Punishment for leaving
A lockout for tPvP would be okay for teams that aren’t premade. If you’re playing premade tPvP and someone leaves, then you just don’t play with them again. Problem solved.
For normal play, punishment for leaving is a terrible idea. If someone doesn’t want to play anymore, then they simply won’t. In fact, you’re better off if they leave so someone else can join / auto balance can kick in.
What you need to do is provide an incentive for staying that the player finds meaningful.
I think it’s a good habit to leave match after its ending while there is time for it, but constantly changing teams during the whole match is very annoying factor and it’s all beacause of luck – whether smb will leave or not. People just think “Oh we are losing, all my team are noobs, I’m leaving”. Maybe it’s problem of constantly changing maps, so common sPvP is becoming something like a crazy runnings, killings, capturings. I just want some more organization during matches.
And by the way that terrible autobalance system – if some team is overwhelming this system just put more people to other team and it automatically starts to win.
Is there a more direct way to leave a PvP match than opening you character screen and going back to the mists? I might have missed it somewhere.
If they added a standard “leave game” option that pops up at the end of each match then I could live with a short duration “Deserter” debuff for 2-3 minutes.
Before they do that they need to stop matching pugs against premades. As it is now, it’s perfectly acceptable to leave when your pug hits a premade. Why waste your time against a team with both the advantages of planned team composition and communication.
people leaving tPvP matches seems to be turning into a common occurrence. Multiple times over the last week I’ve had successive 4v5 tPvP matches (some ending up as 3v5) because someone(s) just bailed before the match even began or shortly after or just went afk for the duration – in one such case they stayed afk through the 2nd round after we won 4v5 in the first round.
give them a lengthy lockout (days) or the option to reset lockout with paid tourny tickets.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
people leaving tPvP matches seems to be turning into a common occurrence. Multiple times over the last week I’ve had successive 4v5 tPvP matches (some ending up as 3v5) because someone(s) just bailed before the match even began or shortly after or just went afk for the duration – in one such case they stayed afk through the 2nd round after we won 4v5 in the first round.
give them a lengthy lockout (days) or the option to reset lockout with paid tourny tickets.
They can never force someone to play if they don’t want to. It’s just not applicable. What if someone has a real life emergency? If they want people to stop leaving pugs they need to make it enjoyable for them i.e. no matching against premades and no requiring bunkers to win.
no one’s forcing them to play
just not letting them back in so easy after being a chicken kitten and hanging 4 other people out to dry
As for “no requiring bunkers” there’s no getting around that. it’s a point-control game mode which means bunkers are necessary. It’s not a hotjoin, if people are not speccing for competitive tPvP, then that’s an L2P issue.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Still not applicable. If they would make something like that people would just stay in game but do nothing if it’s not fun. The only solution is making sure the game is fun for pug players by not putting them in obviously unbalanced games.
Q: how do they know it’s “not fun” or “unbalanced” before the match has even started? And at what point does my fun come into play in this since they’re ruining my fun (and the two or three others who stayed with me) by leaving?
Regardless of their perceived “fun” it’s a competitive game mode which means it’s not meant to cater to everyone. That’s what HotJoins are for. And those it’s not currently catering to are ruining MY fun because they can’t see an easy win in the cards.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Q: how do they know it’s “not fun” or “unbalanced” before the match has even started? And at what point does my fun come into play in this since they’re ruining my fun (and the two or three others who stayed with me) by leaving?
Regardless of their perceived “fun” it’s a competitive game mode which means it’s not meant to cater to everyone. That’s what HotJoins are for. And those it’s not currently catering to are ruining MY fun because they can’t see an easy win in the cards.
A: When I log into a game I run to their spawn point and take a look, if it’s all the same guild I assume it’s a premade and don’t play that game unless my team is also a premade. I’ve played more than my fair share of these games to realize it’s a waste of time at which point I decided to just skip these unbalanced games.
And it’s not about seeing an easy win at all but simply a fair game, period. Even Team Paradigm suggested it’s a bad idea to match pugs against premades:
“Also a separation in the ranking system between people queuing solo and a premade team. It’s unfair for people trying to learn the game and the better players don’t learn much from it either, so a ranking system definitely.”
but your assuming that just because they share a guild tag that they’re actually a competent “premade” which, in my experience, is not always the case. specially lately, since high end premades seem to have gotten bored with the available level of competition.
I can agree that there are ways to improve the matchmaking beyond just administering penalties for leaving but I still don’t see it improving the “leaving” situation to any great degree without the penalties. there needs to be some kind of deterrent to encourage the meek to try a little harder than running to the other spawn point to check out the guild tags
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Of course I’ve beaten bad premades on many times, but my pug has been stomped by premades a lot more times so that’s what I base my decision on. The most frustrating is when your pug plays extremely well (considering it’s a pug) but loses like 500 to 400+ to a bad premade which would never have won if they didn’t have the advantage of planned team composition and communication.
This is dumb lol if I want to leave the game and go eat dinner, or leave the match because I dont want to be yelled at for just standing there doing nothing. What if I get an urgent page and have to leave? What if someone knocks on the door?
