PvP Idea!

PvP Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: BeAPanda.8240


I dont know if this is the right place to put this but…

So, I played gw2 and im a really fan of gw2 pvp but i think pvp players are beeing shuted down cause u have pve players makin like 50-100gold a day and having all that great stuff and u have the pvp players the true lovers that only play pvp that have 0 stuff… But cause im not a guy that complains just to complain i was thinking and i tought i could give like an hint.. u can take the idea or just leave it… So,.. u hve pve players making imagine 50g a day what anet could do is doing like a Gold Track in pvp where instead of getting bags of loot u would get gold. Imagine the litle traks would give 30s like an extra win and at the end of the track u woul win like 30g or 50g… I think thats not 2much cause u dont see people farming like 2-3-4 tracks a day….

ty very much for ur time.

PvP Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


I make almost the same amount of gold from PvP and PvE, the difference between me and those who get what you say 50g a day is that they do farm for many hours and do teedious things over and over again.
By playing PvP you do not farm and it is not possible to farm gold in PvP but if it was people would have done that.

Now what I mean is that you should not compare the ammount gold a PvP player earns Vs what a PvE gold farmer earns.

As for other stuff like items and so on… Well you can get most of the PvE items just from doing PvP, a friend of mine does PvP to with Dry Top reward track to earn crest instead of being bored to tears from farming them in Dry top. He soon has all the ambrite weapons from just doing PvP.

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PvP Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: BeAPanda.8240


Imagine a pvp player vs a pve player who will have a legendary for example? the pve player the pvp will never get one. What im saying is if u have pve lovers and pvp lovers why just reward better the pve ones? u say u have people farming all day but most of the people that do that likes it people that run dgs every day they like it! I had a time that i loved doing dgs and i did 2 legendarys in that time but i mostly love pvp never got not even enough money to get a prec with the pvp time i did….

PvP Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: aggelos r.5387

aggelos r.5387

all in life is matter of choice i prefer the exitment of a pvp game than having a lengendary thats in game its give in nothing at all

PvP Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Pvp legendaries would be cool

PvP Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: Kolly.9872


the solution is not making the same goal, as gaining big amount of golds or the same legendaries, between different gameplay types.
It would be cool if pvpers and also WvWers could get something unique for them that pve players cannot get only by farming bosses and dungeons.
PvP and WvW exclusive legendaries could be a start. Winning Gems could also appeal many players.

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