Punished for being a longtime PvPer

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Hi guys.

Its very obvious that a lot of people are unhappy with the league system as currently implemented, but I would like to reiterate some of those points and also bring one last point to the table – as per title.

Fair warning, this may be a bit disjointed!

1. Some basic things that have already been discussed :

1.1. Promotion of skill(or lack thereof) :
This is an extremely important part of any PvP system but seeing someone having the tags next to their name denoting the different leagues means almost nothing.
I would even go so far as to call it a MUCH larger grind than the previous iteration of ranked leaderboard.

1.2. Abuse and manipulation :
This has been discussed to death but its obvious that the entire system is riddled with flaws and ways to gain pips and so called “prestige” in doing so.
The reasons this is possible is manifold, and I don’t want to go into all of them.
But the biggest problem is the fact that MMR and leagues are way too disconnected and almost contradict each other in so many cases.

And finally the reason for my post.

2. Punished for being a longtime PvPer :

We, the PvP population that are unwilling to abuse the system in any way and have played for a long time are being punished for it.

We have the most settled MMR, which means our winrates have settled on near 50% or as close as it can get. We are essentially relying on matchmaking to get lucky and match us in such a way as to gain a point even when the game was lost. My most pip gain is when we are facing a 5man premade and still lose the match, this is frustrating and unfun but I find myself HOPING for it just so that I can advance in leagues.

The other alternatives are dishonest and literally is something I (and im sure many others) are unwilling to do.

A simple but not perfect solution would have been to reset MMR completely for season 1, this would have alleviated a lot of issues and even created a lot more healthy PvP environment.
Why was this not done?

This would still leave a lot of holes for exploiting and manipulation, but at least the start of the season would have gone better.

Guess I am just upset that Season 1 is unplayable for me now.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Pakkazull.6894


Yep, pretty much.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: LunarNacht.8913


The meta being garbage being another part for me to give up on season 1.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Mal.1670


For your 1.1 point, you could elaborate meaning that the icon is “meaningless” for the people who “cheated” by gaming the system for lower MMR… some people have been getting lucky and climbing divisions through solo-queue.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


For your 1.1 point, you could elaborate meaning that the icon is “meaningless” for the people who “cheated” by gaming the system for lower MMR… some people have been getting lucky and climbing divisions through solo-queue.

Exactly, for those rare people that have not abused the system, its luck, not skill.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Jiggawattz.2697


While I fully agree with this, I am at the very least trying not to bash on them too much, at least they got to well of precog and condi rev before we had to play against that kitten for the next 3 weeks…

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Pakkazull.6894


While I fully agree with this, I am at the very least trying not to bash on them too much, at least they got to well of precog and condi rev before we had to play against that kitten for the next 3 weeks…

They deserve all the kitten they’re getting. We’re not pals, I don’t know these people, I’m a customer who paid for a product and if the product is crap, I’m gonna complain about it. You can be an Arenanet apologist and settle for crumbs and give them an easy time all you want; you’re not doing yourself any favors by accepting their kitten.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


I can completely relate to the luck factor.

I consider myself average in PvP. Not greatly skilled, but I know generally what I am doing and know how to play the capture game. Now my win lose rate is probably terrible by now. My losing streaks are much greater compared to my winning streaks. I soloq pretty much always and everytime I que up for ranked, it feels like a lottery. Most of them I end up with people who fight off points, cap with two at the same time, die incredibly fast, tank mmr, don’t bother defending points, do weird things like at start go far and abandon close+mid etc.

I’ve been able to carry the team on rare occasions which feels nice when that happens, but not as great as really good matches. Example of a really good match I had was yesterday when I went duoq with a guildie for a change who possibly had much higher mmr ranking then I. Was stuck in a 2v2 fight on a decapped point, my teammate was downed and managed to res him and finally won the fight by killing both opponents and capping the point. Intense fight of 2 or 3 minutes which is the kind of stuff I’m looking for in PvP. Finally lose the match but gained a pip from it. I don’t mind losing when I had in general a good time. But so far ranked is more of a frustration as solo que’er. MMR seems quite pointless because all it does it match you up with even worse teams and you just have to be lucky enough that the opponent is generally worse then the team you’re matched up with.

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: StacyX.4831


Yep. I’ve refused to participate in this league as soon as I found out about the cheating/people tanking their MMR and purposefully losing the matches. This is absolutely disgusting behavior and what’s more unsettling is the amount of people defending it on Reddit. If you dare speak out about it you get downvoted.

As I said there: This is exactly why I’ve stayed away from PvP over the past couple weeks. I LOVE PvP and I really want the legendary back item, but I refuse to participate in this joke of a league until they fix this. It makes me angry that this crap is keeping me from not only a game mode that I really enjoy but a in-game goal that I otherwise would be spending a lot of time working toward. Knowing that I’m going to be a season behind in earning my back piece is infuriating, but I refuse to participate in such a broken system. Hopefully they will have this cheating and exploitation fixed before next season.

