Please change pvp dailys

Please change pvp dailys

in PvP

Posted by: trunks.5249


i only do pvp now so i do the pvp dailys. however i hate being forced to play toons i do not like in order to finish them. the main reason i would like it changed is because it is not fair to my team mates playing a toon i suck at just to get a daily finished

master jedi david

Please change pvp dailys

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


i only do pvp now so i do the pvp dailys.

Unless you feel some obligation to complete all the dailies, you only need to complete 3 total for the achievement points, spirit shards and 2 gold.

If you don’t like playing any of the four classes they give you, then don’t play them, you don’t have to. There are easy enough things to do in the other modes, even if you feel too stubborn to go do them.

The fault is not in the dailies, it is in the player. Play what you want to play, no one can force you to do otherwise, and the dailies are designed to make players try and experiment with other game areas, classes etc.

Just like the people who will inevitably come and whine “please change jumping puzzle dailies” or “please change HoT event completer dailies”

And if you absolutely must complete these. Just open the server window and look for a Daily Room to just get a free win and move on.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

(edited by Zietlogik.6208)

Please change pvp dailys

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


Could be saving up the orange reward track progress potions for an event like Wintersday or for when the next Mist Champion is released so you can get it quickly.
If it is for the 10ap, 2g and Spirit shards and you aren’t saving up the orange potions might as well just play a class you are good with. Usually you can lose a match and still get the two that aren’t about winning with a certain class. Theres usually something in PVE or WvWthat will get your third daily quickly, Vista viewers, land claimers, caravan disruptors.

Please change pvp dailys

in PvP

Posted by: Reknarok.7582


the only complaint i have about pvp dailies is that they’re kinda boring. why not something like evade x times in a single match? or win a match by x or more points?

would be nice