Poll : What will fix ranked pvp

Poll : What will fix ranked pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Ziggityzog.7389


A : Going only TDM maps ( Keep 5v5 or lower it)

B: Make conquest 3v3 or 4v4

C: Make the current system maps and all just a solo que rank no duo or parties.

D: Balance the hell out of things more often to keep it fresh

E: Open ranked up to SH TDM and Conq maps

F: What do you all know anet is doing awesome! Gw2 is fine.

Have fun gents!

lol’ing at thos who use broken builds and claim to be good since 2005.

|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||

Poll : What will fix ranked pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


D is the dealbreaker in the long run.
We need more balance updates. Once a month, some small adjustments can be made here and there – if they’re favorable, keep them for the long run, and if not, roll them back after a month of “testing” passes. I’d rather take gradual changes where they may be needed than waiting 3 months for sweeping changes that could be for better or (much) worse.

Speaking of, we also need more developer interaction on this front. If we’re going to make suggestions, we need to know what their perspective on a profession is, and at least an understanding of what goal they may be seeking when it comes to the next set of adjustments so we can streamline our input on the matter.

Also, another Ranked Game Mode is needed. Something that’s not a point capture game. Some suggested Deathmatch, but there are surely other things they could try.

Poll : What will fix ranked pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


G. None of the above.

Two biggest things which hamper GW2 PvP:

  • Power Creep Power Creep with HoT specs and the resulting arms race has turned the game into a spam fest with limited builds at almost all skill levels. ANet needs to look at some core abilities and come up with a “power formula” for what an ability should do. Then skills can have similar power values without a handful dominating.
    Note that this is totally different from OP’s option D. The frequency is not a problem; it’s the complete lack of a balancing point and refusal to establish one and nerf skills down to it.
  • Ranked Queue up to 5 Players The solo/duo queue is hurting the game way more than helping. “Solo queue mentality” – not caring about the team and playing primarily to kill other players, then blaming everyone else – is running rampant. It breeds toxicity and turns away players who can’t play with multiple friends.
    This is a team-based game; forming and playing as a team should be advantageous. The counter-arguments to this are full of non-sense. For all but the very top, voice comm and pre-made teams give almost no advantage over solo queue players. And top players are going to be top players anyway.
Kirrena Rosenkreutz