So I’ve been around for awhile, some know me some don’t. Im r40 with around 100 qps. I play casual hardcore since i juggle RL. Anet definitely needs some help attracting more people into PvP. So I thought a fun way to do that would be brainstorming new modes the population would like to see. Be as specific as you can when explaining your desired modes.
Round Robin:
3 teams of 5
5 capture nodes (4 outside 1pt tick each, 1 middle 2-3 pts per tick)
Maybe add 3 cannons to several locations pointing mid.
Would attract wvwers used to the 3way action.
Death match:
To make death match work with no trinity I would propose allowing everyones #6 heal to be aoe within say 500-600 yards. Wuth maybe +10s on normal cd durations. Maybe 1pt forkill, playing to 20 or so. Downstate disabled in this mode.
Would attract casuals that just hop on to kill people for their 1hr a day they play. Would also promote teamwork as you can now actively heal your allies to keep them alive.
5v5 or 10v10 castle siege with a keep lord. Timed run to take castle or defend it. Could flip sides and let attackers defend for 2nd run or just be random whether you attack or defend.
Obviously would attract more wvwers into spvp.
Asuran Rugby:
5v5 or 8v8 Huttball variation. Allow ground targeted passing. Implement pitfall environment hazards that can kill. Multi tiered paths to score.
What can I say huttball was the 1 thing swtor did right I loved it.
Smear the…. Quaggan:
5v5 players race to 1 of 3 shrines to commune with the quaggan statue. Statue gives the player a transform with new abilities for 1-5. Points are scored 1per sec for the team with the transform. Once that player is downed the quaggan spirit will randomly spawn at any of the 3 shrines on the map. Killing a quaggan transformed player is worth 20 points.
Just a fun mode that would attract all.
Pirate’s of Steamspur Bay:
5v5,8v8,10v10 not sure size.
Ship vs ship combat. Goal is to disable other ships defenses with cannons and then raid the ship for its plunder. Allow ship to be controlled by “Captain” by interacting with the wheel and turning ship as you would with any current siege wep.
Interesting variation on siege mechanics would likely attract all forms of players.
Variant could also include ship vs castle siege allowing you to destroy walls and gates from the boat before sending in your raiding party.
True Capture the flag:
5v5 CTF without conquest cap nodes. 3 flag caps for win. Cannot cap flag unless your flag is safe.
Lots of people asking for this. The conquest version comes out soon we will see if it is enough.
9v1. 10 people start on same team. Mad dash for the juggernaut transform granting double health/damage. Players are scored individually based on kills as jug, against jug, and time length transformed.
Widely popular mode with fps games. Would attract players from all walks of life.