Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Intern.4961


?? Something is seriously wrong here. I thought we were supposed to be matched against people in our divisions ?


Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


At least Noscoc is a legit legendary and the others probably are too so it isn’t like you were dealing with stronghold farmers or matchmaking abusers too.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Intern.4961


why does a party of 1 emerald and 2 sapphires getting matched vs 5 legend??

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Looks like Evan’s fix after the initial patch isn’t quite working as intended.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


At times it feels like Anet devs read and speak a different langauge. A language where yes means no and no means yes.

Pre patch; the majority of complaints where caused by uneven mathups. What do they do? They broaden the matchmaking which causes more uneven matchmaking.

Dear Anet devs.

If you want to shorten waiting times, you need to make good balance changes. AND create a functioning MMR/ladder/league system that places even minded/ skilled / experienced players in the same matches. That by itself will draw more players in and make less ppl quit = better matchmaking.

Your “fixes” are like temporarely fixing one issue while creating another on the other end.

Please stop it…..please dont be so short sighted.

Kind regards,

A concerned customer.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Balthalzar.6243


Were you guys grouped with the diamonds? MMR now goes off of the highest person and diamonds do face full legendaries sometimes. If you group with either of the diamonds that is why. I’m playing solo and so far its really good

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


ANET: The only company who releases new matchmaking that is always worse than the prior algorithm. Actually, very impressive in a sad way.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Operator.6523


did the matchmaking mistake the diamond queing with the sapphire/emerald?

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


This is why I told everyone when they proposed their solution to the exploit issue that the proposed change is terrible.

Once again its taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut. And it will just result in less fun pvp and more people just quitting.

You can’t try to solve a bunch of exploiters queuing with low ranks by penalising the vast majority of people who just play with friends at different ranks. Now all those people are screwed. So there will be less people pvping because according to anet they can no longer play with friends.

I doubt there are many people without friends at different ranks. And now if player A (sapphire) wants to queue with player B (legend) because they are friends then guess what. Player A will jsut get farmed and player B will be guarenteed to lose. It leads to just terrible situations.

End result = more dead pvp. Just like when they “fixed” 4 vs 5’s (it didnt work btw seen as most 4v5 was due to people rage quitting or dcing) by making you accept the queue pop and therefore sit in the heart of the mists.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


This is why I told everyone when they proposed their solution to the exploit issue that the proposed change is terrible.

As i said in multiple threads allready. Why try to reinvent the wheel when you can copy paste excisting and functioning systems?

If we look at a simple example from WoW:

If i choose to play with a 1300 rated player while being 2700 rated:

- i get matched vs teams around 2000 rating, which is the average of 1300 and 2700
- the lower rated player gains a lot of MMR/rating and loses close to nothing.
- the higher rated player gains next to nothing while losing a lot of he loses.

Lets translate that to GW2s system. If a legendary div player teams up with an amber:

- matches vs on average sapphire teams.
- The lower rated player gains 3 or even more pips untill he reached the avg mmr and loses close to nothing for losses.
- The higher rated player gains nothing untill the MMR + div are close enough to his own . While losing a lot if he loses.

Conclusion: pip/ MMR gains and losses should be calculated per teammate instead of teamwide. Its the only way to avoid MMR abuse.

Can you imagine what would happen if the GW2 division system would be “translated” in to wows system? The wow community would think that Blizzard devs are on drugs.

Its literally hilariously amateuristic. Shiny looks but Anets lack of experience in implementing functioning MMR/pvp systems shines through.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Clearly they shipped the update today with a bug. This is 100% contrary to what they communicated would happen, unless I misunderstood somehow.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Clearly they shipped the update today with a bug. This is 100% contrary to what they communicated would happen, unless I misunderstood somehow.

No its not a bug. Popularity is dropping. In order to keep q times short they made the MM search broader. Instead of tackling the actual causes of the lack of popularity.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


This is why I told everyone when they proposed their solution to the exploit issue that the proposed change is terrible.

Once again its taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut. And it will just result in less fun pvp and more people just quitting.

You can’t try to solve a bunch of exploiters queuing with low ranks by penalising the vast majority of people who just play with friends at different ranks. Now all those people are screwed. So there will be less people pvping because according to anet they can no longer play with friends.

I doubt there are many people without friends at different ranks. And now if player A (sapphire) wants to queue with player B (legend) because they are friends then guess what. Player A will jsut get farmed and player B will be guarenteed to lose. It leads to just terrible situations.

End result = more dead pvp. Just like when they “fixed” 4 vs 5’s (it didnt work btw seen as most 4v5 was due to people rage quitting or dcing) by making you accept the queue pop and therefore sit in the heart of the mists.

As i said:

- If you queue with friends and one is diamond or higher? Get ready to get stomped by ESL teams even if half of your team consists of beginners.
- Get ready to get flamed hard if you duo q with a lower rated friend. Since your entire team will suffer due to the lower skilled/division friend that ends up in matches way out of his league.
- Get ready to gain lots of pips vs teams that are made up off 80% sub par players with 1 player that plays more often. All of a sudden u gain the same pips for esl teams and random guild teams that have 1 legendary and a couple of lower rated ppl.
- Hey lets introduce some friends to pvp and play some games together? Well we cant really since playing with me = playing vs tournament level teams, which isnt fun for newer players.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


This is why I told everyone when they proposed their solution to the exploit issue that the proposed change is terrible.

Once again its taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut. And it will just result in less fun pvp and more people just quitting.

You can’t try to solve a bunch of exploiters queuing with low ranks by penalising the vast majority of people who just play with friends at different ranks. Now all those people are screwed. So there will be less people pvping because according to anet they can no longer play with friends.

I doubt there are many people without friends at different ranks. And now if player A (sapphire) wants to queue with player B (legend) because they are friends then guess what. Player A will jsut get farmed and player B will be guarenteed to lose. It leads to just terrible situations.

End result = more dead pvp. Just like when they “fixed” 4 vs 5’s (it didnt work btw seen as most 4v5 was due to people rage quitting or dcing) by making you accept the queue pop and therefore sit in the heart of the mists.

As i said:

- If you queue with friends and one is diamond or higher? Get ready to get stomped by ESL teams even if half of your team consists of beginners.
- Get ready to get flamed hard if you duo q with a lower rated friend. Since your entire team will suffer due to the lower skilled/division friend that ends up in matches way out of his league.
- Get ready to gain lots of pips vs teams that are made up off 80% sub par players with 1 player that plays more often. All of a sudden u gain the same pips for esl teams and random guild teams that have 1 legendary and a couple of lower rated ppl.
- Hey lets introduce some friends to pvp and play some games together? Well we cant really since playing with me = playing vs tournament level teams, which isnt fun for newer players.

Pretty much. This is so obvious.

Either way, it is almost certain to me that the solution was chosen because it was easy and could quickly be rolled out.

The change will make things worse not better. Just like changes before. I just dont think they have that control structure that is able to filter some of these ideas.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Balthalzar.6243


At the end of the day you have to pick between smurfs, or this. People didn’t want smurfs so they got this.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


At the end of the day you have to pick between smurfs, or this. People didn’t want smurfs so they got this.

No, there are games with functioning MMR systems that dont have these issues. Look at wows arena/ RBG ladder. Individual MMR/rating aswell.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Balthalzar.6243


At the end of the day you have to pick between smurfs, or this. People didn’t want smurfs so they got this.

No, there are games with functioning MMR systems that dont have these issues. Look at wows arena/ RBG ladder. Individual MMR/rating aswell.

Uhh, WoW PvP has actually gotten really bad lately. I play WoW daily and am 2150 right now in 3’s with 2300xp from back in wotlk. There are ALOT of carries these days. and the issue with WoW Is that there are some really OP 3’s comps right now. The idea with WoW however is that they have the population to support the way there MMR functions. The issue with WoW’s ladder though is that it is highly abusable in a selling type structure. I used to sell carries and it’s NEVER been easier as it is now. There’s been nothing but complains in the WoW PvP forums lately, they actually have more complains then we do.

Also as WoW’s only real competitive ladder is 3v3 and 5v5 that is TDM that is another reason they can do MMR the way they do. if GW2 SPVP was 3v3, obv things would be alot different, and WoW’s 5v5 mmr is horrendous as you’ll immediately fight 1.8k+ teams when you start out at 0mmr.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Uhh, WoW PvP has actually gotten really bad lately. I play WoW daily and am 2150 right now in 3’s with 2300xp from back in wotlk. There are ALOT of carries these days. and the issue with WoW Is that there are some really OP 3’s comps right now. The idea with WoW however is that they have the population to support the way there MMR functions. The issue with WoW’s ladder though is that it is highly abusable in a selling type structure. I used to sell carries and it’s NEVER been easier as it is now. There’s been nothing but complains in the WoW PvP forums lately, they actually have more complains then we do.

Im a multiglad myself that was part of one of the biggest RBG boost selling networks in EU. I know how boosts work and u cant prefent those. Dont think GW2 lends itself for these kind of practices tho since its less anonymous and the only relevant seasonal reward is actual money.

