Please incentivize people to play at legend

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: gin.7158


I reached t4 legendary because I refuse to throw my games and keep trying to queue (while watching movies of course). I don’t think I will get any match again this season bcoz of the 15 pips range limitation.

Yesterday I tried to queue for around 6 hours without any match. So I guess that puts the final nail in the coffin.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I wonder what’s wrong this season though, nobody even prestige 2+ right now which is extremely strange to me.

Also I am ‘stuck ’in diamond T7 because of the q times and when they pop I get those super strong legend players stomping me haha rip. I think there aren’t enough diamonds which in turn means there aren’t enough legends to make for an active scene.


Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: gin.7158


I wonder what’s wrong this season though, nobody even prestige 2+ right now which is extremely strange to me.

Also I am ‘stuck ’in diamond T7 because of the q times and when they pop I get those super strong legend players stomping me haha rip. I think there aren’t enough diamonds which in turn means there aren’t enough legends to make for an active scene.

I think the fact that some/a lot of people(maybe) have finished their wings so the playerbase also takes a big hit. Actually the matchmaking acts really strange. Most of my matchups is a total lose or win (blowout? my english is not good). I suspect the matchmaking is so confused because it doesn’t have enough player pool to make a fair matchup at high tier.

This really frustrates me. I like the game a lot. GW2 is the best MMORPG so far. The only option that I have is to play overwatch. But I digress.

(edited by gin.7158)

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


You need to remember that this is still very early in the season to be legendary. Only the extremely good/lucky are legendary now. Wait a few weeks and queue times in legendary will be the same as they are in any other league. Most of the players that will reach legendary this season like myself are either in Ruby or diamond so you won’t get matched with those players now, but you will in maybe 3 weeks when they have reached legendary. It was the same with last season, the top players couldn’t get a match in legendary for over an hour but by he end of the season, I got to prestige 3 with no trouble at all with queue times.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


You need to remember that this is still very early in the season to be legendary. Only the extremely good/lucky are legendary now. Wait a few weeks and queue times in legendary will be the same as they are in any other league. Most of the players that will reach legendary this season like myself are either in Ruby or diamond so you won’t get matched with those players now, but you will in maybe 3 weeks when they have reached legendary. It was the same with last season, the top players couldn’t get a match in legendary for over an hour but by he end of the season, I got to prestige 3 with no trouble at all with queue times.

You have to admit that is a horrible set up.

you win alot of your games early now you get to play 1-2 games every hour? Who will consistently do this for 4 seasons. To top it off your not seeing the top players/ teams playing anymore.

Season 1 i had to post on the forum crying because i was still in diamond and having to face team PZ (4 out of 5 members) 4 games in a row. It was fine but i noticed i was the only diamond in the match. So not only do i have to wait for 10-15 min in que but i was gonna lose and everyone was legendary but me. That is a horrible system.

Lets just face it, I for one play PvP alot less. I want the new title but after making the wings last season, i dont enjoy sitting for 5-???? what ever minutes wait for a game to start. Plus for all the Pro level players it cant be enjoyable grinding threw horrible players/ games to get to a level of fun/competitiveness and have to wait 30+ min.

Its amazing to me that Anet knew these problems heading in. The fix they threw in was a horrible because it still didnt change the fact that the better player would still win and then once again be stuck until the other elite level players grinded to the level.

Here we are in season 3 and que times are still bad, incentive is gone, Build diversity is still low. People crying over match making will always be that way but the fact that none of the high level ESL teams/ players other then waang shows a some what dying PvP scene.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: gin.7158


Dear suffish, Good to know it may get better at the end of season. But idk, people seem to quit after they reach legend. If it’s not bcoz of the wing, I would probably quit after I reach legend. This topic is not another queue rant but to ask for more reasonable reward in PvP. Something to pursue after people get their wing and reach high tier division. I play at season 1 but skipped season 2, Now at season 3, I notice the playerbase decreased really greatly. I’m not sure whether gw2 playerbase decreased in general or not but I think giving meaningful reward will bring some healthiness to the pvp playerbase.

I like what kdaddy says and completely agree.

(edited by gin.7158)

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Trepidation Lost.3469

Trepidation Lost.3469

I reached legendary in 88 wins, did it for the sole purpose for getting the title. Now that i have this there is no insentive to play any further, i will do the same next season and the next. Perhaps if there was some reward track that unlocked after hitting legendary that offered some unique skins, or geting to the next lege tier gave more tokens i would, but apart from that i may as well wvw for the reward tracks. Less stressful no que timers and i can afk when i like.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Unholey.3264


I reached t4 legendary because I refuse to throw my games and keep trying to queue (while watching movies of course). I don’t think I will get any match again this season bcoz of the 15 pips range limitation.

