Pro league match up need a change
The looser teams had either a guardian or a e/w/a staff ele (Honey)….
I actually think this is an excellent idea. It’s very likely that that will be the lineup for the weeks coming
I understand bracketing and all that, but I have to agree with you.
This was just sad. There was nothing interesting about it. I really did feel bad for the losing teams. I would have loved to see the newcomers face off and gain some confidence. I’m actually really glad that I didn’t have my friends watch this stream. I have been trying to recruit some of the people I PvP with in other games, and I know seeing these sort of stomps back to back would have certainly turned them off to being interested.
So, here’s the thing. If you’re going to get a front page spot on Twitch, I think it’s most important to field interesting games. That’s more important than following bracketing by the book. You’re not going to stir up much interest when viewers come in and see a 500-0 stomp-fest.
The first round should have been all new teams and the old teams should have had a bye. They sort of did that with Qualifiers but it isn’t really the same.
What they should do or should’ve done is started the weeks off with top vs top then top vs bottom half…where they switch it off every week. I mean at least create hype going into the next weeks to come. It seems to me that this showing drew people away. You always want to start off with a bang.
“Best Guardian NA”
Devil’s advocate: The way the did it establishes who the top teams are, let’s people see how skilled their players are, and let’s people who don’t know them find someone to route for. Sort of like how tons of people around the US like the New York Yankees, just sort of because they’ve heard of them and they’re usually a pretty good team.
It also creates an underdog story, as the lower tier teams are probably going to get better as they continuously face tough competition, and are almost certainly going to win a map here and there, if not a set.
Blowout games are not fun to watch, and shouldn’t be that many blowout games at this point in the tournament really. We can already guess who the last 4 teams will be. This “pro league” needs to be more competitive or it’s a waste of money & time. You might as well hand the cash over to the pre-qualified teams without going through all the hoopla.
Blowout games are not fun to watch, and shouldn’t be that many blowout games at this point in the tournament really. We can already guess who the last 4 teams will be. This “pro league” needs to be more competitive or it’s a waste of money & time. You might as well hand the cash over to the pre-qualified teams without going through all the hoopla.
Just proves even more what people have been stating who are familiar with the real Esport scene, Guild wars 2 simply does not have enough people involved with it to make it competitive.
Arena Net does not understand that no one is going to make economic sacrifices to play their game competitively if they don’t cater to the masses.
Holding their events on monday’s during times where majority are at work? Also not to mention not every team gets the amount of support from Arena net like the Abjured does.
Lack of proper infrastructure ect all contribute to these issues. Just seems like a failed marketing project.
The real pvp community involvement is very low and once again a corporation can’t randomly make their game an Esport, no matter how much money they throw at it.
Much more work involved and takes a entire community to make it happen.
(edited by Lucifer.7289)