Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


As the title says, I would like for the spvp gold rewards to be made retroactive, or for the new spvp vendor’s gold costs to be abolished.

I have spent around 500 hours in spvp which is a lot for me, but the problem is this was all pre patch; now I have hundreds-of-thousands of Glory but because I only ever played spvp I have no gold whatsoever.

I would very much like to take advantage of the new vendor that allows you to actually put your Glory to efficient use, but this would mean grinding spvp all over again for gold, and to be perfectly honest I am on a bit of a break from the game for now due to being burnt out, but I absolutely love Guild Wars 2 and I will be returning after a small break.

This leads me onto my main issue; I don’t want to play the game right now, but if I do not, all my Glory will be wiped in an upcoming patch and I will lose hundreds of hours of game-play.

Please make the gold rewards retroactive or remove the gold cost.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Why didn’t you buyGiant Wintersday Gift with glory? Would have made hundreds if not thousands of gold by now.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Very good point. Take a fraction of your glory and buy items you can sell easily on TP. You will have plenty of gold and plenty of glory.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


Aye I know I could do that, but I am not currently playing the game as I am a bit burnt out and I don’t want to have to “grind” for gold in order to prevent the loss of hundreds-of-hours of game-play. I would be more than happy to do it if I were actively playing the game but that’s currently not the case, and I feel my progression should stay intact for when I return. If the gold rewards were to be made retroactive or simply removed altogether I could log-in and spend all my Glory preventing it from getting wiped.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Sampo.9678


Why didn’t you buyGiant Wintersday Gift with glory? Would have made hundreds if not thousands of gold by now.

I got about 450g from giant wintersday gifts as well…

“Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


Sorry but you’re kinda missing the point…

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Sorry but you’re kinda missing the point…

not really…. if you had played in the past, you would have had enough glory to buy those parcels, and make your already farmed glory into gold. Kind of converting your past played spvp time into gold.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


Sorry but you really are missing the point. I do indeed have a lot of Glory. I could have indeed purchased those parcels and sold them for gold. Absolutely.

What are you missing? The fact that I was not ankitten ot currently playing the game of course. As I have said multiple times I feel I should not have to farm gold in order to prevent the loss of hundreds-of-hours of game-play.

This is a computer game. Since when did it become an obligation? I play for fun, and when I don’t feel like playing any more for whatever reasons, I do not want to have to come back and basically do chores and work just so that I can keep all of my progression.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Thats the point though, ANet did add a past PvP Glory into Gold converter, if you don’t want ot use it thats your issue.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


I am not sure why this is so difficult to grasp…I will have to take a different approach. Here are some bullet points to make it clearer. No offence intended!

  • I do not currently play Guild Wars 2
  • I have not been playing for quite some time
  • I currently have no desire to play this computer game until I am no longer burnt out.
  • I have played spvp exclusively for over 500 hours
  • This has netted me a lot of Glory points
  • These Glory points, which as said above have taken hundreds-of-hours of real-time to accumulate, will be wiped in an upcoming patch.
  • In order to prevent them from being wiped I either need to travel back in time to when the Wintersday gift vendor was still in the game and play the auction house, or start playing again for the sole purpose of farming gold.

Lets summarise:

I don’t play Guild Wars 2 at this time. I also don’t want to lose all my hard-earned Glory. To prevent this I need to invent time travel or come back to the game and grind.

I mean no offence to the developers but this is in my humble opinion poor design; I want to know that my progression is secure; taking a break from the game should not cause me to lose any of it.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: bobomb.5209


They are saying that you can buy the giant wintersday gifts and sell them for good money. They cost 200 glory each, and no gold is put into buying them. It seems like you haven’t understood them. Just play the game for 10 minutes. Buy some gifts. And sell them for some money. Now you have money, glory, and you have spent some glory so it has not been wasted. Everything is solved.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


-Implements a way to convert glory into gold

-refuses to log in to use the conversion but wants to be compensated

Yeah, sorry, you don’t get rewarded for not playing the game. If you dedicated the time in the past, you can log in and convert your glory to gifts and then trade them for gold.

If you aren’t willing to even log in to use this system that everybody else had to live with, then honestly, you don’t deserve anything.

