PvP Legendary Weapons

PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Please do not link them to extreme brainless grinding but to achievements that require skill.

It would be cool achievements linked to ELO ladder (soloqueue and rated tournament) or tot wins in rated matches, or other stuff that promote single/team skill instead of extreme brainless farming


PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


as rewards of big tournaments! only

Anything to make it as exclusive as possible and reward skilled players!! It would make people want to do organized tourneys, stay in trams and would keep patticle effects controlled!

Imagine PvP if everyone could get legends on achiments! lol would have to rename the game to “Troll Wars 2” and meta would shift from condi to lag spikes!

PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: Alissah.9281


I hope there will be more exclusive skins for lesser achievements too. Like teh purple mist weapons from pve, they ahve particle effects but not as uch as the legendaries ^^.

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PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: kito.1827


i really hope that they wont be accessible for all/ for glory.

should be something special, not like rank 60 and above – free for all hardcore time investments.
something skill based (like tournament wins) would be the right way

Karl Otik
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”

PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


You make it seem like PVE legendaries actually require SKILL to get =/

It was always a grind.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


I wish Legendaries werent coming at all. One thing PvP doesnt need is more particle effects clouding the team fight chaos.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


Just don’t add the pony bow to PvP. just don’t. Oh please don’t. Or let us turn off the projectile effect.

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PvP Legendary Weapons

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


Legend weps SHOULD NOT BE a reward for big tourneys winners. Top teams play them to get cash n fame not skins. Also, if they were obtainable this way, to see them u would have to be very lucky to face a person who got them.
Also, I payed for the game as every1 else so i should be able to have access to all content in the way i like to play eg pve skins in pvp ( azureflame, volcanous, mjonlnir, legends etc). In GW1 i didn’t play GvG much, but I had eternal set, VS, BDS, Runic blade, Crysta JUST by playing PvP (RA, Cdx, JQ/FA/AB) – faction->keys->ca$h so I was able to get stuff I liked for game style I liked and that was cool. Didnt have to PvE.
In GW2 PvE Legend don’t need ANY skill. Just 2-4months time (my friend left pvp and made legendary from 0 in 3months, including lvling till 80, map etc), or U can also play TP and simply BUY it without even playing the game. So why not achivable Legends in PvP if in PvE every1 who want devote time can have his Twillight or Bitfrost?
In PvP they shouldn’t be very easy to get (as its in pve) but still doable.
For example req to get a skin:
- r50
- All champion titles (Legio, Genius etc)
- 500-700k glory
-1500 tournament matches won

It needs time and skill to achieve, it needs some grind, coz it needs to have it, is not so easy to get as in pve, and next legend skin will also cost 500k glory which involves even more time spent.
Giving them to big tourney winners is simply stupid, as 99,8% spvp playerbase will never get there, and there should be a chance to get the skin for everybody as it is in pve. Also the 2nd stupid way to obtain Anet could implement – make a legend in pve THAN unlock it for pvp – it would promote PvErs over PvPers even more than its now.

And if sum1 don’t wana see more effects:

Or let us turn off the projectile effect.

Should be as option.

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