Pro Tip

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: PurpleSmurf.6389


These forums are public. There are serious, competive gamers who occasionally lurk these forums to check on the progress of sPvP in hopes that the game might someday be worth playing. However, when purported “top” players from both sides of the pond start attacking each other like 9-year old school children, they laugh (at you) and move on.

Learn to respect one another. Trash talk has no place among serious teams and serious players. It’s not your fault that this game’s competitive scene is an afterthought, but that’s no excuse for acting like babies and making yourselves and the community look worse than it already likely is.

Take pride in mastery, and then keep that to yourself.

Sincerely yours,

A Smurf

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Sprawl, that kinda rhymes…

Actually there is enough competitiveness in this game’s community right now.

The players who take themselves too seriously to play GW2 because it hasn’t reached a level of ‘par’ that they hold themselves to had best keep moving. They’ll never really play this game well anyway so they’d be disappointed in their ‘skills’ when they decide to try it and fail.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

Excuse me, but what can’t you defend with this sort of argument? It is not even an argument … it is just an excuse for not caring. Your freedom to do whatever you want only extends itself to the limit of your actions not harming other people. Yes, I am talking about social skills.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

Excuse me, but what can’t you defend with this sort of argument? It is not even an argument … it is just an excuse for not caring. Your freedom to do whatever you want only extends itself to the limit of your actions not harming other people. Yes, I am talking about social skills.

i dont think you understand that statement. With everything that involves high level of skill and competition there is trash talk. There is trash talk in every sport, pro, mens, womens, kids. There is trash talk between debate and math teams, there is trash talk between chess players, trash talk between marching bands. anywhere and everywhere. The people who can handle it and still perform at a high level excel, those that can’t shrivel up and run away. So if you are trying to say there are elite pro pvpers out there who may pass over GW2 because of trash talk on the forums you are kidding yourself and it is one of the most ludicrous statements I have seen on these forums. Many teams pride themselves in shutting down the trash talkers.

You know why there is such little trash talk though during mathes? because most teams dont have enough confidence and are scared of they talk too soon someone will take a screen shot and post it after they lose. (well not so much in GW2 since nobody cares about the competitive scene)

I for one wish there was more trash talk. Trash talk builds rivalries and brings in fans who take sides and make it even more heated. I mean would you rather watch an EU vs NA match with two boring passive teams or two teams that trash talked each other for an entire week leading up to the match? Heck in many sports like boxing and mma, trash talk is one of the biggest tools to build interest in a match.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

Excuse me, but what can’t you defend with this sort of argument? It is not even an argument … it is just an excuse for not caring. Your freedom to do whatever you want only extends itself to the limit of your actions not harming other people. Yes, I am talking about social skills.

i dont think you understand that statement. With everything that involves high level of skill and competition there is trash talk. There is trash talk in every sport, pro, mens, womens, kids. There is trash talk between debate and math teams, there is trash talk between chess players, trash talk between marching bands. anywhere and everywhere. The people who can handle it and still perform at a high level excel, those that can’t shrivel up and run away. So if you are trying to say there are elite pro pvpers out there who may pass over GW2 because of trash talk on the forums you are kidding yourself and it is one of the most ludicrous statements I have seen on these forums. Many teams pride themselves in shutting down the trash talkers. You know why there is such little trash talk though during mathes? because most teams dont have enough confidence and are scared of they talk too soon someone will take a screen shot and post it after they lose.

You assumptions are wrong. But what you talk about is not the kind of trakittenalk OP is referring to (as I hear it). The pure disrespectful spite has no place. I am btw former elite-coach on national level .. so yeah .. I know exactly how it works. And yes, I have worked with ppl’s ego’s in order to make a tolerable training-environment. Fact is: In the numerous places I have worked as coach, I have always set a high moral standard … and I have worked with at the same time promoting big ego’s but not at the expense of other people. That is completely possible. It is now my “real job” to do the exact same thing. I don’t mean to sound high and mighty, but disrespect it simply not acceptable in my world.
PS: … sigh .. what is it with the kittens .. is the T-word now not allowed anymore. Are we smurfs?

