PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


How about we award some PvE XP and Karma for doing PvP? A little bit for completing a match, a fair amount for kills, and a larger amount for wins?

Seems like it would be a good way to encourage participation.

Certainly, now that I’ve got one level 80 character in PvE, it would be very attractive to me to level an alt via the various forms of PvP.

Whilst I don’t -need- a PvE reward to play PvP, by nature I’m not a hardcore PvPer so it feels more worthwhile if I can progress in PvE at the same time as enjoying PvP. I’m sure there are others that feel the same.

At the moment I go to WvW for my PvP fix, but obviously that mode is best enjoyed by a full level 80 – so not the ideal mode if you want to level an alt. Plus WvW enjoyment is highly dependent on server, time of day, etc. PvP is a more consistent experience which sometimes I’m looking for.

I guess if we pretend that it was like this from the beginning (ie. right from the first beta, you received XP and Karma from PvP), what bad effects would it have? What would make you complain that it should be removed? I can’t think of any negatives for this. (well, maybe increased amount of misguided balance complaints from carebears on the forums?)

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


good point, XP could atract more PVE players into PVP.. but first Anet need to solve matchmaking and premade / pug queue. Otherwise you go will get mad very soon by fighting hardcore PvPers without any chances on fair match.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: josephsora.4579


I guess if we pretend that it was like this from the beginning (ie. right from the first beta, you received XP and Karma from PvP), what bad effects would it have? What would make you complain that it should be removed? I can’t think of any negatives for this. (well, maybe increased amount of misguided balance complaints from carebears on the forums?)

I think Anet want to totally separate spvp from pve, thats why spvp didn’t reward any useful for pve now (except bag).

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: kagemitsu.3657


I’d like to not see this happen because the promise of PVE rewards will attract that kind of PVE player that couldn’t care less about PVPing and is in it just for the rewards. This would inject a dose of ill-minded players into an already decaying PVP community.

Imo PVP and PVE need to stay separated, like if they were 2 totally different games.

(class stronger than mine) is OP. (my class) is underpowered. (classes I beat easily) are fine.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


I’d like to not see this happen because the promise of PVE rewards will attract that kind of PVE player that couldn’t care less about PVPing and is in it just for the rewards. This would inject a dose of ill-minded players into an already decaying PVP community.

Imo PVP and PVE need to stay separated, like if they were 2 totally different games.

nope, we are on same boat here.. and for esport higher audiece is needed.. and thats not comming from PVP community.. PVE´rs will watch it … so why not involve them? If they can have fun as well?
And please, dont forget majority of players is playing both ! PVE and PVP.. they dont strictly select only one gamemode..

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


I’d like to not see this happen because the promise of PVE rewards will attract that kind of PVE player that couldn’t care less about PVPing and is in it just for the rewards. This would inject a dose of ill-minded players into an already decaying PVP community.

Imo PVP and PVE need to stay separated, like if they were 2 totally different games.

First of all, I doubt anyone would PvP just for the rewards, if my suggestion was implemented. Because in PVP you get XP and Karma only, whereas in PvE you get those plus items and gold. So noone would ever PvP “just for the rewards.”

So the rewards are there for hybrid players like me, who vaguely want to PvP, but at the moment feels my limited time is better spent in PvE and WvW, because I also enjoy those parts of the game, and I get to see numbers go up at the same time.

Adding XP & Karma to PvP would help make it feel like less of a “waste of time”.

And besides, I don’t see how it can be a bad thing if there is an influx of PvE players participating in PvP. More fresh meat for you, right?
It can only be a bad thing if you are running out of servers and there’s no room for serious PvP players – and that’s hardly a problem at the moment.
(Plus the “carebears QQing in forums” problem I mentioned earlier.)

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: SecondtoNone.7549


I second this notion. I’ve been lvl 72 for ages now because I find PVE boring and all I’ve been doing is PVP. It’d be nice if PVP didn’t feel like a “waste of time.” I also see this attracting more players as my girlfriend was going to PVP with me but when I told her it doesn’t give any rewards, she stuck to WvWvW.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


I general, i think there is a lot of players that wants to go to sPvP but they dont, because then they feel they stopped to progress in their level. And thats not good.

while i agree PVE and PVP should be separated – it is in terms of items / gear / etc.. but XP? XP are fine. BOht groups of player can find them usefull and at the end it will only help to MAJORITY of players who wants to do everything from time to time.
- if i take myself as example. I spend 80% in sPvP but then i want sometimes to do WvW and also PVE. Now i feel penalitized for being in sPVP soo much and my character is only low level and therefore i have less chances to fight equally in WvW for same time i spend ingame as others who only PVE or only WvW.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: EatThisShoe.5136


