(edited by Exile.8160)
Please do something about matchmaking.
Sounds pretty standard for most people. Each time I queue with people that were solo’ing previously, they all report how bad their losses have been. It’s too bad Anet don’t have the resources needed to fix PvP. Only thing you can do is accept it for what it is, or move on from PvP.
Yeah. I’m still holding out hope that they will introduce a new system with the expansion. At this point, even a revert to the old system would be better.
Yes, yesterday was a disaster for me too. I queued with 2 friends, both with pretty high MMR and we were teamed up with 2 beginners against teams of 5 competent players. This happened 3 times in a row before we give up and go for some dungeons. It’s hard to carry 1 beginner, it’s impossible to carry 2.
Maybe the worst was the second match, when we had 1 ele who rushed far, died fast and went afk till the end of the match, + 1 theif who started with asking me in MAP CHAT “guardian, come help me with Svanir”.
I ignored this, run to middle and hold it uncontested against 2 of the opposite team for a while, until their home capper joined them middle. My guys were 2v2 home. In the meantime he died to Svanir…
I was still 3v1 when my favourite thief started to spam my pm “why didn’t you help me, you little piece of kitten?” I was so shocked, that I died while staring the chat box, and then whispered him “I’m a bunker…” His answer: “Like a care”.
This was the moment I realized it’s pointles and just blocked and reproted. I shouldn’t be supposed to educate beginners in the middle of a match.
(edited by Eyia Hellhide.7320)
I dunno how matchmaking is supposed to work but it is wierd what happened me and my team a few days ago.
Me and 3 friends qued for a match. Me on rank 57 the others where around 37, 31 and 11. Then ofcourse we had a random in our team and he didn’t say anything and he played realy bad so I expect that he didn’t have that high rating.
Then the match started and we got totaly obliderated and later I got stomped by one of their players and I noticed he/she used the dragon finisher. I got so suprised that we got teamed against a full premade with a rank 80 player so I asked them what ranks they where becouse the fight was totaly uneven. They said that there was one beginner in their team below rank 10 but the rest was Veterans. So atleast one at rank 80 one below 10 and the 3 other must have been over rank 30 (I wouldnt even call r30 a veteran but I dunno what people call veteran).
I mean, how is it possible to even be teamed against r80 players. In my opinion r57 and r80 has a very big gap in skill level. Now not only where we teamed against a r80 but it was a fully premade group who would have had a better chance of a good match in a Ranked match. None of our sides enjoyed that match.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]