(edited by Poxxia.1547)

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Biomanz.9302


What “trash talk” are you referring to in the forums? Most I’ve seen is the banter that X class is OP and the more hostile sounding posts (if you can call it that) are just trolling.

But I kind of agree smack talk can be good for any sport. I mean, it reflects on the players, not the sport itself. It only adds to the drama. Look at Idra in Starcraft. I love watching him ragequit in pro matches, and makes the pro matches more interesting.

Taera Locke – staff ele
Red circles heal you. Just relax.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I havent seen any extreme trash talk on these forums at all, just EU vs NA which was the most popular thread in weeks. So not sure what OP is talkin bout then.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Fourth.1567


Have to agree with Poxxia, it is not necessary. Some rivalry can be good but not to the point of trash talking. Still needs to be a level of respect between teams which seems to have greatly degenerated over the last month.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


The community management (or lack there of) is partially to blame here as well. They silently infract people (at random, sometimes posts go for weeks and others go minutes). They never respond to any thread except the obligatory “we’re watching you like Santa Clause” posts. If forums are left unchecked and feel like there is no dev participation, it devolves into Lord of the Flies where the community turns on each other.

Plus, if the game was as amazing as advertised, who in the heck would be on the forums?

My 2c.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: HappinessFactory.4910


I freaking love the EU vs NA thing right now, it’s bringing life back into this community or at least the competitive side. And heck isnt that what pvp is all about? competing? To see who’s top dog?

There is no rivalry without insults, we’re a bunch of gamers who play games… on the internet.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

I’m highly competitive and yet I never trakittenalk.

Theory busted.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

Excuse me, but what can’t you defend with this sort of argument? It is not even an argument … it is just an excuse for not caring. Your freedom to do whatever you want only extends itself to the limit of your actions not harming other people. Yes, I am talking about social skills.

i dont think you understand that statement. With everything that involves high level of skill and competition there is trash talk. There is trash talk in every sport, pro, mens, womens, kids. There is trash talk between debate and math teams, there is trash talk between chess players, trash talk between marching bands. anywhere and everywhere. The people who can handle it and still perform at a high level excel, those that can’t shrivel up and run away. So if you are trying to say there are elite pro pvpers out there who may pass over GW2 because of trash talk on the forums you are kidding yourself and it is one of the most ludicrous statements I have seen on these forums. Many teams pride themselves in shutting down the trash talkers. You know why there is such little trash talk though during mathes? because most teams dont have enough confidence and are scared of they talk too soon someone will take a screen shot and post it after they lose.

You assumptions are wrong. But what you talk about is not the kind of trakittenalk OP is referring to (as I hear it). The pure disrespectful spite has no place. I am btw former elite-coach on national level .. so yeah .. I know exactly how it works. And yes, I have worked with ppl’s ego’s in order to make a tolerable training-environment. Fact is: In the numerous places I have worked as coach, I have always set a high moral standard … and I have worked with at the same time promoting big ego’s but not at the expense of other people. That is completely possible. It is now my “real job” to do the exact same thing. I don’t mean to sound high and mighty, but disrespect it simply not acceptable in my world.
PS: … sigh .. what is it with the kittens .. is the T-word now not allowed anymore. Are we smurfs?

Well when I worked as the head of the CIA and the FBI as a weekend job, I had to deal with major egos (Putin always trash talked at ping pong).

In all seriousness, trash talk is just part of anything that pits people against each other. Its also self regulating so its awesome to watch. I personally never trash talk, because I know one day I would do it, and then get beat. Thus making me look like a gobkittene.

I love it when someone trash talks to me, and I shatter their ego with a win. Had they been nice then its just a minor loss, which they could learn from. But because they trash talked I like to rub it in with “why aren’t you running your mouth now? I bet it stings. Have a few minutes to work a statement explaining away your defeat”. I would hate for that to be lost.