Everybody else played, and converted their glory as mentioned as their compensation for the time they invested. If you can’t even log in because “you don’t feel like it,” then you get nothing.

Everybody wishes that they didn’t have to work and still get paid. If you want your payment, you better log in and get it. Simple.


Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


They are saying that you can buy the giant wintersday gifts and sell them for good money. They cost 200 glory each, and no gold is put into buying them. It seems like you haven’t understood them. Just play the game for 10 minutes. Buy some gifts. And sell them for some money. Now you have money, glory, and you have spent some glory so it has not been wasted. Everything is solved.

Actually I understand them perfectly. Unfortunately I do not currently have access to a time machine.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Lets summarise:

I don’t play Guild Wars 2 at this time. I also don’t want to lose all my hard-earned Glory. To prevent this I need to invent time travel or come back to the game and grind.

I mean no offence to the developers but this is in my humble opinion poor design; I want to know that my progression is secure; taking a break from the game should not cause me to lose any of it.

You spent your 500hours playing/enjoying the game or did you do it just to “grind” glory? Because at the time glory was considered useless or worthless. Did you expect value of your glory back then? Probably not.

Anet gave us a bonus by allowing people to buy stuff aka wintersday gift before glory is removed. But, you didnt, so that is your fault. You could have had hundreds if not thousands of gold now. People who played the game cuz they liked it or whatever was rewarded.

Currently, you can still purchase armor skins with your glory? Stuff like R80 things that i doubt you would be able to get normally. Better hop on that now, before it is gone and cry later your glory was wiped clean without getting to spend it.

You stopped playing when glory had no real value. Think of it this way. Anet rewarded those who kept playing and gave them a chance to cash in.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

(edited by kirito.4138)

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


-Implements a way to convert glory into gold

-refuses to log in to use the conversion but wants to be compensated

Yeah, sorry, you don’t get rewarded for not playing the game. If you dedicated the time in the past, you can log in and convert your glory to gifts and then trade them for gold.

If you aren’t willing to even log in to use this system that everybody else had to live with, then honestly, you don’t deserve anything.

Everybody else played, and converted their glory as mentioned as their compensation for the time they invested. If you can’t even log in because “you don’t feel like it,” then you get nothing.

Everybody wishes that they didn’t have to work and still get paid. If you want your payment, you better log in and get it. Simple.


Ok well firstly you are missing the point; I HAVE played the game, hence the 500+ hours worth of Glory I have collected. This is real time spent on real progression and I should not be given an ultimatum. You do not appear to have read my posts correctly. Please go back and do so before responding.

Also I am not quite sure where this hostility is coming from but if you are going through personal issues in your life I would ask kindly that you keep them out of my thread.

You say I “refuse” to log in… Do you really have to put words in my mouth to try and make your “point?” Your post basically attempts to label me as some lazy, petulant child who deserves nothing, whereas in reality I am just some guy who is burnt out but stills loves the game and does not want to lose a huge amount of real-time investment in said game, yet at the same time does not want to have to come back prematurely to grind for gold in order to preserve past progression; it’s past progression for a reason.

As I have already mentioned a number of times I have not been playing Guild Wars 2 for quite some time, and I do not currently have access to a time machine, thus I am unfortunately unable to log-in to a previous build of the game to take advantage of certain vendors. I don’t know why this is so hard to grasp.

You say I don’t deserve anything merely because I chose to take a break, and that if I go off GW2 at any point it is perfectly acceptable for me to lose my progression, progression that I have worked hard for. This may come as a shock to you but I thoroughly disagree. In fact I think the general tone of your post and it’s content is pretty nonsensical.

You mention everybody wishes that they didn’t have to work and still get paid. This implies that you do not think I have done any work to get my Glory, do you stand by this? 500+ hours of game play solely in spvp does not count as “work” to you? Really? Are you listening to yourself lol.

Really come back with a better argument or don’t come back at all please. It’s never fun when people turn a suggestion thread into a troll-fest, but when they do so in such as manner as yourself it gets incredibly tedious. Cheers.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


Lets summarise:

I don’t play Guild Wars 2 at this time. I also don’t want to lose all my hard-earned Glory. To prevent this I need to invent time travel or come back to the game and grind.