You whiners have two options: let me leave when I want, or deal with me going afk and taking up a spot in your “team”
This is dumb lol if I want to leave the game and go eat dinner, or leave the match because I dont want to be yelled at for just standing there doing nothing. What if I get an urgent page and have to leave? What if someone knocks on the door?
You whiners have two options: let me leave when I want, or deal with me going afk and taking up a spot in your “team”
case in point why we need some kind of deterrent to keep people from feeling like it’s OK to just join tournaments then leave/afk on a whim.
Tournaments, paid or free, were not intended to be as casual as the hot joins, otherwise I’d like to think they just wouldn’t bother implementing Hotjoins at all.
also, I have a hard time believing anyone who starts a statement with “this is dumb” would ever get an important page (do they even make pagers anymore?)
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Of course I’ve beaten bad premades on many times, but my pug has been stomped by premades a lot more times so that’s what I base my decision on. The most frustrating is when your pug plays extremely well (considering it’s a pug) but loses like 500 to 400+ to a bad premade which would never have won if they didn’t have the advantage of planned team composition and communication.
so your issue is you don’t like losing?
getting beaten 500 to 400+ rates as a good game in my book. far better than not scoring any points at all i.e. what happens when your fighting 5v4 against a solid premade
this honestly all just smacks of being “sore losers”
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
case in point why we need some kind of deterrent to keep people from feeling like it’s OK to just join tournaments then leave/afk on a whim.
Tournaments, paid or free, were not intended to be as casual as the hot joins, otherwise I’d like to think they just wouldn’t bother implementing Hotjoins at all.
also, I have a hard time believing anyone who starts a statement with “this is dumb” would ever get an important page (do they even make pagers anymore?)
Actually thats just what I said when I got hired “Whats a pager” (obviously joking) But no its actually just an email that gets sent as a text to my phone.
That would be a dumb thing to lie about, if I wanted to be cool why wouldn’t I say something more impressive? (Getting an urgent page isn’t cool anyway, it just means some nurse turned off her computer and she thinks its broken so she insists on bugging me)
Anyway, I must have misread this post – I havent done tourny’s yet, I just use the spvp game browser and find a match. But as for any game, I am always in favor of having a 10 ~ 15 second intermission between matches to give people a chance to leave/join, then they are locked until the next intermission
EDIT: I take that back, he says “even if its just a common match” Which I think is being a little picky ^^
Punishment for leaving tPvP yes, for hot join, no. Why not for hot join? It’s simple, if I’m playing on a team full of thieves or mesmers I’d rather leave and join a different match – that way there’s a slight possibility that I might join a more enjoyable match.
Of course I’ve beaten bad premades on many times, but my pug has been stomped by premades a lot more times so that’s what I base my decision on. The most frustrating is when your pug plays extremely well (considering it’s a pug) but loses like 500 to 400+ to a bad premade which would never have won if they didn’t have the advantage of planned team composition and communication.
so your issue is you don’t like losing?
getting beaten 500 to 400+ rates as a good game in my book. far better than not scoring any points at all i.e. what happens when your fighting 5v4 against a solid premade
this honestly all just smacks of being “sore losers”
Not at all, I have no problem losing to another pug and will congratulate them for their good and fair win.
the “pug” caveat still smacks of “sore loser”
are people really that intimidated by guild groups?
I don’t get all butt hurt when I see matching guild tags. I just adjust my mind-set/strategy and hope my teammates are up for making a go of it. I don’t necessarily expect to win, but I certainly don’t expect to lose either.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
the “pug” caveat still smacks of “sore loser”
are people really that intimidated by guild groups?
I don’t get all butt hurt when I see matching guild tags. I just adjust my mind-set/strategy and hope my teammates are up for making a go of it. I don’t necessarily expect to win, but I certainly don’t expect to lose either.
The game outcome is flawed from the start. It can surely go both ways but chances are really not in your favor. When I play for fun and don’t care about winning I hot join. If I want a competitive FAIR match playing objectives I join tPvP until I find a fair game. It’s just a shame that the system isn’t designed to give puggers a fair and enjoyable experience in tournaments right now.
3 more more Thieves on one team in sPvP, I’ll afk the round out. Sorry, but if ‘they’ won’t fix it, I’ll do what I can to make my point.
You don’t see this in tPvP, though.
I’ve been in games where everyone was a thief lulz. However, in the first guild wars, they had a debuff for leavers called “dishonourable” which stopped you from entering any pvp depending on frequently you left games so its not a foreign thing to aNet.
for tPvP yes, hot play no..
I try and join against players of my rank and i get tossed into a match with me and one other player. i’m not sticking around for that.
I wonder why so many people thinks that it’s okay to leave in the middle of match in common game? Is people there some kind of trash so that u don’t care of them? It’s MMO and u should respect other players this is the point and I think it’s okay to lock the option to leave match until it ends.
I wonder why so many people thinks that it’s okay to leave in the middle of match in common game?
Probably because it’s not much of a game when there’s only two non-thieves/mesmers in the match.
What i dont like in sPvP is the randomized team between the 2 teams that were playing before.
I mean, i stomp another team, mostly because they suck, then they put me with them. I’ll just leave, and look for other team.