Besides, asking for it to stop WILL make you a target for it. People enjoy pushing what people are clearly trying to avoid, it makes them aggressive and sloppy, its all part of the game.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

I’m highly competitive and yet I never trakittenalk.

Theory busted.

You do realise your trash talking right now? It doesnt have to be lowbrow, your more of an erudite trash talker, attacking the opponents theory with your own.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Kid Taylor.5479

Kid Taylor.5479

sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

Look at the arrogance and ego embodied in this post. Why should I respect the “top” players who hold such a conceited and impolite view of things?

Also, if “attacking an opponent’s theory” is a form of trash talking, Socrates must have been the biggest “trash talker” that ever lived.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

Look at the arrogance and ego embodied in this post. Why should I respect the “top” players who hold such a conceited and impolite view of things?

Also, if “attacking an opponent’s theory” is a form of trash talking, Socrates must have been the biggest “trash talker” that ever lived.

He was, and you see how he ended up. Watch out all you “pros.” :P

Lol, most of this trash talk comes from people who are compensating for an failing aspect of their life with gaming. That’s what I think anyway, I mean why rip into someone like they do? If you’re confident you wouldn’t feel the need.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

(edited by SteepledHat.1345)

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

Look at the arrogance and ego embodied in this post. Why should I respect the “top” players who hold such a conceited and impolite view of things?

Also, if “attacking an opponent’s theory” is a form of trash talking, Socrates must have been the biggest “trash talker” that ever lived.

He was, but the man had class. You don’t to respect, well anything. Its entirely your choice what you respect and whom you dislike or whatever. But on the same line so does everyone else. I personally do not trash talk, and often say being nice will get you a lot further in every aspect of life. But I also respect the fact thats MY OPINION. Everyone else will have theirs, and thats fine too.

It happens all the time, look at most of the threads on this forum. Someome states something, some will try to argue it out with counterpoints, most will simply call the poster names in order to lessen the extent of what they have said.

“Rangers are op”
“your just a noob”

Happens all the time.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Slan.5496


Just because something is an opinion doesn’t put it on the same level with every other opinion. The fact that stupidity, in general, is the status quo doesn’t justify being willfully stupid.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


I wonder if people know what “trash talk” actually means and what it is intended for.

If I type in google search “trash talk definition”, I get this:

Insulting or boastful speech intended to demoralize, intimidate, or humiliate someone.
Use insulting or boastful speech for such a purpose.

So, no, Socrates was not a trash talker. Arguing a point is not trash talking either UNLESS the argument includes “insulting or boastful speech to demoralize, intimidate, or humiliate someone”, at which point Socrates will just kitten slap you…

just thought I’d clear that up. /continue

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


Just because something is an opinion doesn’t put it on the same level with every other opinion. The fact that stupidity, in general, is the status quo doesn’t justify being willfully stupid.

Right, so when an opinion differs from yours the person is stupid? I am not so arrogant to assume that I have the world bang to rights with no chance of me being wrong. Maybe go out into the world before you claim its full of stupid people. Stupid people who have managed an immense amount from our cave man days.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


trash talk intimidation factor is much underrated. If you trash talk someone and then face them head on in public setting the demand to perform at a high level is much greater now because both sides know what has been said and what the public will say to each with the win/loss. Those that perform poorly under increased pressure are the most susceptible to trash talk and MOST people perform poorly under pressure which is why elite athletes are so rare, so in terms of trying to gain an advantage there is really no downside to trash talk unless you cant handle the pressure you put on yourself by instigating.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Slan.5496


Just because something is an opinion doesn’t put it on the same level with every other opinion. The fact that stupidity, in general, is the status quo doesn’t justify being willfully stupid.

Right, so when an opinion differs from yours the person is stupid? I am not so arrogant to assume that I have the world bang to rights with no chance of me being wrong. Maybe go out into the world before you claim its full of stupid people. Stupid people who have managed an immense amount from our cave man days.