Yesterday I tried to queue for around 6 hours without any match. So I guess that puts the final nail in the coffin.

Basically this. I got to t4 legend 3 days ago and have been able to get only 1 match since then over a span of at least 3 hours of q times. I’ve given up trying to get more. Even at reset I can’t get a match. Guess I’ll just wait til next season.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


I do think that you will have less players queueing in the higher ranks. As people get their wings, the ones that haven’t been enjoying the league setup will stop queueing. As for the pve grinders, they will almost undoubtedly stop once they grind their wings and go back to pve. So total population will likely decline as we get to end of this season and by season 4 most players will probably have their wings already.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Was getting Q pops in legend T1/2 X1 (15-35 mins) but once I hit T3 it’s over an hour queue with nothing to show for it lol.



Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Definitely need further incentive to play at legendary. I’ve been saying this ever since in S2, the Legendary matches became infinitely less competitive (a joke) when compared to the Diamond leaguers battling hard for Legend.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: mrauls.6519


AN needs to overhaul a lot of kittening classes so there’s viable diversity. Playing the same build 24/7 can get boring as kitten

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I think the 15 pip range thing is a myth. A friend of mine last night told me he was in a match of 4 rubies + 1 diamond against 5 sapphires. Not sure how that is possible other than the number of players playing at the time must have been really low and the matchmaker is trying its best with what it’s got.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


To me this is probably the biggest problem with the GW2 PvP leagues.

Legendary means nothing, top tier players who stream and want to stream cant stream this game because to many of us get into legendary. Bad players dont bother to check there streams because GW2 is starting to look all the same.

Say what you want but ive never really watched someones stream. Ive only seen recorded videos when people have told me i was in X person stream but i came across Lord Helseth breaking down 1 of his own matches talking about what he did wrong and why he made certain moves. I bring it up because 1/2 the posts on the forum are about MM and Helseth made a good video on rotations and how he needed to be done solo/duo queing.

This thread needs a bump because the best players in the game are getting screwed with nothing to show for it.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Actually the problem is too few people in legend so they spend more time in Q than games which makes for poor streaming.


Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: odstninja.1468


I reached t4 legendary because I refuse to throw my games and keep trying to queue (while watching movies of course). I don’t think I will get any match again this season bcoz of the 15 pips range limitation.

Yesterday I tried to queue for around 6 hours without any match. So I guess that puts the final nail in the coffin.

They are all in sapphire still. Either b/c of the 50/50 ratio or they just don’t care to level b/c no reward. Either way it sucks for sapphire lol

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: ImdA.4701


I wonder what’s wrong this season though, nobody even prestige 2+ right now which is extremely strange to me.

The only reason why nobody is prestige 2+ is because you simply cant get Qpop once you reach legend 2. This 15 pips range limitation must be deleted for Legend players.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: gin.7158


Just my 2 cents, I write arbitrarily here. I think I need it because of my frustration over pvp.

15 pip range is not a myth. Idk how it works but there must be some contribution to mm. As fishball says at t3 legend you can notice it’s so hard to get a match. At t1 you can still get some matches with diamonds. At t4 or even t5, RIP. Now I wonder if you reach prestige 2, your pip will reset right? so you will get a match with diamonds again? That’s a little bit weird IMO.

Let’s just agree Anet has so many homeworks about the whole league system. But Like they revitalized WvW and HoT maps (ectovine?), I think giving good rewards is a good starting point. If there is no one wanna play, why do they even need to spend resource for pvp?

I tried several matches at unranked. It’s so awful. It’s nightmare. The matchmaking doesn’t make any sense, it will just make you rage. I know I’m not good but I can notice at some point that people use some weird build and rotate poorly. It feels like the mm mixes amber player with ruby/diamond players. I don’t know how people don’t rage playing that.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


If I remember correctly, Evan said there was no pips limitation in the legendary division last season, I dunno If They changed this but I don’t think.

I think the main issue is that except for high mmr players Who reached legendary super fast, there are really few players in legendary or in t7 diamond and progression rate il slower than s2 for sure.

Btw There were a lot of suggestions to incentivate people to play in Legendary in the past:

- reward track multipliers for divisions
- legendary currency for rewards only for legendary players

Sadly Anet changed nothing for rewards, are always the same like s1

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

It’sa small group because it’s legend. When one thinks that leagues show absolutely no skill level whatsoever. That there is no difference between an amber player and a ruby player. besides thier bieng tons of complains here about rubies bieng matched with diamonds. Or saphires bieng matched rubies. Or saphires complaining that they have to many emeralds and ambers in thier team. Then I’m of the opinion that divisions to some extent seperate skill. Then add in the concept of similar mmr players on team and others on another team. It means that every team will either have matches with the odds stacked against them or the odds in thier favour ofcourse u can also have equal teams, the chances will get more accomidating the higher your MMR becomes because naturally they are more people with low to average mmr then people with high mmr’s.

