Please, fix the mmr! Do something.

Please, fix the mmr! Do something.

in PvP

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


I keep getting teamed with the same players in soloQ, players that barely know how to play in a team. Rank 30+ Staff elem,dps guardian, mesmer with no portail -w/e his build was- 5 games in a row; not going to name them. I might as well play team arena. Please, fix your god kitten solo Q.

(edited by Poplolita.2638)

Please, fix the mmr! Do something.

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


it doesn’t know what peoples mmr is until they lose a lot or win a lot. Its too early for it to have allocated everyone. This is the same with other games that have a solo que ladder system. Just gotta suck it up or don’t play for a week untill it shoves people around more. Or play really well every game and climb out of where you are, don’t expect to win every game.