I mean no offence to the developers but this is in my humble opinion poor design; I want to know that my progression is secure; taking a break from the game should not cause me to lose any of it.

You spent your 500hours playing/enjoying the game or did you do it just to “grind” glory? Because at the time glory was considered useless or worthless. Did you expect value of your glory back then? Probably not.

Anet gave us a bonus by allowing people to buy stuff aka wintersday gift before glory is removed. But, you didnt, so that is your fault. You could have had hundreds if not thousands of gold now. People who played the game cuz they liked it or whatever was rewarded.

Currently, you can still purchase armor skins with your glory? Stuff like R80 things that i doubt you would be able to get normally. Better hop on that now, before it is gone and cry later your glory was wiped clean without getting to spend it.

You stopped playing when glory had no real value. Think of it this way. Anet rewarded those who kept playing and gave them a chance to cash in.

Jesus it is getting tedious having to repeat myself in my own suggestion thread, and being accused of “crying” is just icing on the cake. If you note I am responding to people in my own thread. Pretty common practice.

I did indeed enjoy myself while I was playing spvp, but to answer your question YES I also expected that my Glory would be of value to me at some point further down the line. Rank points were there as a form of progression and Glory came with them hand-in-hand. What’s your point here? Am I not allowed to both have fun and have progression?

You are looking at the whole thing in the wrong way. Glory was always intended to have value hence why it was in the game in the first place. This is common sense and I knew it right back at the start, did you not??

You are correct in that I did not take advantage of the Winterday vendor? Guess why? Because I was not playing? Absolutely correct! I did not even KNOW about the vendors, BECAUSE. I. WAS. NOT. PLAYING. THE. GAME. Why on earth is this simple concept so mindbogglingly difficult for some of you to grasp…? I have a life, a family, a job, chores, commitments, other games to play. I do not and should not have to keep track of every single game I have ever played, keeping up to date on the latest news, all for the sake of keeping PAST PROGRESSION.

Your suggestion about buying and selling armour is not very good as the armour sets also require gold as well as glory.

People still playing were not rewarded to spite those not playing, that is not how it works. The vendors were not put there to say thank you to the game’s current active player-base, or to reward them for liking the game lol.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Treborlavok.3504


Ignore the fan boys OP…

The game is slowly falling deeper and deeper into the abyss and can’t make it’s way back out.

They’re trying to get rid of all currency aside from gold. Laurels aside, gold is and will be king which is bs especially since everything on game that has been beneficial to farm gets nerfed… Leaving just the tp try and flip and play. Which is also bs. If one aspect of the game is rewarding, every other aspect should be just as rewarding.

Honestly the game is dying. They’re trying to keep it afloat by turning pvp into something the achievement hunters can sink their teeth I to and give ppl another carrot to chase… Save yourself the time and headache and don’t stress about the glory. Either bid gw2 a due, or say kitten it and face the facts that they’re still constantly going against everything they said the game was going to be since launch.

On the up side Eqnext looks amazing and I’m gonna be there on day one!

Sylvari Engi- Wait! Don’t leaf!
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


I did indeed enjoy myself while I was playing spvp, but to answer your question YES I also expected that my Glory would be of value to me at some point further down the line. Rank points were there as a form of progression and Glory came with them hand-in-hand. What’s your point here? Am I not allowed to both have fun and have progression?

You are looking at the whole thing in the wrong way. Glory was always intended to have value hence why it was in the game in the first place. This is common sense and I knew it right back at the start, did you not??

There lies your problem. You’re treating or banking on glory having additional value in the future. (it did for a limited time for which you didn’t capitalized on). Most people didn’t play just for glory. The face value at the time when you accrued your glory the value was little to nothing. It was meant for you to buy chests for pvp armor skins and whatnot crafting. . You quit playing so any valued ended there.

The transition to the new reward system in the future was to encourage and reward players to continue playing. You didn’t for whatever reason it doesn’t matter missed out on it and was not rewarded. However, this new reward system won’t be for a while so there will maybe be more chances to convert your glory to gold if you decide to play.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I’m sorry, how did you lose your progress? You are still the same rank you were when you stopped playing, and you still have all of your glory and PvP skins.