I would be happy to see sPvP kills count towards the PvE monthly which requires WvWvW kills. I don’t really like WvWvW and I get terrible framerate, but playing PvE and sPvP I can’t complete monthly achievements or work towards Legendary weapons that require WvWvW. I’ve pretty much written of Legendaries completely because WvWvW is not fun for me, but if I could substitute sPvP that would be perfect.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


Well, it seems most people here think this is ok. I hope ANet agrees and decides to implement.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


Adding PvE rewards will not grab ‘farmers’ who will only farm min/max locations. So long as dungeons/events/fractals gives better rewards they are not going to come into PvP. Its one thing I liked in GW1. I could have fun playing Fort Aspenwood all day and still be able to get XP and some money since I could convert my faction into money (zkeys).

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


Adding PvE rewards will not grab ‘farmers’ who will only farm min/max locations. So long as dungeons/events/fractals gives better rewards they are not going to come into PvP. Its one thing I liked in GW1. I could have fun playing Fort Aspenwood all day and still be able to get XP and some money since I could convert my faction into money (zkeys).

I’m not interested in farmers, I’m interested in people like me who are on-the-fence or hybrid players.

I want to enjoy PvP, but not having any PvE rewards is a disincentive to spend time there. (because I enjoy PvE as well.)

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


It’d be nice if PVP didn’t feel like a “waste of time.”

i feel exactly the same, the rank points are so terribly low for the rewards of armor skins that are so easy to get in pve, 100 rank points a match and needing 7500 for a “level up” which wont do anything at all until you do it 10 times over.

giving xp/karma/gold or SOMETHING would make it feel less like pouring hundreds of hours of effort down a bottomless drain.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Trevos.6473


I would be happy to see sPvP kills count towards the PvE monthly which requires WvWvW kills. I don’t really like WvWvW and I get terrible framerate, but playing PvE and sPvP I can’t complete monthly achievements or work towards Legendary weapons that require WvWvW. I’ve pretty much written of Legendaries completely because WvWvW is not fun for me, but if I could substitute sPvP that would be perfect.

I feel exactly the same. It’s a pain in the… every month when i see 50 wvw kills need for monthly.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Floryn.6307


Not to mention that you don’t get any sort of influence for SpvP. That always puzzled me, according to wiki it should exist.

Band of BrothersMore than a guild, more than a team

(edited by Floryn.6307)

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


What needs to happen is for Anet to allow sPvPers to purchase wvwvw gear with glory. Its all pvp right?

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Latorn.4209


I’m a hybrid player as well, no idea why this hasn’t been implemented yet. I don’t understand separating the playerbase, it’s not like there are copious amounts of PvPers in the first place.

Honestly I’d PvP more, but there’s just no “real game” progression, so whenever I log in I find myself drawn to PvE which I find both fun and rewarding- instead of PvP which is just fun.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: asuitandty.8526


Going to say exactly what I said in another post: spvp IS the reward. We finally have an mmo that puts scenario pvp into skill based rather than item based. The whole point of spvp is to do it because you like it. Doing it for rewards is a pve mindset.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


when you take this logic, i would like to see it vice versa…

why PvE doesnt give glory to SPvP? please? because “exping” in SPvP is much harder and takes much more time then in PvE… (just taking it ad absurdum to prove they are wrong, not a real point in this)

PvE exping is already the easiest one of all MMOs and you want more boosts from SPvP? to XP? or karma? you have plenty of karma from achievments and events… and what else? skins? oh please no, many sets are ridiculously easy to get in PvE and you must work hard for them in PvP and vice versa, that would destroy whole point of getting it in the harder part…

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ice of Dragons.1637

Ice of Dragons.1637

i am against karma being awarded in PVP. Karma is only useful for PVE players. However a bigger dye drop or maybe some gold wouldn’t be a bad idea. And Exp is kind of necessary to bring more players to PVP.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: TheMerc.4850


Well they better stop rewarding gems for tournaments huh? The slippery slope argument isn’t really a good one for this issue sorry.

I didn’t have a huge issue gaining levels after I stopped grinding glory, but it still puts you behind if you decide to immerse yourself in spvp. So people who do like to do both would be much more interested in doing hotjoins.

And as far as “it’ll dilute the player skill of people coming in!” that only applies to hotjoin, maybe free tournament pugs at worst. And free tourney pugs were still pretty horrible when I stopped playing during the peak days so meh.

PvE rewards (XP & Karma) in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Recently.1043


XP would be nice. Think about it, alot of people roll alts for sPvP purposes, and don’t really want to level them again through PvE. This would help them get through the PvE grind to 80 (and then they would be encouraged to take those alts and outfit them in gear for PvE.)

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….