People that have low to average MMR and grow thier MMR will at the same time also actually have to increase thier skill level at the same rate or they will end up against a wall.

Bassically I think that u could try and incentise the diamonds to try harder. and maby people with a minimal winrate of 43.29 % i heard. And maby push those to diamond. Then make it so that every legendary can play with any diamond.

But then problem becomes that pro leaguers llikely in legend. It’d be quite a big kitten you for a ruby who just passed into diamond to fight the Abjured or Orange logo as a big welcome and lose 649-0 in legacy of the foefire.

Maby make it so that legend regardless of their standing can team up with anybody that is tier 3 diamond?

I still think that even with A-net giving people more incentive for players to reach legend. that legend will stay pretty small.

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: gin.7158


legendary currency for rewards only for legendary players. This will be cool. Especially for unique skins. skins>gold coz fashion wars 2

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I’m watching chaith’s stream and he had 26 min q in legend lol. When it pops he gets dolten, toker and himself vs a bunch of random diamonds (maybe 1 legend). Nobody wants to vs that and idk how you can incentivize people to play games which are basically unwinnable.

It’s ok once you hit legend since pip gain/loss isn’t a big deal but imagine you’re T6 or T7 diamond it’s just frustrating lol. Most people would just q dodge making for longer qs = rip.


(edited by fishball.7204)

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Should give more reward for each tier in legend. It is flipping legend after all. Give extra tickets in legend and allow to buy nice rewards for those tickets (e.g. special skins, convert them to gems and what not).

Atm in legend you sit in 1 hour queues for totally lopsided matches just to make tiny bit more silver than from unranked……………………………… (i am not even gonna start on mindless farming in pve zones).

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


While I absolutely agree that once you get to legendary tier, there is zero reason to continue to queue, I do have to ask:

To all of the people complaining about queue times, you do know we’re only 2 weeks into an 8 week season? Given that you probably started in Sapphire, you already queued up against a low population compared to the total population, so being in Diamond/Legendary right now puts you at maybe within 5-10% of the active population of PvP players.

So, really, it’s time to take a break. The longer the queue time goes, the more the pip range expands (to the maximum of 15) and MMR expands to try to find you a match, so if you aren’t finding any matches, it’s because there aren’t enough people currently online and in range to make a match. Congrats, you’ve binged the season and come out victorious, but you really don’t have the right to complain since the system is stated in black and white to the degree where you know this is going to happen if you log in and play more than just doing your 3 dailies.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Please incentivize people to play at legend

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I’m watching chaith’s stream and he had 26 min q in legend lol. When it pops he gets dolten, toker and himself vs a bunch of random diamonds (maybe 1 legend). Nobody wants to vs that and idk how you can incentivize people to play games which are basically unwinnable.

It’s ok once you hit legend since pip gain/loss isn’t a big deal but imagine you’re T6 or T7 diamond it’s just frustrating lol. Most people would just q dodge making for longer qs = rip.

This is another thing that ruins the game.

The PiP system, anet already knows who the better players are.

This might hurt the feelings of people who want solo que back but when we had solo que the same players all fought each other. Ranked seasons should be the same and simply give out rewards based on your rank.

I know anet wants to make it as casual friendly as possible but it sucks for everyone else.

Literally just had a match where we went mid 4 and targeted there ele which is fine i guess and we downed him. Instead of cleaving or going for the stomp 2 of the team mates started attacking another target and the ele got rezzed up. Then it happened again.

Then 2 of the players were blaming the thief who lost home. The thief on my team started whispering the other teams thief to 1 vs 1 him. The enemys thief in map chat responded with “if you want to 1 vs 1 go to a dueling server.”

Being in legendary was great since everyone has the same basic idea as you, you lost or won because of who was better. The grind to legendary is not worth it especially because in the last week i screen printed 3-4 matches we should of won but the players on my team had bad rotations and it costed us the match.

The PiP system and the incentive system go hand and hand. It sucks that the MMR system simply just doesnt take 3 ESL calibur players for 1 team, 3 for the other and then 2 borderline questionable legends and see how they do in that match. They either abused the system season 1 with mesmer or season 2 with necro. Either way they would know the truth.

(edited by kdaddy.5431)