That’s all there was in the mists. Glorys value was using it to buy RNG chances to get new armor and weapon skins in the mist.

So you got burnt out and stopped playing. That’s fair, it happens to everybody. But while you were away, during part of a living story arc (which by the way, you missed all of those, but really seem to only care about rewards than content. Just saying, I’d be equally upset for everything I missed, not just rewards) in which new glory vendors were introduced, and with that living story arc, a wintersday based vendor was added to the mists as well.

Now, while I’m sure ANet knew full well that people were going to trading post the vendor items that they could, the vendors themselves were just carrying Wintersday items that allowed the PvP playerbase to participate in Wintersday without having to to PvE.

Unfortunately, you did miss that opportunity. I feel bad for you, really, I do. But just like with all of the other content based rewards in the game, like dragon wings or halloween weapons, there are time constraints on particular rewards that you can get during living world story arcs.

BUT, you still have all of your ranks and all of your glory. Just like the wintersday vendor was a pleasant surprise to everybody, there is a chance that any number of living story arcs will provide another vendor that has items that you can trading post for money.

It really sucks that you did miss this opportunity, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be more opportunities in the future.

Sorry that my first post came off as rude. The thread just came off to me as another whine thread about somebody who feels entitled to money, when in reality, the glory and ranks are the reward, and any money being made with the glory is being done through living world content.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198



With all due respect, they are giving you lots of different options.
The only person I would feel badly for is the player who took a break and had no idea during that break that the change was happening.

For them, I would suggest that when glory goes away, you convert all remaining glory into gold at some conversion rate.

Not sure what else anyone can do for you Vrak.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


I did indeed enjoy myself while I was playing spvp, but to answer your question YES I also expected that my Glory would be of value to me at some point further down the line. Rank points were there as a form of progression and Glory came with them hand-in-hand. What’s your point here? Am I not allowed to both have fun and have progression?

You are looking at the whole thing in the wrong way. Glory was always intended to have value hence why it was in the game in the first place. This is common sense and I knew it right back at the start, did you not??

There lies your problem. You’re treating or banking on glory having additional value in the future. (it did for a limited time for which you didn’t capitalized on). Most people didn’t play just for glory. The face value at the time when you accrued your glory the value was little to nothing. It was meant for you to buy chests for pvp armor skins and whatnot crafting. . You quit playing so any valued ended there.

The transition to the new reward system in the future was to encourage and reward players to continue playing. You didn’t for whatever reason it doesn’t matter missed out on it and was not rewarded. However, this new reward system won’t be for a while so there will maybe be more chances to convert your glory to gold if you decide to play.

I didn’t play just for Glory but it was quite clear to me that it was going to be of more value in the future, this was even stated by Arenanet themselves. I know I still have my rank points but Glory was put in the game for a reason; it’s a currency.

Considering Glory is essentially being replaced by gold, doesn’t it make sense that it should just be automatically converted instead? I know the system Arenanet put in place gives you more freedom, but what about the people like me who weren’t playing during Wintersday? It’s going to take a very long time to farm enough gold to spend all of my Glory efficiently, and I have other commitments and barely have any time for gaming as it is.

I just so happened to stop playing at the wrong time and thus I made a suggestion that sounds perfectly fair to me, not sure why people are blowing this out of proportion and getting defensive, but I really don’t see much of a downside to just removing the gold cost on the vendor, or making spvp cash rewards retroactive, or simply converting all remaining Glory to gold and changing vendor prices to just gold…etc.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193


I’m sorry, how did you lose your progress? You are still the same rank you were when you stopped playing, and you still have all of your glory and PvP skins.

That’s all there was in the mists. Glorys value was using it to buy RNG chances to get new armor and weapon skins in the mist.

So you got burnt out and stopped playing. That’s fair, it happens to everybody. But while you were away, during part of a living story arc (which by the way, you missed all of those, but really seem to only care about rewards than content. Just saying, I’d be equally upset for everything I missed, not just rewards) in which new glory vendors were introduced, and with that living story arc, a wintersday based vendor was added to the mists as well.

