Proposed change to reward Track
The current reward system is pretty excellent. I don’t understand how you are having inventory issues when majority of it is salvageable, sell-able or gets deposited into your bank?
any particular item you having problems with?
Can we just have an in-game currency for PvP
Oh you mean that one thing we used to have but Anet got rid of
There are a lot of PVE items we don’t care about in PVP, but that might also be a part of their marketing towards players who play PVP to be interested in WvW and PVE, which I find wierd since the PVP community can’t “lose” more players to PVE and WvW. They should make the PVE rewards give PVP-only items too…. if there were any. -.-"
I don’t know why they removed the currency we had before, but my guess is the system we have right now shows players the rewards they want and how much work is left to get them, and with the previous currency they only saw numbers and didn’t know how much work was needed to get the rewards they wanted, making it seem like a more difficult task.
Unfortunatelly many chests give 1 good item and 3 bad/useless ones for PVPers, and that’s the problem they should fix since PVE doesn’t neeed more players, PVP does.
Im agreed with PawPaw (+1),
I do not do PVE/Crafting etc
All i do when I play this game is PvP mostly and I end up with stacks of Matts that i do not need, kitten tons of chest from rewards.
Only reason i open them is for a chance of an Ascended Box.
Im agreed with PawPaw (+1),
I do not do PVE/Crafting etc
All i do when I play this game is PvP mostly and I end up with stacks of Matts that i do not need, kitten tons of chest from rewards.
Only reason i open them is for a chance of an Ascended Box.
Well its kinda sounds mundane. Why do you need an ascended box if you do not want to do pve? Also i understand how people don’t like the current rewards but since you don’t play pve you would understand on why so many pver’s actually shifted to pvp cause of the loot.
Take any dungeon reward track. You get 3 Weapons + 240 tokens + 1 armor piece. do This 6 time and you have all 18 weapons, + 1440 token (enough to buy a whole set) + 6 Armor piece (1 Set).
That means you have accumulated 8910 dungeon token… that is equivalent to 49.5 Days worth of dungeons running (Excluding Arah and counting the smaller bags that give 3 additional token). Now it takes roughly 32 Wins to get 1 reward track, comparing the time it takes to complete one to your dungeon loots it is much faster and more viable.
Yeah Ive always thought there should be something more than achievements for each game mode.
Specific armor skins and weapon skins for PvP, specific for WvW and so on.
But that might be asking a lot. Finishers being the only distinction is rather meh.