People should be able to back up their opinion with solid reasoning. If the reasoning is bad, the opinion doesn’t automatically have value because it’s “an opinion.” The rest is a straw man.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Big shock. Sprawl flew in on his high horse and decided to throw down life lessons to all us positive thinking peasants.

You’re getting quite the reputation man.

I agree with you OP. We all know that trash talk is happening behind voip, there is no reason to bring it to chat either in game our out. Win or lose, a simple “gg” will suffice.

Do we really want spectators watching players while they trash talk each other?

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


Do we really want spectators watching players while they trash talk each other?

tbh, emphatically ‘Yes’!

There’s some funny mother kitteners out there, yo!

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Do we really want spectators watching players while they trash talk each other?

There’s enough pandering to arrogant children nowadays as it is.

The worst part of the internet, or at least really high up there, would have to be the verbal defecation kids spew forth because they won’t get popped in the mouth for it like in the real world.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

I find it funny that people are actually anointing themselves “top players” in a game that doesn’t even have a proper ladder and that hardly anyone plays, and then talking trash.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Well when I worked as the head of the CIA and the FBI as a weekend job, I had to deal with major egos (Putin always trash talked at ping pong).

In all seriousness, trash talk is just part of anything that pits people against each other. Its also self regulating so its awesome to watch. I personally never trash talk, because I know one day I would do it, and then get beat. Thus making me look like a gobkittene.

I love it when someone trash talks to me, and I shatter their ego with a win. Had they been nice then its just a minor loss, which they could learn from. But because they trash talked I like to rub it in with “why aren’t you running your mouth now? I bet it stings. Have a few minutes to work a statement explaining away your defeat”. I would hate for that to be lost.

Besides, asking for it to stop WILL make you a target for it. People enjoy pushing what people are clearly trying to avoid, it makes them aggressive and sloppy, its all part of the game.

Yeah .. I knew someone would think I was being high and mighty … I can provide my name and details, but they will be for your eyes only, since my name is one of a kind. Why would I lie about something that is really not a big deal? Seriously … just lol. But just toss a tell with your real name etc, and I can give you the details.

It is totally irrelevant really; what I am talking about is ethics … the kind you build a society on. It is a principle more than anything. In any sort of communication, there are two sides of the communication, and what some people seem to forget is the receiving end of it; how things are perceived differ a lot. Emotions is a crucial part of communication as well. You can’t just say whatever you like without it having consequences for other people. I could continue, but I am not sure you would get what I am aiming at.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Big shock. Sprawl flew in on his high horse and decided to throw down life lessons to all us positive thinking peasants.

You’re getting quite the reputation man.

I agree with you OP. We all know that trash talk is happening behind voip, there is no reason to bring it to chat either in game our out. Win or lose, a simple “gg” will suffice.

Do we really want spectators watching players while they trash talk each other?

one of many articles on the art:

“I know how to play the game; I don’t think they know how to play the game when I’m talking to them.” This is a quote from the very same NBA player who told the opposing player that he’d shoot his free throw with his eyes closed. Skeptical and not believing he’d actually do it, the shooter proceeded to drain the free throw and say, “Welcome to the NBA.”

For those of you who’ve no idea what I’m talking about, the above scenario describes the scene where Michael Jordan told Dikembe Mutombo that he’d shoot his free throw with his eyes closed. This picture has become a legend in NBA lore, and a classic example of trash talking done properly by one of the greatest athletes of all time.

Whether you’re playing a game of NFL Blitz or a session of Mario Kart, trash talking has the amazing ability to always make an appearance. This phenomenon has entrenched every aspect of competition that you can imagine, and it caught my attention in regards to how it’s used in games such as League of Legends and online games.

