Please fix pvp

Please fix pvp

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


At the moment, its every single match.

60% thieves spamming backstabs, CnD, into heartseeker spam.

30% Mesmers just shattering everything.

Before anyone posts about how you can just dodge it, no you cannot, go into hotjoin and see how well your dodging does. Its worthless.

I am sure someone will chime in that they are perfect and eat them up all day, you can just shut up because your boring and white knighting.

This is getting beyond a joke now, Thieves have been OP to kitten for a while and nothing is being done about it. They can spam their attacks, why is it so hard for people to understand it breaks the game apart and makes any none thief pretty much worthless. The only reason Mesmers are doing so well is a bug, which is going to fixed soon.

People complain about comparisons to other MMOs, in perticular WoW. This turgid excuse for PVP pales in the crap shadow of WoW. And WoW can be something of a joke at times, but at least they try to balance things out. Even these forums are full of people complaining about thiefs being beyond control.

kitten, dont believe me, go do some hotjoins and just look at the sheer number of them. Noobs flock to weak cheap classes that are easy to win with, notice how thief is played by most players now, thats because its a cheap nasty and kittening stupidly overpowered class.

I know some people will claim that leaving a game because of one class is stupid, but its all I end up going against these days and when they are burst specced (which is nearly every single time), and the stupid stealth over and over again idea, stealth not even breaking until a few seconds after they have hit you with the 2987658723645789346589735698374569873456983745634 heartseeker/backstab/CnD, then dont be surprised when your idea of PVP is so badly out of balance that people just leave for other games.

This isnt 2003 anymore, MMOs are a huge money maker and lots of people are making new ones all the time. You cannot just expect us to wait for month upon month with nothing being done bar your employers putting in the odd “wicked strong” comment.

I am quite sure this will either be deleted or flamed, and I am hoping that pointing that out will at least deter the former.

(I am not having a go a thief players, as many people will always go towards the most overpowered thing in a PVP game. CoD noobtube, DoW Orc spam, WoW frost mage, BF2BC Gustav spam, its endless in its numbers)

Please fix pvp

in PvP

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


Your dead on right. I was in one tourny PvP where team a: was 5 thieves and our team was myself a ranger then 3 thieves and a mesmer. like wtf. We lost by the way, I think I let us down with my useless class lol.

Please fix pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Sounds like you have a lot of trouble with ‘overpowered’ stuff in every game you play.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Please fix pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Wise.8025


Sounds like you have a lot of trouble with ‘overpowered’ stuff in every game you play.

Sounds more like he’s playing in hot join games or randoming into tourney’s without a team. There tends to be a much larger percentage of DPS builds in hot join and random games than with a balanced team.

Cheese will often win vs low skill levels. Cheese can win vs higher skill levels but they have taken the time to learn the counters to these builds.

Please fix pvp

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


Sounds like you have a lot of trouble with ‘overpowered’ stuff in every game you play.

Not really because I just move on. DoW realised the spam problem and relic pushed out a patch THE NEXT DAY! Plus they reset the ranks by a day so nothing was lost. They realised the problem and fixed it. Good games seem to address the problems, bad ones do not. CoD took years to get rid of bad ideas like last stand and the endless noobtubing that was mw2, and look at the dip in sales recently. I didnt buy the new one, I know quite a few people who didn’t. Wasnt a boycott or anything stupid, just wasnt fussed this time round.

GW2 does have the potential, hence why I would rather it was fixed than the game die off.

A lot of MMOs have the stealth issue, how to work in an assassin style class is pretty much the bane of any PVP MMO.

Its a nice idea, but intuitive just ruins any concept of balance, and I fear with the game already being out, there is no way to turn back the clock and change it. Every other class has cooldowns, notice how there problem stem from bugs and not general OPness.

Please fix pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


In practice…

Stealth + Skills with cooldown= manageable
Stealth + spammable energy system= absurd idea

Solution= Remove stealth from game, remove quickness , add CD skills to thief and re-add shadow stepping as it was in GW1 or something similar..but stealth has always been the most abused thing in videogames