Positioning bug after knockback

Positioning bug after knockback

in PvP

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


I wrote a bug report about this some time ago but am still experiencing it quite a lot so i wanted to ask if you guys know this issue as well..

I run an engineer with kittens of knockbacks.

There is a knockback bug which causes the person(s) you knocked back not to have their hitbox in the same spot as their character model – usually this works the following —>

knockback -> other persons character model appears in weird spot he actually isnt in -> i throw out my burst (like nade barrage or jump shot) -> hit doesnt connect though it clearly hits the character model -> other persons gets instant teleported shortly after the knockback ( i am aware that some classes have teleport abilities!) to another location where his actual character model is!


Although in downed state the character model isnt correctly teleported back to his real hitbox – this causes them to be impossible to finish – you can click the finish next to their character model and the animation will get done as usual but it wont finish the downed opponent!

I usually spam around nades to find the real hitbox when this happens and then just kill his hitbox while seeing the downed character model losing hp even though i`m clearly not hitting anything (except for an invisible hitbox that has been dislocated)

You know this problem? Other classes experience this issue as well? This actually happens quite often too me…

Positioning bug after knockback

in PvP

Posted by: ilya.2387


I noticed the ragdoll physics engine glitches sometimes when you knock people off ledges or into fences. It’s usually just a visual bug though – but really annoying when you can’t be sure if you made a good knockback right away.