Admittedly, trash talking can devolve into elementary name calling due to the anonymity of the Internet, and cyber bullying has become a big concern. However, when trash talking is utilized at its very essence, it becomes a skill that when mastered can really mess with your opponent’s psyche and confidence, consequently affecting every action that’s taken.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


sorry but trash talk comes with competition. if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen

No it doesn’t, it happens in certain areas, sport for example, but even then only certain sports in a comparable way,such as boxing, football (or soccer), etc, I don’t see Roger Federer trash talking over the net to Rafael Nadal at Wimbledon. And no the very occasional comment in an interview by a tennis player is not comparable to the stream of idiocy some children (and manboys) put forward on a regular basis in some computer games.

But anyway back to the OP, I agree, the same thing goes for a number of the WvW server threads.

(edited by Sylosi.6503)

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: ratmanduohana.6824


Admittedly, trash talking can devolve into elementary name calling due to the anonymity of the Internet, and cyber bullying has become a big concern. However, when trash talking is utilized at its very essence, it becomes a skill that when mastered can really mess with your opponent’s psyche and confidence, consequently affecting every action that’s taken.

Don’t mix things, that has nothing to do with a healthy technique in a sport, getting your opponent angry, upset or sorrowful is just a disgusting manipulation performed to gain an advantage over peoples fears, psychological weakness or problems.

Just like a lot of disgusting things elite sports bring into peoples life. So please cut the crap, there are a lot of dirty and unhonorables techniques and strategies that are needed to perform in an elite ambient, that don’t neglect the fact they are dirty and unhonorables, so let’s stop trying to take the emotional charge out of this things “It’s how the sport works” “This is needed” “They are doing it also”.

If you want to do it, do it, but don’t pretend is alright.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


Admittedly, trash talking can devolve into elementary name calling due to the anonymity of the Internet, and cyber bullying has become a big concern. However, when trash talking is utilized at its very essence, it becomes a skill that when mastered can really mess with your opponent’s psyche and confidence, consequently affecting every action that’s taken.

Don’t mix things, that has nothing to do with a healthy technique in a sport, getting your opponent angry, upset or sorrowful is just a disgusting manipulation performed to gain an advantage over peoples fears, psychological weakness or problems.

Just like a lot of disgusting things elite sports bring into peoples life. So please cut the crap, there are a lot of dirty and unhonorables techniques and strategies that are needed to perform in an elite ambient, that don’t neglect the fact they are dirty and unhonorables, so let’s stop trying to take the emotional charge out of this things “It’s how the sport works” “This is needed” “They are doing it also”.

If you want to do it, do it, but don’t pretend is alright.

Well surely you are pretending it isn’t alight, I am totally ok with it as are many others. Sure in the fairy tale world of comic books the good guys win and the baddies lose, but this is the real world and it doesnt give a crap about what you think or what anyone thinks.

Lots of people in this world, and they will not all bend to your idea of how it should be. The game of life has been around a LONG time before you came to the field, and it will be around even longer after your gone. Suit up and get your game face on, or sit on the sidelines with the rest of the “fans” and just watch. Either way, make a choice.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


These forums are public. There are serious, competive gamers who occasionally lurk these forums to check on the progress of sPvP in hopes that the game might someday be worth playing. However, when purported “top” players from both sides of the pond start attacking each other like 9-year old school children, they laugh (at you) and move on.

Learn to respect one another. Trash talk has no place among serious teams and serious players. It’s not your fault that this game’s competitive scene is an afterthought, but that’s no excuse for acting like babies and making yourselves and the community look worse than it already likely is.

Take pride in mastery, and then keep that to yourself.

Sincerely yours,

A Smurf

The reply you’ll get from many players in game will be


Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


These forums are public. There are serious, competive gamers who occasionally lurk these forums to check on the progress of sPvP in hopes that the game might someday be worth playing. However, when purported “top” players from both sides of the pond start attacking each other like 9-year old school children, they laugh (at you) and move on.

Learn to respect one another. Trash talk has no place among serious teams and serious players. It’s not your fault that this game’s competitive scene is an afterthought, but that’s no excuse for acting like babies and making yourselves and the community look worse than it already likely is.

