PvP Ascended Gear's Unchangeable Stats
This is a known issue. It’s been posted on the forums in both here and the bug section with no response from anet. Hopefully we hear something about this soon.
Maybe anet doesn’t have the code yet for it cause the normal ascended armors change skin when you change its stats. What will anet’s decision be? For the ascended armor in pvp to change skin or not cause they are not suppose to go into the skin collections.
I think the answer is quite simple. You cannot craft the spvp acs gear, l2p cheers
BTW this game has a lot of hard learned lessons, play carefully or else u will cry cry
BTW this game has a lot of hard learned lessons, play carefully or else u will cry cry
This game has the least amount of lessons and the most causal system and play I can think of in a MMO. All I have to say is the fact that it rewards everyone win or lose, and creates unfair match ups for it’s casual player base at the expense of the actual PvPers that was trying to get rated fairly.
The only cry I see mostly that is legit is the forced win lose situations due to one side having completely useless players and it reflecting on you no matter how good you did in that match.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys