Possible Stronghold Timer Fix

Possible Stronghold Timer Fix

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom Pain.3602

Phantom Pain.3602

As many of you saw, the Stronghold exhibition game that was featured during the WTS Finals was great to watch, but in my opinion, had an anti-climatic ending. I understand wanting to keep the games short and in line with Conquest, but having the point system determine the winner after 15 minutes just takes away from the goal of the attrition based game mode.

I have a few suggestions to fix this:

It would need to be balanced for this game mode, but it would create an epic final battle. NPCs and players would gained increased damage in addition to reduced incoming healing and leave their bases and go towards the middle of the map for a final showdown. The middle of the map might need to change slightly to accommodate for this change.

  • Increase death timers towards the end of the match to create more meaningful kills and allow for teams to push outnumbered fights in their favor.

tldr; Create an endgame mechanic to allow for teams to push advantages in their favor. Games should be settle on Lord kills, not points scored.

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