Please change recipe - Tournament Ticket

Please change recipe - Tournament Ticket

in PvP

Posted by: Togur.9306


Hi all i have proposal too change recipe of Tournament Ticket.
(I apologize for my scratchy english!)

Current recipe:
1 Consumable Token
8 Orbs
4 Crystals
2 Slivers

1 Consumable Token
25 Powder
4 Crystals
2 Slivers

It will allow on boost of production of ticket, but they have overflowed market on not so many!
Majority active player owns many powders not has make on free competitions with which that excessively but it is tickets not enough very. I think (consider) it very reasonable proposal too, dignified thinking.

Please change recipe - Tournament Ticket

in PvP

Posted by: Spindelhalla.2139


If I get it right, you want tournament tickets to be easier to craft and I agree with you on this. But, why swapping 8 orbs with 25 powder when they are both really easy to get? On my account I think I have like 1.5k powder but I’m pretty sure I also have (I can’t log in to check atm) more than 500 orbs so for me (and I think on average ppl are in the same situation) changing 8 orbs to 25 powder wouldn’t change much, it would be almost the same as it is now. What should be changed are the crystals and slivers, these are way way harder to get than orbs and powder. For example, while I have 1.5k powder and 500 orbs I only have like 60-70 slivers and about the same amount of crystals.

(edited by Spindelhalla.2139)

Please change recipe - Tournament Ticket

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Maybe 25 powder 25 Free tournament tokens 25 orbs ?..
This should be in suggestions..

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