Take pride in mastery, and then keep that to yourself.

Sincerely yours,

A Smurf

In how many topics were there trash talking? The one with EU is better than NA and NA meta is few months behind was the only one that I have noticed in the entire time that i have been visiting these forums and I have been doing it from day 1 (more accurately from beta weekend #1). Most of the topics were QQ thief/war/mesmer is op or QQ ranger/engy/and ele (especially in the beginning) is UP also there were more than a few with purely suggestions how should the pvp evolve.

So your argument was that some SERIOUS (! : o) competitive gamers came to this forum during those few days when the topic was not yet buried and then noticed it and loled and left? “Interesting” viewpoint…

Why would new competitive people looking for a game to compete in would pay so much attention to secondary things like how few players talk among themselves and ignore the primary ones – gameplay, amount of people playing said game, ranking, matchmaking, tournaments, etc.? Are they so sensitive, that they are afraid if in case they become #1 ingame some people might be mean to them, so the obvious solution is to never play this game?

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Jknifer.6803


I remember back playing basketball (at the highest possible level in my city I might add) the trash talkers tended to be the crappier players. They use trash talk to get under the skin of their opponent and put them off there game. I used to dominate them without saying a word and would instruct my team (I was the captain) to not get involved. If someone was being talking trash set a hard screen or do a hard foul; smash them physically. But do not speak. Actions speak louder than words.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


I remember back playing basketball (at the highest possible level in my city I might add) the trash talkers tended to be the crappier players. They use trash talk to get under the skin of their opponent and put them off there game. I used to dominate them without saying a word and would instruct my team (I was the captain) to not get involved. If someone was being talking trash set a hard screen or do a hard foul; smash them physically. But do not speak. Actions speak louder than words.

One thing is true in all the games I’ve played. Worst players talk the most. Even in free tourneys here, there’s usually some random guy in start giving all his brilliant tactics and plans, when in the end we see he is rank 10 while rest of us are rank 30-40+
I find it to be quite amusing.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


yea kevin Garnett, michael jordan, ray lewis , floyd mayweather, kobe bryant, all baddies and considered the dirtiest trash talkers ever

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


@Sprawl: I think the discrepancy origins in us talking about totally different things. Every sort of communication whatsoever has (at least) two parts (can easily expand this, but nvm that now). While you are talking about communication inside a subculture (isn’t it?), some of us (I, at least) am talking about communication that deliberately goes from that subculture out in what could be “normal society”. There is a difference … a rather huge one.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


@Sprawl: I think the discrepancy origins in us talking about totally different things. Every sort of communication whatsoever has (at least) two parts (can easily expand this, but nvm that now). While you are talking about communication inside a subculture (isn’t it?), some of us (I, at least) am talking about communication that deliberately goes from that subculture out in what could be “normal society”. There is a difference … a rather huge one.

this isnt normal society though, this is a sub-forum for an online computer game regarding players/teams facing each other to determine a winner.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


@Sprawl: I think the discrepancy origins in us talking about totally different things. Every sort of communication whatsoever has (at least) two parts (can easily expand this, but nvm that now). While you are talking about communication inside a subculture (isn’t it?), some of us (I, at least) am talking about communication that deliberately goes from that subculture out in what could be “normal society”. There is a difference … a rather huge one.

this isnt normal society though, this is a sub-forum for an online computer game regarding players/teams facing each other to determine a winner.

No … you are talking about a subculture inside this subculture that doesn’t want to be a part of normal society, but wants to voice their opinion in an offensive way to normal society in a place where normal society still expands to. Even if this is a culture of some sort, doesn’t mean, that we have to set the rules of normal society out of function. Seriously .. think of the consequences, if that was true. I bet you can make a subforum somewhere for derogatory ways to express yourself over this game … but why put it where “everyone else” is?