Now, while I’m sure ANet knew full well that people were going to trading post the vendor items that they could, the vendors themselves were just carrying Wintersday items that allowed the PvP playerbase to participate in Wintersday without having to to PvE.

Unfortunately, you did miss that opportunity. I feel bad for you, really, I do. But just like with all of the other content based rewards in the game, like dragon wings or halloween weapons, there are time constraints on particular rewards that you can get during living world story arcs.

BUT, you still have all of your ranks and all of your glory. Just like the wintersday vendor was a pleasant surprise to everybody, there is a chance that any number of living story arcs will provide another vendor that has items that you can trading post for money.

It really sucks that you did miss this opportunity, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be more opportunities in the future.

Sorry that my first post came off as rude. The thread just came off to me as another whine thread about somebody who feels entitled to money, when in reality, the glory and ranks are the reward, and any money being made with the glory is being done through living world content.

I didn’t say I have lost any progress at all. I said that I will be losing past progress if my Glory gets deleted. I want to spend it before this happens but there is no longer an easy and time efficient way to do so, and if I were to be playing the game right now that would not be an issue, however I am not and do not have the time as it is.

It’s amusing that you say all I care about is rewards rather than content when as I have already said a few times I have played spvp exclusively; a game mode renown for having had a really bad progression system since the launch of the game. It may interest you to know that I have played no living story whatsoever because I simply have no interest in it, but thanks for caring

Your comparison between this issue and the temporary content of special events and living story does not work; with those types of game content you do the work and you get the rewards. With my issue I have done the work already, and thus I should be entitled to the rewards regardless of whether or not I am actively playing the game.

I am not sure why you get the impression that I am whining. It seems that most suggestion threads about something negative will get ladled as “whine” threads by a vocal minority of forum goers. It’s a pity!

I don’t care at all about gold, being a pure spvp player I have never had any aside from achievement rewards. It’s just that in this specific case I need gold to spend my hard earned Glory in the new vendor, that was put in place for people with Glory to use, and I have too much Glory and like 4 silver, and I am not even playing the game right now.

Anyways I am just hashing over the same details. We will have to agree to disagree; I think it’s fair that I should be able to spend my Glory before it is permanently deleted regardless of whether or not I am actively playing the game, and you do not.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: Vrak.2193



With all due respect, they are giving you lots of different options.
The only person I would feel badly for is the player who took a break and had no idea during that break that the change was happening.

For them, I would suggest that when glory goes away, you convert all remaining glory into gold at some conversion rate.

Not sure what else anyone can do for you Vrak.

You see that would be great. I am looking for a solution along those lines.

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: aussieheals.6843


As the title says, I would like for the spvp gold rewards to be made retroactive, or for the new spvp vendor’s gold costs to be abolished.

I have spent around 500 hours in spvp which is a lot for me, but the problem is this was all pre patch; now I have hundreds-of-thousands of Glory but because I only ever played spvp I have no gold whatsoever.

I would very much like to take advantage of the new vendor that allows you to actually put your Glory to efficient use, but this would mean grinding spvp all over again for gold, and to be perfectly honest I am on a bit of a break from the game for now due to being burnt out, but I absolutely love Guild Wars 2 and I will be returning after a small break.

This leads me onto my main issue; I don’t want to play the game right now, but if I do not, all my Glory will be wiped in an upcoming patch and I will lose hundreds of hours of game-play.

Please make the gold rewards retroactive or remove the gold cost.

A) Keep things as they are. You annoy a few but please the majority.
B) You add future vendors. Please the remaining few.
C) Create an automatic “glory to gold” conversion. – Greatly annoy the majority who just dumped all their glory.

Anet aren’t silly, the logically option would be B and they have mentioned time and time again EVERYONE will get full notice before glory goes and that it is highly likely it will be around for some months yet.

To summarize, you have a reasonable concern but there is equal reason not to worry, as the future option of other glory vendors is highly likely.

IGN: Aussie Archer

Please make spvp gold rewards retroactive or

in PvP

Posted by: sorrychief.2563




champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards