Practice interrupting healing skills

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: leungctm.1362


Is it a possible thing to consider in the future ?

E.g Having golem in HOTM that heals at random times and practice interrupting.
Interrupting healing skills was very popular in GW1.

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Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

As a D/P thief interrupting healing skills is essencial to being sucessful at high rank PvP

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


Is it a possible thing to consider in the future ?

E.g Having golem in HOTM that heals at random times and practice interrupting.
Interrupting healing skills was very popular in GW1.

This is what separated gr8 mesmers from the rest – interrupting 0.5 or less cast time spells. WoH with it’s 0.75s cast was so looong. U had to menage ur cooldowns well, here, with d/p thief, if u make mistake, u can just recast it 1sec later… GW2 is generally way to spamy to show skills in interrupting, + R.I.P skillful GW1 Interrupt Mesmers n Rangers +

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Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Its not that gw2 is spammy, its just that this game needs to be more punishing of bad usage of skills, only by introducing punishments can the combat adquire more depth.

For example, D/P #4 now costs 6 initiative. If it interrupts a healing skill or a high cooldown skill (25+ seconds?) you are refunded half the initiative.

This is a direct nerf to spammers, and a buff to good thieves, raising the skill cap of the build. The other weapons would need to have aprox changes though.

(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


But here is no cd and energy menagment like it was in GW1, which makes skills spamable in my opinion… I just got in mind how GW1 looked like.

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Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Is it a possible thing to consider in the future ?

E.g Having golem in HOTM that heals at random times and practice interrupting.
Interrupting healing skills was very popular in GW1.

This is what separated gr8 mesmers from the rest – interrupting 0.5 or less cast time spells. WoH with it’s 0.75s cast was so looong. U had to menage ur cooldowns well, here, with d/p thief, if u make mistake, u can just recast it 1sec later… GW2 is generally way to spamy to show skills in interrupting, + R.I.P skillful GW1 Interrupt Mesmers n Rangers +


Read It Backwards [BooN]

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


Interrupting heals is still powerfull, however, the main question is: “how”?

A lot of CC skills with the potential to interrupt have their own casttimes, which makes it more difficult to interrupt. In Addition, there are a lot of heals which cant me interrupted or have realy low casttimes:

Not interruptable:
-Healing Signet(s) (Of course)….
-Shelter (guardian)
-Whithdraw (thief)

Low Casttime:
-Healing Spring (Ranger)
-Healing Turret (Engi)

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Rarnark.5623


Not interruptable:

-Shelter (guardian)

You can interrupt shelter with warrior “Fear Me!” or Engineer Toolkit 5 and it goes on full cooldown. It’s incredibly broken.

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Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Chicago Jack.5647

Chicago Jack.5647

u can just recast it 1sec later…

Which is a huge sign of a terrible thief. It’s equivalent of heartseeker spam. The thief becomes dead in the water, a sitting duck, if they spam these skills.

A lot of CC skills with the potential to interrupt have their own casttimes, which makes it more difficult to interrupt.

Which is why you have to read your target.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Interupting heals should be encouraged, however I have noticed most heals used are either very fast, never “used” or uninteruptable (and i mean uninteruptable in the sense that you see the heal then push interupt, also discounting armour proc nightmare).

Mesmer, Necro and Ele (if they are using the channel) seem to be the only classes you can actively aim interupts at their heal.

Before anyone goes on about GW1 I actually played GvG then as mesmer and you cannot draw the same distinctions in cast times. In GW1 you couldn’t cast while moving so there was a VERY clear indication when they were casting. Also no one interupted a .25sec cast from reaction it was purely from quarter knocks or counting off an aftercast or diversion ticking off, hitting anything below .75secs (mesmer fast cast or 40/40 sets) came from positioning and chars stopping to cast again.

I’m a fan of interupts and think they should have a more active role in the game (I mean targetted interupts for the sake of stopping the skill NOT i want you stunned oh look i hit a skill too how pro). With this though need more work done on cast animations, work done on Asura (seriously playing one is like having taken a magic potion and suddenly you hit 50% more of your stuff) and work done on risk/reward for using interupts (maybe increase base recharges and reduce them if you hit something) but also less LOL effects from just interupting an auto or w/e Halting Strike and Confusing Suggestions and casting Chaos Storm is just silly. Also reduce the activation time of as many interupts as possible i think it would be nice to be able to use them to interupt not just “hope they cast something about now” cause a lot of them have travel time – and i mean the dazes mainly here.