(edited by StacyX.4831)

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Bladicus.9078


Yep. I’ve refused to participate in this league as soon as I found out about the cheating/people tanking their MMR and purposefully losing the matches. This is absolutely disgusting behavior and what’s more unsettling is the amount of people defending it on Reddit. If you dare speak out about it you get downvoted.

As I said there: This is exactly why I’ve stayed away from PvP over the past couple weeks. I LOVE PvP and I really want the legendary back item, but I refuse to participate in this joke of a league until they fix this. It makes me angry that this crap is keeping me from not only a game mode that I really enjoy but a in-game goal that I otherwise would be spending a lot of time working toward. Knowing that I’m going to be a season behind in earning my back piece is infuriating, but I refuse to participate in such a broken system. Hopefully they will have this cheating and exploitation fixed before next season.

Is it really cheating though? You can’t blame a player for wanting the highest league. If that player then looks how he can reach the highest league in the easiest way he’ll see it’s by losing matches to bunk his MMR. Is that the fault of the player? Not really. It’s rather the fault of a design flaw which was to be honest really forseeable and therefore preventable. It might be too late for this league, but in the next league they should stop having a seperate MMR system and League system as they’re too contradictive (which is also brought up already by the OP).

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: SoPP.7034


The other alternatives are dishonest and literally is something I (and im sure many others) are unwilling to do.

Isn’t that the irony of the position that ANet has put us into. That were punished for playing the game honestly.

I ended up in MMR Hell for awhile around mid Emerald. At this time I saw Helseth also stuck in MMR Hell, in the exact same tier. Finally he lost 2 pips because he WON a 4v5 AGAINST before calling it a day.

At that point I questioned literally the entire League system. I mean if Helseth can’t progress past Emerald, what chance do I have? A lot has happened since then, but its pretty clear that if your a veteran playing Leagues honestly, your doing something wrong and that’s something you NEVER want to encourage from your player base.

Anet really dropped the ball.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Holy kitten anet, just make all these people complaining about losses their own private ladders against bots that never win, just keep naming them pro league names so they think they are beating abjured, ezpz, spookie, faded etc. Give them whatever pixels they want too then maybe we can discuss things that actually matter on these forums instead of everyone whining about losses.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I think with the new Div system you will not get 50% win rate. Because higher tier players will rarely if ever be matched with lower tier players. I seem this as a ruby, I rarely see any emerald and almost never any amber. So if you are a long time pvper the first 3 div should be easy . As time goes on the pros will move to the highest tier and more grinder enter ruby, I think ruby will get easier as well.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yup…as someone who’s played since release, having MMR decide your match-ups makes it just as hard to win games when you’re Amber rank as it does for the later ranks. The conflict between MMR and Ranks overall just seems to be causing so many problems…

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Death Aggro.9602

Death Aggro.9602

Yep. I’ve refused to participate in this league as soon as I found out about the cheating/people tanking their MMR and purposefully losing the matches. This is absolutely disgusting behavior and what’s more unsettling is the amount of people defending it on Reddit. If you dare speak out about it you get downvoted.

As I said there: This is exactly why I’ve stayed away from PvP over the past couple weeks. I LOVE PvP and I really want the legendary back item, but I refuse to participate in this joke of a league until they fix this. It makes me angry that this crap is keeping me from not only a game mode that I really enjoy but a in-game goal that I otherwise would be spending a lot of time working toward. Knowing that I’m going to be a season behind in earning my back piece is infuriating, but I refuse to participate in such a broken system. Hopefully they will have this cheating and exploitation fixed before next season.

Is it really cheating though? You can’t blame a player for wanting the highest league. If that player then looks how he can reach the highest league in the easiest way he’ll see it’s by losing matches to bunk his MMR. Is that the fault of the player? Not really. It’s rather the fault of a design flaw which was to be honest really forseeable and therefore preventable. It might be too late for this league, but in the next league they should stop having a seperate MMR system and League system as they’re too contradictive (which is also brought up already by the OP).

Wait. What?

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Death Aggro.9602

Death Aggro.9602

The other alternatives are dishonest and literally is something I (and im sure many others) are unwilling to do.

Isn’t that the irony of the position that ANet has put us into. That were punished for playing the game honestly.

I ended up in MMR Hell for awhile around mid Emerald. At this time I saw Helseth also stuck in MMR Hell, in the exact same tier. Finally he lost 2 pips because he WON a 4v5 AGAINST before calling it a day.

At that point I questioned literally the entire League system. I mean if Helseth can’t progress past Emerald, what chance do I have? A lot has happened since then, but its pretty clear that if your a veteran playing Leagues honestly, your doing something wrong and that’s something you NEVER want to encourage from your player base.

Anet really dropped the ball.