Wows MMR system itself is fine and working as intended. Do me a favour and manualy check all pages on the eu forums. Please show me the threads with complaints you mentioned.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Random Generator.3240

Random Generator.3240

Were you guys grouped with the diamonds? MMR now goes off of the highest person and diamonds do face full legendaries sometimes. If you group with either of the diamonds that is why. I’m playing solo and so far its really good

You can see who is grouped with who. It’s a duo queue + triple queue vs a full premade legends. The triple queue’s highest rank is a sapphire which shouldn’t even be matched with legends at all.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Balthalzar.6243


Uhh, WoW PvP has actually gotten really bad lately. I play WoW daily and am 2150 right now in 3’s with 2300xp from back in wotlk. There are ALOT of carries these days. and the issue with WoW Is that there are some really OP 3’s comps right now. The idea with WoW however is that they have the population to support the way there MMR functions. The issue with WoW’s ladder though is that it is highly abusable in a selling type structure. I used to sell carries and it’s NEVER been easier as it is now. There’s been nothing but complains in the WoW PvP forums lately, they actually have more complains then we do.

Im a multiglad myself that was part of one of the biggest RBG boost selling networks in EU. I know how boosts work and u cant prefent those. Dont think GW2 lends itself for these kind of practices tho since its less anonymous and the only relevant seasonal reward is actual money.

Wows MMR system itself is fine and working as intended. Do me a favour and manualy check all pages on the eu forums. Please show me the threads with complaints you mentioned.

Check the US forums. EU is completely different in alot of ways. All i know is everyone i PvP with on wow is pretty dissatisfied. Also the pvp population in WoW has dropped INCREDIBLY over this expac

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Check the US forums. EU is completely different in alot of ways. All i know is everyone i PvP with on wow is pretty dissatisfied. Also the pvp population in WoW has dropped INCREDIBLY over this expac

Im not talking about balance issues. The subject is the MMR system. Please point me to a valid thread complaining about the ladder system/MMR.

And please explain the flaws u see in that system if compared to GW2s.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Balthalzar.6243


There isn’t issues with ladder system/mmr because no one cares that people get carried. But the only reason WoW’s system works is because it is incredibly precise in that it waits until you get very close MMR’s. WoW has a higher pop thus they can sustain this type of system. If GW2 had this system you would see too high of queues, and then people would complain about that.

The flaws i see are mainly this. One – it is based around 3v3 and a high population. Two once you have a low population you begin to see the same issues with the WoW mmr system (ie 2.1k facing 1.8k) basically it would be an improvement but most of the same issues would be present just in different forms.

(edited by Balthalzar.6243)

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Yeah, matchmaking seems a bit weird at the moment. Fortunately i haven’t ended against any legendary premade yet, but there seems to be a lot of weird matchups (like ambers, emeralds and sapphires vs ambers and rubies – all ungrouped). Seen a lot of amber duos in my matches as well, and they really shouldn’t even be there – it’s not fair for both them and others.

Now, of course it can result in even more ridiculous results, like getting 3 pips for losing 100:500 (happened to a guildie who was understandably surprised by this).

On the other side, queue times did go down.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


There isn’t issues with ladder system/mmr because no one cares that people get carried. But the only reason WoW’s system works is because it is incredibly precise in that it waits until you get very close MMR’s. WoW has a higher pop thus they can sustain this type of system. If GW2 had this system you would see too high of queues, and then people would complain about that.

The flaws i see are mainly this. One – it is based around 3v3 and a high population. Two once you have a low population you begin to see the same issues with the WoW mmr system (ie 2.1k facing 1.8k) basically it would be an improvement but most of the same issues would be present just in different forms.

Carries arent system related. Carries and boosts will happen if the reward system excludes some of the more prestigious rewards from 99.50% of the community. There is nothing u can do prefenting abuse like that.

Longer queues are fine as long as the results are quality matches.

By making the system worse just makes the size of the community drop even more. Its super counterproductive and shows a clear lack of long term vision.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Radu.1693


Longer queues are fine as long as the results are quality matches.

Instead we get 10 minute queues for emerald vs legendary.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: DutchRiders.2871


There isn’t issues with ladder system/mmr because no one cares that people get carried. But the only reason WoW’s system works is because it is incredibly precise in that it waits until you get very close MMR’s. WoW has a higher pop thus they can sustain this type of system. If GW2 had this system you would see too high of queues, and then people would complain about that.

The flaws i see are mainly this. One – it is based around 3v3 and a high population. Two once you have a low population you begin to see the same issues with the WoW mmr system (ie 2.1k facing 1.8k) basically it would be an improvement but most of the same issues would be present just in different forms.

Carries arent system related. Carries and boosts will happen if the reward system excludes some of the more prestigious rewards from 99.50% of the community. There is nothing u can do prefenting abuse like that.

Longer queues are fine as long as the results are quality matches.

