don’t know how that happens – after playing one as well. Maybe I’m just not connecting the dots.

And last but not least I just saw someone teleporting around the Mists. Which leads me to my last point.. hacks have been around in this game for a long, long time from reading forum posts and such. Since you are making GW2 basically F2P please cut down on this nonsense, because you are opening it up for a lot more open hacking with free accounts. Hopefully I am wrong about a lot of this stuff…

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: OneKlicKill.4285


As an avid player of pvp, there is not rampant hacking. I very rarely see anything I’d consider hacking. Now there are times where I seriously question if someone is in which case combat logs and such.

Both war and guard can do massive burst right now, your not connecting dots.

Consider checking your ping if you see someone teleporting short distances.

Other than that I’m sure there are hackers and more hacks will come to light with f2p. But It really isnt as big of an issue as you make it out to be. I think Anet has been more effective with hacking than say pvp balance, or game design, seriously greater concerns.

Please skill/trait split and give control to the PvP team. Karl is fucking killing us

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Midi.8359


Can say from experience that warriors can crit from 9k/10k on cleaves if they trait for it.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


I feel like you’re probably missing something. Pvp is actually quite balanced. Sure there are some classes that don’t seem as viable as often, but there isn’t one or two classes out there just wrecking everyone. Look up some build videos on youtube and practice. Thats the best advice I can give.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

Well, I went over the Warrior and Guardian skills again. I know that Warriors can do some damage, but I myself have been killed by them in less than a second, which, looking at their skills, does not seem possible, at all.

And I have seen more than one DPS Guardian. They have very, very few skills that DPS. Maybe 2. So, I don’t understand how this can happen.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

I usually have about 17-18000 health in PVP so getting 2-shotted by a Warrior in under a second, or seeing a Guardian taking very large chunks of my health quickly does not add up.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

If you think that Guild Wars 2 is safe from hacking/mods you are sadly mistaken. There is PLENTY of footage on youtube of users being caught running hacks & mods. It is more of a problem in WvW because zergs make it difficult to spot cheaters but it has always been a problem in sPvP as well.

I run on average about 10 – 15 matches a day “usually ranked” and see at least one of these occur each and every night:

  • Speed Hacks ~ The person looks like they are desynching around a point. It can sometimes look like bad lag but what is actually happening is that they are moving so fast that it makes them look as if they are teleport-walking. There are two dead giveaways that this is not lag. Number One – The person is still targeting you with attack streams just fine without interruption. Number Two – When a person lags, it actually stops their progress getting somewhere “like home to far” but these people with speed hack can get from a home point to a far point in about 4 seconds, despite being on some build that is clunky with no teles or swift. Whenever you ask them about what you are seeing, they will always respond with: Yeah I’m lagging or You must be lagging.
  • DPS Hacks ~ For those of us with 5000+ matches invested in to GW2, who frequent 1v1 practice against all specs and who plainly understand meta, it doesn’t take a thorough investigation to identify players who are dealing literally twice as much damage that is even possible on the spec that they are running.
  • Dodge/Rupt Bots ~ These are the most frequently seen cheats as they aren’t really hacking. They are just bots. They are little mods that read when an incoming CC or otherwise important attack is about to hit and it dodge rolls or uses an interrupt skill for you to stop the attack. Dead giveaways of dodge/rupt bots include: Players 100% no-fail dodging ALL of your CC attacks despite what kind of situation they are in or if they even know you’re there yet. Players 100% dodging you even when you’re coming out of stealth. Players 100% interrupting your important skills, every time with no fail, despite if they are even currently focused on you in a team fight. But the biggest indication of dodge/rupt bot is when you can plainly see that a player is sloppy and poor at everything in pvp aside from his ability to psychically dodge roll everything.
    Prime indication that a novice is just trying to keep up with a bot.

The above three are the main cheats you’ll come across in sPvP and you should help report it when you see it. Just be reasonable with your suspicions. If you “think” something isn’t right, don’t report it. If you “know for a fact” that something you are seeing is not possible, report them for botting. It’s the best we can do with in-game functions. Or if you want to go the extra mile, start using a record program.

I can say though, I think a-net has stronger methods of detecting hacking than they lead on. I’ve noticed that the players I catch cheating are player names that I never see twice.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Tux der Pinguin.3049

Tux der Pinguin.3049

I dont see much hacking and very few bots in pvp. I sometimes think ppl are using makros for dodgejumping, but i dont see any way without seeing the exact skill timings to be sure about it. I never had any damage outputs that were twice as high as they should be. I have the damagelog chat active in a second chat tab and every time i thought sth was wrong i couldnt find any evidence at all. I also guess that the damage is calculated by the server and not the client, which makes it hard to change.
I personally got reported for cheating many times without using a cheat or makro ever. Sadly ppl often think either my damage is to high or my dodges are automaticly triggered, which is bs. So i really dont give to much about ppl complaining about this many cheaters. Btw, a hacker will do sth different, they are most likely cheaters, no hackers.
I have seen cheaters, but on really rare occasions, nothing around 10 matches.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


I’ve been accused of doing 60k damage with 2 abilities. Trust me, you’re probably imagining more damage than is actually happening.
FTR, Warriors can do some sort of enrage thing where they beef themselves up and then a flurry of attacks that do a lot of damage add to that increased crit chance and increased crit damage and you’re toast.. I’ve been effectively oneshot by warriors a bunch.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Don’t be patronizing, it’s very insulting.

