Gunnars Hold EU
Put delay between spectator and real match
Gunnars Hold EU
They cannot, or it would become a replay.
Adding a delay between the real match and the spectator mode will stop voice chat coordination between 2 players of which 1 is watching spectator and telling the other the locations of everyone. I haven’t seen anyone abuse this too much so far but it might become a problem later on.
It will never be a problem for a league or tournaments as they will be password protected and the delay in shoutcasting would be sufficient. If you really think its that big of a problem for hot join… just switch servers where people arent doing it.
There IS potential, but the rewards are pretty small for someone doing this outside of tournaments (Which will probably have a delay set up on the actual stream and on a password protected server).
So I doubt many will go through the trouble because the returns are so small and it requires a lot of coordination still.
There IS potential, but the rewards are pretty small for someone doing this outside of tournaments (Which will probably have a delay set up on the actual stream and on a password protected server).
So I doubt many will go through the trouble because the returns are so small and it requires a lot of coordination still.
Oh boy 30 glory points you miss out on if you lose! Really the rewards are far to inconsequential in a hotjoin setup.
Oh boy 30 glory points you miss out on if you lose! Really the rewards are far to inconsequential in a hotjoin setup.
Yeah I think that’s fine though. Games should be more about intrinsic motivations. That way winning still feels good but losing doesn’t feel nearly as devastating.