Possible tower defence sPvP or minigame

Possible tower defence sPvP or minigame

in PvP

Posted by: redrex.9634


sPvP suggestion:
Tower defense

2 sides. One team is the attackers, the other defends.

The path should be a Labyrinth which the attackers follow, but with high enough walls that they cannot get up onto them. If the defenders fall down into the labyrinth there will be portals to allow them to return to the top at the checkpoints

The attacking team cannot be damaged by the defenders directly. They can only take damage from the turrets placed along the passage by the defending team. Defending team can be hurt by the attacking players.

The attacking team use bundles.
• Shield – deflects projectiles, stuns enemy players when thrown
? Skills include a projectile reflect, enemy player stun, lightning aura, geographic CC (skritt cannot come close)
• Gun – attack turrets with the gun. Uses aoe targeting.
? Each skill can target a certain turret. Flame bullet stuns chill turret, stability bullet stuns thumper turret, poison bullet stuns healing turret, etcetera.
• Grappling hook – to pull defending players onto the path, where they can be killed.
? Skills are heavily foccused on moving around, some stealth, pulling players, pushing players, interrupting enemy players.
• Hammer – to smash the area near skritt, causing them to flee.
? Skills include crippling, launching, fearing skritt etc. can also knock down players on the walls.
• Elixir belt – drops elixirs for nearby players to use
? skills include swiftness, retaliation, regeneration evade, quickness, etc.
• Flute – summons wolves
? each subsequent wolf will remove conditions and take some damage from the whole party. The first skill summons wolves, and each one then commands them to remove a specific condition. Each wolf can take 1 stack of each condition, so at maximum numbers, 8 wolves can cleanse 8 conditions from 5 players in range.

The defending team can place Turrets. Each player will have a flare gun, which indicates which turret they want. An airship then drops the turret where they want.

Turrets cannot occupy the same space, and each turret has its own cooldown.
• Chill Turret – applies stacks of chill in a radius around it
• Thumper turret – launches nearby players, reveals stealth
• Healing turret – heals other turrets, but not other healing turrets.
• Skritt hole – summons skritt to attack players on the path. Skritt carry bombs which they place down near players.
• Rifle turret – targets the nearest player for direct damage and bleed.
• Flamethrower turret – targets the farthest player in range and blasts them with a flamethrower
• Cannon – same as a wvw cannon but with much lower health
• Portal turret – sends enemy players back along the path to the last checkpoint

The defending team has 1 minute to set up their initial turrets, while the attacking team gets to play with the bundles.

At the end there is a tower, much like those in WvW, which has outer and inner gates, and finally a Lord. In this room the defenders may activate the traps from an above floor, and the attackers must dodge out of the telegraphs. If the attackers die in this room they are teleported to the last checkpoint. The lord also receives health every time he kills someone.

pardon any spelling mistakes

Possible tower defence sPvP or minigame

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Their was a data mined map that could possibly be a form of your suggestion would have to look around the interwebs to find the image. But its all speculation at this point.

Necromancer Main

Possible tower defence sPvP or minigame

in PvP

Posted by: redrex.9634


The castle style one? Its possible they’re working on it i guess, but an asuran floating ng cube would be a cooler way to have this represented i think