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


@Sprawl: I think the discrepancy origins in us talking about totally different things. Every sort of communication whatsoever has (at least) two parts (can easily expand this, but nvm that now). While you are talking about communication inside a subculture (isn’t it?), some of us (I, at least) am talking about communication that deliberately goes from that subculture out in what could be “normal society”. There is a difference … a rather huge one.

this isnt normal society though, this is a sub-forum for an online computer game regarding players/teams facing each other to determine a winner.

No … you are talking about a subculture inside this subculture that doesn’t want to be a part of normal society, but wants to voice their opinion in an offensive way to normal society in a place where normal society still expands to. Even if this is a culture of some sort, doesn’t mean, that we have to set the rules of normal society out of function. Seriously .. think of the consequences, if that was true. I bet you can make a subforum somewhere for derogatory ways to express yourself over this game … but why put it where “everyone else” is?

you are reaching so far now, what limited trash talk there is on this forum is so mild it’s not even funny

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: Atlas.6901


Trash talk in game is fine when used for the purpose Sprawl described—usually a /say comment instead of a /map comment. However, simply talking kitten (which in my mind is different than trash talk designed to throw off your opponent) is simply unsportsmanlike, whether in-game or out-of-game. (Some may argue that trash talk is also unsportsmanlike, but I agree with Sprawl that it has its place.)

There isn’t that much kitten talking on these forums, but among aspiring “pros” or even just serious competitive gamers, there really shouldn’t be any whatsoever. Also, there is plenty of kitten talking among these “serious” teams in-game that cannot possibly be described simply as “trash talk.” (Although maybe they cleaned up their act since I stopped playing, not sure.)

That said, there is no place for pros or serious competitive gamers in this game right now, so if you need to talk some trash or even just talk pure kitten to spice things up and give the game some meaning, go for it.

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in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


you are reaching so far now, what limited trash talk there is on this forum is so mild it’s not even funny

Well … totally up to you to feel whatever you want. What I am talking about is the principle of respecting other people; it is the principle, rather than the actual case. I am in no way offended by what I have seen in here … yet. Well … there was one case I found to be completely childish, but since it was so obviously immature, I could really only laugh at it, and I sure hope the person it was aimed at did the same. But other places I have seen people defending genocide, kitten racism etc. … and justifying themselves being vocal about it in relatively open forums with freedom of speech.

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in PvP

Posted by: ratmanduohana.6824


Well surely you are pretending it isn’t alight, I am totally ok with it as are many others. Sure in the fairy tale world of comic books the good guys win and the baddies lose, but this is the real world and it doesnt give a crap about what you think or what anyone thinks.

Lots of people in this world, and they will not all bend to your idea of how it should be. The game of life has been around a LONG time before you came to the field, and it will be around even longer after your gone. Suit up and get your game face on, or sit on the sidelines with the rest of the “fans” and just watch. Either way, make a choice.

The “game of life”? For real? I feel ashamed for that.

Please get back from 300 and testosterone overdosed motivational speeches, go ask the Man in Black how it felt to be on a “Empire of dirt”.

Life can be sometimes hard, really hard, thats have nothing to do with all that teenager “Im gonna be the real bozz!” BS, when night time comes and its you and yourself ones realizes how stupid and meaningless all this “trash talk” is, how it gets you away from yourself, building a false image of untouchable-kitten

So what, it’s trash talking in a MMORPG going to curse you for a lifetime or regrets? Of course not, this is just a really minor topic in somebody life, people are going to behave like they want, no matter what you or I say, but lets act like sensible people, trash talk is forbidden in many sports, especially in combat ones, for a reason, it has nothing to do with the game and only brings kitten on the table.

Of course many people will happily consume that and claim for an additional drop of blood if they can.

Pro Tip

in PvP

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Thanks for engaging in this discussion; unfortunately it has derailed and will continue to do so in the future so we have decided to close it. Remember that the forums accept positive and negative comments as long as they are kept respectful to each other and constructive. Remember as well that we have a reporting feature in this forum so you can report those comments that you see that cross the line.

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