[Proposal] Event-themed tracks

[Proposal] Event-themed tracks

in PvP

Posted by: isendel.5049


Hi all,

I’ll take a minute to propose an idea that came up reading a different topic about reward tracks. It’s no big secret that among the pvp community reward tracks are starting to be felt like a bittersweet solution to the reward problem. While we all could use the money that can come out of them, most of us already have the skins they need and the exotics they (don’t) need. I keep doing pvp because I like it, but to be honest this reward system, while feeling extremely cool at start, is starting to get lackluster.

So what is the idea? A lot of events are getting close (Halloween, Christmas, new LS chapter), why not add event-theme limited time tracks? Every event (especially seasonal ones) have its own currency, its own trophies, its own skins and so on. Many things can be achieved by “farming” events (i guess we all remember farming that halloween labyrinth..), others by completing activities like JPs.

The “farming” part of the event could be easily brought to a pvp track, not as the ultimate farming tool but as an alternative that would probably immerse pvp into the event a little bit more.

I’ll go into an example, think about halloween: a pvp track could give bags of treats, candy corns, the usual stuff you gain from halloween themed champions. Combined with the omnipresent track rewards like transmutation charges, books and so on, it wouldn’t be so hard to create a event specific track. Events like halloween have plenty of skins and event-themed objects that could fit perfectly into the pvp track system.

I strongly think that feeding new tracks could really help in rewarding more pvp (little OT: the best reward we pvpers hope for is a new game mode coff coff), and event-themed tracks would be a great idea and wouldn’t require much effort from the developers (everything is already in the game, the skins, the items, the currencies and so on).

So, let’s hear what you guys think!

[Proposal] Event-themed tracks

in PvP

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


This is a great idea. I hope somebody at anet sees this post.

Halloween could reward bags, candy corn, candy corn cobs, mad king stuff, sigils of the night, & maybe even the Minipets. Of course we are all really hoping for the weapon skins, and don’t want anet to tank a 200G market. But if there are new weapons coming…

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

[Proposal] Event-themed tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


Would really like this, thanks for posting your idea.

[Proposal] Event-themed tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Of course we are all really hoping for the weapon skins

i’m really hoping that they never add them again,
as someone who spent months farming and then spent everything i had so i could afford greatsaw.

its one of the very few things in this game with any kind of prestigious value because you can’t obtain it anymore, it makes it so much more prestigious than legendaries that you see everyone standing around with.

its like the LS S1 things which you can now buy with laurels, they’ve lost all value.
if they’d kept them as a “one time only” deal it would be something valuable.

i read somewhere that a dev had commented that they won’t re-add the greatsaw because the style doesn’t fit the game, i hope thats true but i never saw the source.

[Proposal] Event-themed tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

I just really want a Black Lion themed track with keys, chests, salvage kits, boosters, scraps etc.