Hello my dear GW2 sPvP community~! First of all allow me introduce myself. I am Emmrahil , a 33 years old person from Greece. I play MMO RPG’s competitive last 11 years and i have a world title in my previous MMO RPG ( Lineage 2-Official Servers-Battle Tournament 2013 7v7). I play GW2 sPvP seriously for last year. I am member of a newly created team named Constant Evolution [CoEv]. What made me write this message is the number of pointless rage posts i saw in forums this year and the pointless rage comments i read in map chat in HotM. I would like tell some things to all of you first…the GW2 sPvP community.
I read many people raging about game…They say game is bad , unbalanced , unfair , and that Anet makes wrong decissions.First of all i wish to inform you that game is fine. Needs improvment ofc like all games do but is inside Top-3 MMO RPG’s when it comes to sPvP , competition and esporting at this moment. Of coarse it can not be compared with a MOBA game. But no MMO RPG will ever be able be compared with a MOBA game. If you dont know why take a moment to think about it.Why handball will never be able be as popular as basketball?Retorical question but hope will help you think.
My dear community the first thing you need to know is that sPvP is something comeptitve. And when it comes to competition , to succed you need invest time , have a proper attitude and also work , work , work.
Truth is most of you think you deserve be in a pro team. Guess what?You dont.
You cant expect be in same level with someone who practise 8 houres daily if you play 1 houre per day , even if your micro skills are decent.I personally practise 6 houres daily for 12 months and i know i still have LOTS of work to do. Of coarse people with talent exists, who can get great results with less work.But pay attention : with LESS work…not without work~! Also as any other sport , in esporting someone who works harder has a high chance rise higher than a natural talent who works much less.
My dear community..you dont even know what you wish. You raged because fights was too long..When Anet changed that you cried that fights are too fast now with too many instakills.You raged because game didnt helped people develope teams. Then when GW2 made a solid league system which encourage teams and competition with prizes you cried solo quers are left out.You cried about sPvP being unbalanced.Of corse you thought was a good timming to do so when your class got nerfed. You cry about DH this season when in meta games DH rarelly apears. Of coarse you dont even know it.You dont watch pro league. Why to do so?You are better than them~!You cry meta builds exist and noone makes his own build.You forget that in competitive enviroment people play what is best. No 99% the random yolo build you made isnt better than meta ones .You cry about solo que balance.Then when was fixed you cry about que times.You cry cry cry cry about everything that dont satisfy your instant needs…the only thing you dont do is be serious and work hard.
Is fine if you dont wish be a pro. Is fine if you are a casual who just play for fun.There is nothing wrong with it. What is wrong tho , is to think that this approach of game is the only right approach.Is wrong blame people because they play to win.Is wrong blame people because they have a sport mentality and approach.Is wrong blame Anet because the decisions Anet makes dont have YOUR game approach as center.
You need remember that meta stage (where game is played in its higher level) is the most important stage of sPvP. You think developers should care more about a semi-casual solo que’ers opinion than a pro one? No , they shouldnt. You think that random solo ques are more important than tournaments ? No they are not. You think GW2 has low popularity as an esport ? You MAYBE are right if you dont concider GW2 is a MMO RPG , but you dont have to be a top popular esport to be an esport and have an esport policy. Like you dont have to be football to be a sport and have serious professional approach.
And now my dear Game developers :
I know you work hard. I know you wish to have everyone pleased and happy. I know that you are tired see community pointlessly rage after any decision you make. So an advice : don stop getting feedback from community BUT ALSO please : STOP listen community (me including) 100% . Stop try have everyone happy.You wont manage to do it and you will probablly get bad results if you try make game esport and have casuals happy same time. People will always cry about everything that dont satisfy their instant needs.Keep in mind competition and esporting is future of gaming. And try make decisions which will help game grow that drection.
With love and respect
P.S. : My English dont allow me express myself 100% BUT i think core of my point is clear. Try understand that and pay attention to that more than my spelling mistakes.