By making the system worse just makes the size of the community drop even more. Its super counterproductive and shows a clear lack of long term vision.

In no competitive sports or play carries are rewarded, the previous gw2 system did reward carries. Guess what innate to pvp is competition.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


In no competitive sports or play carries are rewarded, the previous gw2 system did reward carries. Guess what innate to pvp is competition.

Youre mixing things up. Im not saying the old system wasnt bad, it clearly was. Im saying there are better ways to fix this issue (like implementing a wow ladder type of mmr system).

The carries we where talking about wherent system related at all.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: DutchRiders.2871


In no competitive sports or play carries are rewarded, the previous gw2 system did reward carries. Guess what innate to pvp is competition.

Youre mixing things up. Im not saying the old system wasnt bad, it clearly was. Im saying there are better ways to fix this issue (like implementing a wow ladder type of mmr system).

The carries we where talking about wherent system related at all.

The ones happening in gw2 were and I am glad they fixed it. A ladder system is something for next season but I can see how I misunderstood.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Exarbur.6732


- If you queue with friends and one is diamond or higher? Get ready to get stomped by ESL teams even if half of your team consists of beginners.

i can understand the logic behind it, still i think it is stupid. but this makes no sense at all:

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Nikola.3841


why does a party of 1 emerald and 2 sapphires getting matched vs 5 legend??

Probably party of 3 whatever is considered stronger than 3 solo legendaries, and party of 3 legendaries wasn’t available at that time

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: skullfaerie.7203



This is exactly why tinkering with MM at this point in time was a dumb idea. Could’ve just waited for the break in a few days to test stuff out and see how it works in practice, but nooo… Anet knows best, right?

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


There is something seriously broken with the matchmaking right now! Its even worse than before!

I was in a duo team with another ruby, we had 3 random sapphires in our team and we were up against 4 rubies and 1 sapphire!

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


This is why I told everyone when they proposed their solution to the exploit issue that the proposed change is terrible.

As i said in multiple threads allready. Why try to reinvent the wheel when you can copy paste excisting and functioning systems?

It already seems to be clear that anet need to bite the bullet and use a system like you’ve suggested. I thought at the time its what they should do and its been borne out. Season 2 could end up being a disaster.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

This is why I told everyone when they proposed their solution to the exploit issue that the proposed change is terrible.

Once again its taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut. And it will just result in less fun pvp and more people just quitting.

You can’t try to solve a bunch of exploiters queuing with low ranks by penalising the vast majority of people who just play with friends at different ranks. Now all those people are screwed. So there will be less people pvping because according to anet they can no longer play with friends.

I doubt there are many people without friends at different ranks. And now if player A (sapphire) wants to queue with player B (legend) because they are friends then guess what. Player A will jsut get farmed and player B will be guarenteed to lose. It leads to just terrible situations.

End result = more dead pvp. Just like when they “fixed” 4 vs 5’s (it didnt work btw seen as most 4v5 was due to people rage quitting or dcing) by making you accept the queue pop and therefore sit in the heart of the mists.

As i said:

- If you queue with friends and one is diamond or higher? Get ready to get stomped by ESL teams even if half of your team consists of beginners.
- Get ready to get flamed hard if you duo q with a lower rated friend. Since your entire team will suffer due to the lower skilled/division friend that ends up in matches way out of his league.
- Get ready to gain lots of pips vs teams that are made up off 80% sub par players with 1 player that plays more often. All of a sudden u gain the same pips for esl teams and random guild teams that have 1 legendary and a couple of lower rated ppl.
- Hey lets introduce some friends to pvp and play some games together? Well we cant really since playing with me = playing vs tournament level teams, which isnt fun for newer players.

- With 20 ESL players per region i reaaaally dont see how you can get paired with them so often.
- You don’t lose pips every time you lose. I’ve gained pips when losing before.
- Lastly, wtf are you doing with a new player in structured PvP? Unranked, hello?

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


- With 20 ESL players per region i reaaaally dont see how you can get paired with them so often.
- You don’t lose pips every time you lose. I’ve gained pips when losing before.
- Lastly, wtf are you doing with a new player in structured PvP? Unranked, hello?

- Im talking in extremes to make a point. The matchmaking “fix” will match ppl with other ppl way out of their league.
- Irrelevant. Point is, the system will match teams as if they are equals even if they arent. So u can lose pips if u lose while playing with a higher rated guy AND vs guys that are even higher rated than he is.
- Its not about me…i solo q 99% of the time. The last time i queued as a group was at the start of the season. After sapphire it was pure solo. I get that u are biased and only look at the pros and cons for you as a player. This system ruins matchmaking.

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The middle of a season is not the time to put fixes in like this.