Post PAX PRIME interview with Car Crash
Stop linking twitch please. Put your vod on Youtube. It’s friendly to 1mbit, friendly to mobile users, and more accessible in general.
Stop linking twitch please. Put your vod on Youtube. It’s friendly to 1mbit, friendly to mobile users, and more accessible in general.
So much this.
Twitch is an aweful service for VoD.
It is okayish for streaming, but I guess even that will work better once live streaming is open to everyone on youtube (currently you need atleast 100 subscriptions on your channel for livestreaming).
It’s more time-consuming uploading to youtube. I think he just wanted to get it up for you all right away.
A member of Team [CUTE], forever and always.
It’s more time-consuming uploading to youtube. I think he just wanted to get it up for you all right away.
Well, on the other hand, I will certainly not watch/hear it.
Oh an interview? Well, open it, and let it run in the background while playing.
Better tone down the quality. It is currently on Best. Possible choices… Best.
Oh ok, nevermind.