PvP Legendaries and sPvP

PvP Legendaries and sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Myst.9182


So from what I understand, they will be allowing people to have Legendaries in PvP from the latest post I just read.

Unlike most people I find Legendaries goudish and over-powering, like cake that is just far too rich and far too sweet.

Let me explain, have you ever been in a dungeon with 3 people with Twilight? You can not see anything! Now with all the spellfire that goes on sometimes, its hard to see the animations that clue you into when to dodge or generate a “get ready something bad is going to happen!” moment. With three of them going you have 0% chance of seeing anything. None.

Now take this into sPvP. This feels like it will ruin some of the fun and skill required for PvP. Not being able to see poses a problem. What about those Legendaries with annoying sound effects, and the monrous ugly puddle-like foot-steps? Good luck trying to hide when you leave behind flowers when you run!

This worries me alot about where PvP is going, (though at the moment some might say it can only go up.) Does this bother anyone else?

PvP Legendaries and sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


My favourite aspect of SPvP is everyone being on an even playing field in the sense of gear. I’d feel limited to playing my character with a legendary. Right now, I like playing my warrior a lot, but because I use lots of different weapons on my warrior, I’d buy legendaries for my thief, which would stop me playing warrior all together.

Now, you can have a go at me for being an idiot and only playing my thief because it’ll have better weapons, or you can just agree that legendaries are detrimental to a balanced playing field for players.

In every arena season of World of Warcraft, the class with the legendary has been the op class.

PvP Legendaries and sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Myst.9182


My favourite aspect of SPvP is everyone being on an even playing field in the sense of gear. I’d feel limited to playing my character with a legendary. Right now, I like playing my warrior a lot, but because I use lots of different weapons on my warrior, I’d buy legendaries for my thief, which would stop me playing warrior all together.

Now, you can have a go at me for being an idiot and only playing my thief because it’ll have better weapons, or you can just agree that legendaries are detrimental to a balanced playing field for players.

In every arena season of World of Warcraft, the class with the legendary has been the op class.

Thats true, however, I don’t think Legendaries will have their Ascended stats, just the skin will be carried over. I don’t think the look and feel of Legendaries has a place in sPvP, even though I some might say “But I workded hard for this, even if it is detrimental to the game, I want it!”

My concern is that, a lot of people have Legendaries, they are not exceptionally rare, at worst they are uncommon. Which means their graphics and animations will dominate over gameplay, as more and more players choose to run with those skins in any single game.