Helseth is diamond now

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Evasiion.3859


Agree. It really sucks to always fight against a premade/have team mates who dont know what they’re doing or just losing to tank mmr. I play pvp all the time and to an extent i consider myself a hardcore pvp player but its so unfair to feel like I’m being punished for playing fair and still losing because I have team mates just running into 1v4s fighting off point etc. I’m stuck in emerald and cant get a single pip because most of the time people on my team just give up and afk. It’s so frustrating and makes me want to quit sometimes but i love playing pvp too much. Guess im still here sucking it up until anet actually does something about these players ruining it for everyone else…

Syllariana, Ghostly Eva, M Ë S, Scarletta Marie, D R Ä K E.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I know right every game I lose is clearly due to Anets matchmaking, or lag, or bad teammates, or teammates not using metal builds, or the other team is using meta builds or a disconnect, or my cat knocking over my monitor being chased by my dog who then also pulls my ethernet cable because I haven’t let him go outside in 8 hours, nothing to do with my own skill whatsoever.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


The other alternatives are dishonest and literally is something I (and im sure many others) are unwilling to do.

Isn’t that the irony of the position that ANet has put us into. That were punished for playing the game honestly.

I ended up in MMR Hell for awhile around mid Emerald. At this time I saw Helseth also stuck in MMR Hell, in the exact same tier. Finally he lost 2 pips because he WON a 4v5 AGAINST before calling it a day.

At that point I questioned literally the entire League system. I mean if Helseth can’t progress past Emerald, what chance do I have? A lot has happened since then, but its pretty clear that if your a veteran playing Leagues honestly, your doing something wrong and that’s something you NEVER want to encourage from your player base.

Anet really dropped the ball.

Getting to ruby is easy as solo q though? There’s a checkpoint system (tiers) all the way through to ruby….

Also, wasn’t helseth or what ever stuck on emerald as a solo q? Team q and solo q requires a different level of skill, while he may dominate the team scene, he might be as scrub as the rest of us on his own.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Tanetris.3461


Is it really cheating though? You can’t blame a player for wanting the highest league. If that player then looks how he can reach the highest league in the easiest way he’ll see it’s by losing matches to bunk his MMR. Is that the fault of the player?

You can’t blame a student for wanting the highest grade. If that student then looks how they can reach the highest grade in the easiest way, they’ll see it’s by copying off the smart kid next to them. Is that the fault of the student? Is that cheating?


Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Bladicus.9078


Is it really cheating though? You can’t blame a player for wanting the highest league. If that player then looks how he can reach the highest league in the easiest way he’ll see it’s by losing matches to bunk his MMR. Is that the fault of the player?

You can’t blame a student for wanting the highest grade. If that student then looks how they can reach the highest grade in the easiest way, they’ll see it’s by copying off the smart kid next to them. Is that the fault of the student? Is that cheating?


That comparison doesn’t make sense, because you’re comparing leagues now with an actual working system. To make a comparison with the student though… If a student will get the highest possible grade by failing a test, then it’s not cheating to fail it. That just means it’s a flawed design, which is not the fault of the student.

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Death Aggro.9602

Death Aggro.9602

Is it really cheating though? You can’t blame a player for wanting the highest league. If that player then looks how he can reach the highest league in the easiest way he’ll see it’s by losing matches to bunk his MMR. Is that the fault of the player?

You can’t blame a student for wanting the highest grade. If that student then looks how they can reach the highest grade in the easiest way, they’ll see it’s by copying off the smart kid next to them. Is that the fault of the student? Is that cheating?


That comparison doesn’t make sense, because you’re comparing leagues now with an actual working system. To make a comparison with the student though… If a student will get the highest possible grade by failing a test, then it’s not cheating to fail it. That just means it’s a flawed design, which is not the fault of the student.

I mean come on. Nobody is training emeralds get real mate. Maybe someone somewhere is. But thats not whats going on here. I mean really?

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: jalmari.3906


I think mm doesn’t work right if I got stuck at emerald for like maybe 1-2 weeks while some totally new to pvp got to ruby in couple of days.

Basically mm doesn’t seem to try making balanced games, it tries to keep your win rate at 50%. It sucks. A lot. It’s either win by 500 to 100 or lose in similar way, amount of “even” games seems to be very low.

It really sucks to play few hours while you could do nothing to results, I don’t think that’s pvp it’s pve.

Guardian 80 Necromancer 80 Ranger 80 Mesmer 80 Elementalist 80 Warrior 80

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


I PvP more than anyone in my guild and it’s clear it’s affecting my MMR to the point where I’ve given up on the season. I’ve given up on so many aspects of the game though that who really cares.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Punished for being a longtime PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: SoPP.7034


The other alternatives are dishonest and literally is something I (and im sure many others) are unwilling to do.

Isn’t that the irony of the position that ANet has put us into. That were punished for playing the game honestly.

I ended up in MMR Hell for awhile around mid Emerald. At this time I saw Helseth also stuck in MMR Hell, in the exact same tier. Finally he lost 2 pips because he WON a 4v5 AGAINST before calling it a day.

At that point I questioned literally the entire League system. I mean if Helseth can’t progress past Emerald, what chance do I have? A lot has happened since then, but its pretty clear that if your a veteran playing Leagues honestly, your doing something wrong and that’s something you NEVER want to encourage from your player base.

Anet really dropped the ball.

Helseth is diamond now

Mmmhhhhhmmmmm, hence the ‘a lot has happened since then’. Now explain to us the after match report :-)

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”