Premades on Courtyard vs Pugs
I thought we were told that the matchmaking would prevent a pug team from playing a premade.
It seems like everything is super bugged right now. It is definitely not working well.
Yeah, I had one go each way. One was four of us and a really newbie mesmer against three of another guild, and two pugs, and we won like 500-100. Then another one was two of us and three pugs against, I think, two engies (crate city), two mesmers (portal and burst city), and Caed.
It ended well.
Courtyard is fun but when you run into a team that actually knows what they’re doing on the first day of the patch, yowch.
Not very fun, I must say so as well.
Having to go against a premade versus a pickup doesn’t seem like working-as-intended – especially in Courtyard.
The premade’s pick the map they want, PUG’s have no other choice but to proceed (very) quickly to a farming session.
Yeah exactly, as soon as you see map select, instantly 5 go for Courtyard and you’re like, “Welp.”
I was a pretty big solo queue player. I’ve hit top 10 NA on two classes, top 100 on 6. I never complained about Skyhammer, and I am willing to give these new matchmaking parameters a try, but there is one thing I am absolutely not okay with.
It is not okay to be put into a PUG vs premades and then have them vote for Courtyard, resulting in a 50% chance or better to play it. This is going to result in absolutely terrible landslide victories and minimal fun.
I’m on the fence about facing premades. If Anet makes it worth my while I won’t be upset. I enjoy challenges.
I’m on the fence about Courtyard. It could be fun to spice up the meta.
But I am absolutely, 100%, not okay with them both at the same time. Premades can be outclassed by dividing and conquering on conquest maps. This is not possible on Courtyard. The level of communication required to play 5v5 is much different. Especially when the gains/losses will be tied to score/performance. This map will be a 500-0 factory, meaning massive ladder swings. This could very easily be the fastest way to climb the ladder, if my understanding is correct.
Please consider removing the map from the vote pool when a premade is involved.
if you never complained bout skyhammer then you were probably playing engi (Or some sort of other cheese kitten) there…so now just get over court, ppl are playing it in cheese mode just like many “top” (rofl) used to do on skyhammer…circle of life
the only difference on courtyard is if you got a bad team then you dont have to painfully draw out the lose, you just die and then finish quicker, dont try and pretend this new map is going to be different. great job arena net best patch for a long time
the only difference on courtyard is if you got a bad team then you dont have to painfully draw out the lose, you just die and then finish quicker, dont try and pretend this new map is going to be different. great job arena net best patch for a long time
If we reach a point where the best option for a player is to repeatedly go out and let themselves be killed so they can “try again” to have fun then we have hit a major problem.
Never mind the fact that this behavior is indistinguishable from griefing/botting/match-fixing, which is only going to make it worse. All it takes is one player deciding they don’t want to try and they can feed all 500 points alone.
Also it occurred to me that the team losing 500-0 is frequently going to score 0 personal points and thus receive no personal reward. There are so many problems with being put into a hopeless situation on this map.
Are you guys sure you are vsing a full premade team?
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Are you guys sure you are vsing a full premade team?
I suppose there was a small chance that matchmaking assembled a team of 5 individuals from the same guild.
But I’d say I am pretty sure it was a premade.
All you have to do is right click their names in the scoreboard, if there is no option for you to join party (premades of 5 or less, or 2 pre,adds combined) then it will either be invite to party which means they are a pug. If no option for party is present, they are in a group of 5.
I thought we were told that the matchmaking would prevent a pug team from playing a premade.
They never said that. The matchmaking parameters will try to match the sizes of groups who queued, but it’s not guaranteed since there are other criteria like your matchmaking rating and how long the system waits to match you.
I actually think they put Courtyard in to show people that TDM is indeed a terrible idea. If their idea was to give us options then they need to really rethink how they let us Q.
OP is 100% correct that you cannot have both premades AND courtyard. 500-0 is the only result.