Pro League and bug abuse/hinderance

Pro League and bug abuse/hinderance

in PvP

Posted by: Swagatron.8065


I am not in Pro Leagues, I’m not even a very good PvPer but there is something I HATE in this game, BUGS. Watching the games I just don’t see how some of these bugs aren’t being priority fixed. Namely there were two big ones that I noticed.

1. Signet of Vampirism (Necromancer Signet Heal) Corrupts boons with INFINITE RANGE regardless of Line of Sight or Dodging. With so many reapers in the scene it seems absurd that this has not been fixed. I haven’t picked it apart but there are definitely situations where a stab/might corrupt or something from across the map could turn a fight that would have been otherwise won if this bug didn’t exist!

2. Ancestral Grace (Ranger Staff 3) puts druids in combat. I mainly noticed this at the start of ranger matches where rangers could be put into combat when the game started allowing them to prepare certain weapon swap sigils like doom and/or slowing them from reaching the nodes before their enemies. So this is both a bug abuse and a hinderance.

I’m sure there are other bugs that I don’t have listed here that I didn’t notice that can give teams an advantange.

Pro League and bug abuse/hinderance

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


I asked the question about Signet of Vamp and I was told that it’s not a bug it just happened to work that way. If it’s not a bug needs to be reworked, I’m completely sick of having a Necro getting outplayed just to have them cast Signet through mountains.

Ancestral Grace, only bugs out if you blast a field. Just put down water field and blast it and you’re in combat. All Combat Only traits can be used, using Clarion Bond with “we Heal As One” you can get Fury/15 Might/Swiftness/Regen + Sigils Leaching/Doom before you even reach the fight. Lucky no one MM isn’t meta atm.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Pro League and bug abuse/hinderance

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


This is why it’s hard to take Arena Net seriously when they spend so much time hyping up their product as an “Esport” or trying soo hard to break into the Esport scene, but there are insane amounts of bugs with abilities that don’t function properly and have been that way since launch.

Just feels selfish and greedy on the companies part. This game is not even close to being ready to present to a real Esport crowd. I would be embarrassed to show this game off in a competitive scene.


Pro League and bug abuse/hinderance

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

Not sure what’s gonna happen in the future. But i can say that my Gw2 playing will seriously diminish once next month hits the 19th. B&S comes out. I got a real feeling that game will fulfill & satisfy my pvp needs. Time will tell.

Pro League and bug abuse/hinderance

in PvP

Posted by: Amenaza.8346


Ancestral Grace, only bugs out if you blast a field. Just put down water field and blast it and you’re in combat. All Combat Only traits can be used, using Clarion Bond with “we Heal As One” you can get Fury/15 Might/Swiftness/Regen + Sigils Leaching/Doom before you even reach the fight. Lucky no one MM isn’t meta atm.

As a main ranger in basically every game mode I can tell you that Ancestral Grace has put me in combat multiple hundred times without blasting or interacting with anything visible and continues doing so in the current build.
To add insult to injury, it can happen that rangers in general respawn in combat, because upon respawing , the pet revives at the old location for a short period of time, triggering any traps or getting conditions that are applied instantly. You then respawn being in combat with a pet half dead. Combined with the Ancestral Grace BS I have once managed to walk from spawn to homepoint completely in combat.

I do not speak in the name of my guild

Pro League and bug abuse/hinderance

in PvP

Posted by: Photinous.4628


I have honestly never played a game that is as buggy as gw2 is. Even other games in their alpha and beta are more stable. It’s even more embarrassing that after EVERY PATCH Anet needs to put out one more to fix a server crash. To me this is just evidence that Anet doesn’t bother investing time to do anything properly and everything in this game is a band-aid fix, balance included.