Interupts I hope will have a bigger place in GW2’s future, but not the Earthshaker/Chaos Storm variety.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: the sober ninja.6539

the sober ninja.6539

But here is no cd and energy menagment like it was in GW1, which makes skills spamable in my opinion… I just got in mind how GW1 looked like.

It’s called initiative managment now bro.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Is it a possible thing to consider in the future ?

E.g Having golem in HOTM that heals at random times and practice interrupting.
Interrupting healing skills was very popular in GW1.

Good luck trying to interrupt Healing Signet, Signet of The Ether, Shelter, Healing Turret and all the most popular healing in PvP.

The only ones you can really interrupt are Ether Renewal, Consume Conditions, perhaps Hide in Shadows when used and Ether Feast, but you don’t really need practice to interrupt them since they have insanely long casting time anyway.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Conclusion: Healing skills casts times need to be increased, but only for PvP. I see no point in increasing cast time for PvE players.

And yet again, we see the need of splitting skills.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


Low Casttime:
-Healing Spring (Ranger)
-Healing Turret (Engi)

Healing Spring is totally interruptable. Just ask Vanish, he loooooved doing this to me.

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Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Healing Spring has a tell for when the ranger reaches his hand to the group, but with all the clutter effects going on its hard to distinguish that.

Also, only #4 D/P Headshot can interrupt Healing Spring

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


You can interrupt shelter with warrior “Fear Me!” or Engineer Toolkit 5 and it goes on full cooldown. It’s incredibly broken.

For the list of “incredibly broken stuff” we should also add the Fear-procs from nightmare ruens interrupting even through distortion.

Healing Spring is totally interruptable. Just ask Vanish, he loooooved doing this to me.

Yep it is, as well as Healing Turrent, but it is rly hard.

Another point already mentioned are all the effects and tiny characters which both make recoginzing skills even more difficult.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


Jack – yes U r right, but U dont have cooldown so even if U fail U can take risk and try again imediately
Ninja – Lol don’t even compare it to energy/cd menagment from GW1 coz it looks silly to any1 who played it. Even if u fail u just loos ini and U can play a bit more passive this time if u lack it, and having no cd is HUGE difference. Dont even compare.

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Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Chicago Jack.5647

Chicago Jack.5647

Jack – yes U r right, but U dont have cooldown so even if U fail U can take risk and try again imediately

no you really can’t. you spam headshot, you don’t have enough to gap-close with shadow shot. your damage goes to kitten. anything that touches you will have an easy time getting you to peel off of the person who you spammed headshot on.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


You can’t interrupt healing signet but you can interrupt signet of rage, doing so prevents the buffs from runes of lyssa and puts the runes on full cooldown.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


GL interrupting passives heh

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Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Healing Spring is totally interruptable. Just ask Vanish, he loooooved doing this to me.

Healing Spring is not interruptable along with the Engineer’s Turret healing unless predicted, which is a matter of luck anyway.

There is no way an human being have a reaction time of less than 1/4 of second, excluding the game latency.

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: TNoD.8143


Healing Spring is totally interruptable. Just ask Vanish, he loooooved doing this to me.

Healing Spring is not interruptable along with the Engineer’s Turret healing unless predicted, which is a matter of luck anyway.

There is no way an human being have a reaction time of less than 1/4 of second, excluding the game latency.

Unless you know at which % HP people will heal at. I interrupt engis’ healing turret very often with sleight of hand trait for steal.

Lord Vrael [ÆÆÆÆ] – Borlis Pass

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Unless you know at which % HP people will heal at. I interrupt engis’ healing turret very often with sleight of hand trait for steal.

It’s a guess anyway.
You seriously have no way to determine exactly when your enemy is going to heal or if he’s going to pressure you instead of healing.

Players are not bots which heal exactly at a fixed threshold of health.