Please be more transparent about leagues!
I personally only have one question: Will this be separated between solo and team queue.
If yes? I’m definitely interested in learning more and hearing about everything that leagues have to offer
If no? I won’t particularly care about leagues anyway.
I have to agree. If there are exploits like running a pre-made in hotjoin or it’s based simply on time played the league thing will lose credibility.
At this point I don’t bother to pay much attention to betas or press announcements in any case. I’ll believe what I see in-game.
In my opinion they should have plenty of times to change how Leagues work in between Seasons. It’s not like a fixed system. They can eventually add Division descent (something they said currently Leagues don’t have) or to change how matchmaking works. Hell, even the “pip” gain system based on Win % predictions!
One thing I have to agree with, if first season with Leagues fails in some way (and it will do, not because I don’t trust ANet, but because they have never released any kind of this systems and they need to learn) I know that players will be so obfuscated that they won’t provide valuable feedback to improve it.
So yeah, in the end I also agree completely with the thread’s title! It’d be nice to hear more from ANet about Leagues.
Yeah, we need some CDI or something like that because you know Leagues. i bet, my Mice has more Clicking lifespan than everyone else.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.