A simple google search on: GW2 cheats hacks mods bots
Will render all the evidence you need.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

I just got hit by the Dps hack. I knew about the port & speed but not this one. A warrior & his team in rank 1 shoted me in 1 v1 combat. & im tanky for my build. Seriously, Anet could code it when there’s anomaly’s like this. Basically it monitors the math. Lets say to many ports or damage can be monitored by the software it self.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

Warriors do have an enrage ability, and it adds 20% crit as well as some might, but it’s far from enough to get one shotted. Their 2 most damaging attacks are the spin thing they can do with a great sword, and then another great sword attack, but the second one requires the target not move for about a second and a half or two. So, to get mowed down in under a second by one does not make sense to me, especially when I’m playing with about 18,000 HP.

They can do a lot of damage quickly, but when I said I got taken down in under a second I was not exaggerating. Like the other guy said, Google DPS hacks and I’m sure you can find some stuff. The code must be flawed, because I have never even heard of something like this before GW2. I don’t understand how the server would not check this stuff. In FPS I have never heard of this. It happens multiple times a day for me. I usually finish the match then leave.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

I did just come across a Warrior ability which stacks might per attack, but it seems to diminish pretty quickly, and I remember being taken down very fast in situations where I was not near any other players from my team – so I don’t know how that would have anything to do with it. I don’t know, maybe I am missing something, like I said before. I hope that’s the case.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

Of course that Warrior trait grants might on a critical hit, and each stack only lasts 5 seconds. Maybe there are some traits I have skipped over.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

There have always been hacks in every game before GW2 and there will always be hacks in every game after GW2. It’s more about figuring out how to catch them than it is to prevent the hacking at this point.

As far as the DPS hack goes ~ I had a player once explain to me the difference between client-side and server-side game functions. The server-side in GW2 apparently does the combat math, healing, life totals, ect.. so people cannot hack numbers directly. But what they can tinker with are client-side files, the functions that our computers run and the data it sends to the server. This guy once told me that DPS hacks don’t actually hack “DPS” what they are doing is messing with client-side files concerning other things that can confuse the server when it reads what you are doing. In one old mod during a previous version of GW2, he told me that the current DPS hack would make the server think you were swinging twice for every one swing that you actually did. This is how they were achieving higher DPS values and figuring out how to trick the server.

Again, when I KNOW someone is running a hack, I never see that name twice. I’m pretty sure their servers monitor this stuff more than they lead on. Even a direct dev investigation could easily see who was running a hack. It’s not hard to look at Player (A)‘s build and then Player (B)’s build, then research combat log and see if what is happening is event mathematically possible without a hack.

@ Zelanox:
The best way to notice if they are DPS hacking is to pay attention to their #1 swings. #1 swinging is not a combo, it is nothing special and it is easy to gauge if those #1 swings are dealing more damage than they should be. Also, go test builds on golem dummies if you want to see if the DPS output is even possible. I will tell you that there is a GS Warrior build that can cleave down a Heavy Golem in like 2 seconds but it is impractical to run in sPvP and if he would have been using it, you could have killed him in 2 seconds as well. It’s a build that runs: Strength, Arms, Discipline for maximum DPS output. Make sure to run the trait that makes signets used add precision. That build can get above 100% critical hit rate and that’s where the DPS comes from.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Constantin.5608


Why does everyone expect to be instantly good at PvP after a handful of matches ? o.0 Just because you use a terrible build from does not mean you will win matches. Same goes if you team up with guild mates and use Teamspeak; voice chat is honestly a crutch for new players and will result in you losing more matches than winning.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


i got reported for hacking multiple times because i used thief downstate teleport on top of the clocktower or inf signet/shs for gap closers….

dunno about dmg, i assume might stacks/vuln from teammates might be the cause of high dmg

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Why does everyone expect to be instantly good at PvP after a handful of matches ? o.0 Just because you use a terrible build from does not mean you will win matches. Same goes if you team up with guild mates and use Teamspeak; voice chat is honestly a crutch for new players and will result in you losing more matches than winning.

This thread is about visually obvious cheating.
After about 6000 matches you’ll be able to identify it as well.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: TheDuck.4526


Provide combat logs and we can probably deduce whether or not it was actually hacking. Also give us more information about your class, what amulet you’re running, etc.

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

I haven’t played 1000s of matches, but I’ve played at least a couple hundred by now (total), some with each class, though I do have favorites. I can say right now that no class should be able to kill anyone in a second or less when that someone has 18000 health like I do, and it’s full.

Anyway, as for combat logs, I have screen shots that I just took of a Warrior hitting me with arcing slice for 8k and then later for over 9k (it’s the adrenaline-based circular spin attack). I get on my Warrior (he’s got Marauder, but his rune is +precision and +ferocity) and it says damage against people with less than 50% health (I had more than 50%) is 1.6k. How many stacks of might would it take to get that number?

I have been killed far too quickly way too many times. It’s at least a couple people pretty much every day, but I can always go do something else than PVP in whichever server the current hacker (or, maybe hackers) is/are in. It is a bit astounding, though, that this stuff is even possible. I have never seen something this ridiculous in competitive video gaming. I don’t even know how it could be possible, which is why I have been kind of slow to even believe it.

Oh, and I got hit with a “Dash” by a different Warrior for over 8000 – same match!

(edited by Zelanox Arnor.1796)

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zelanox Arnor.1796

Zelanox Arnor.1796

Well, I see how he did it now. I guess those Warriors probably were not hacking. Oops!