PvP: Season 5 Ranked Queue Poll (Closed)

PvP: Season 5 Ranked Queue Poll (Closed)

in PvP

Posted by: Tiefsee.3647


The community will vote again? The compleat community or only those who played at least 10 ranked games?

PvP: Season 5 Ranked Queue Poll (Closed)

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


What? Was the vote really about having solo/duo queue only? I voted yes but wouldn’t have done so in that case.

Yes, apparently a lot of people simply do not read instructions even when it is clearly spelled out.

Is the original text of the poll still available? Of course it can be my fault, but I read it as “Do you want a solo/duo only queue?” instead of “Do you want a solo/duo queue only?” Could also be a bad translation as I voted over here in Germany.

I don’t have access to the orginal text but this is what Josh wrote in a post. I BOLDED the relevant parts.

Hi all,

I’d like to take a moment to address some of the concerns posted since last Friday regarding the possibility of solo/duo queue.

The poll we’ll be running this week will simply ask if we should trial a solo/duo queue system during season 5. Assuming the poll passes and Season 5 is solo/duo ONLY, we’ll monitor feedback throughout the season and then run another poll at the end of S5 to ask folks if they’d like to see the change become permanent.

“But Josh, what about people that like to queue as premades, do guild missions, etc?” An overwhelming majority of players already play as solo/duo in leagues, but that doesn’t mean we’re not thinking about the groups and the guilds. That said, unranked arena will continue to accommodate roster sizes of up to 5. Guild missions will still be able to be completed in unranked arena. Assuming the post-season 5 permanence poll passes, we’ll evaluate the need for another environment where teams can compete (based on your feedback).

Hopefully that answers some of your questions!

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

PvP: Season 5 Ranked Queue Poll (Closed)

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Wow, so now we can’t play with out friends in a competitive environment? What the kitten is happening with this game? It’s become so casual…

LOL if you thought ranked was competitive for teams. SMH

The 20% who voted no are probably the ones who enjoyed pug stomping with their premades.

premades on average lost half of all their games.
hows that pug stomping?

You have official stats to back this up?

Because from my personal experiences whenever I was the solo guy put in the same team as a 4 man premade I won way over 70% of the time. When I was in a full solo or duo team vs a 4man enemy team I lost most of the time. That’s why I voted yes because in my personal data set I was at an advantage when I was in the premade team and a disadvantage when I was not. (even when playing solo)

In absence of clear unbiased data that’s all I can go with.

sorry i cant provide the source. but many others will agree and might have it. anet has said previously that premades only win around half their games. it was 48% or 52% i cant remember.

That 50% statistic was for a FULL 5 man vs FULL solo q and that’s whythey implemented a rule so a full 5 man team would never meet a full solo again to please the masses. However, that doesn’t stop 4,1 team facing a 1,1,1,1,1 team. ANET did not give out those statistics.

Until ANET provides data on how a 4,1 team does vs full solo or vs 2,1,1,1 teams we have only our own experiences to go by.


That video does a pretty good job of explaining matchmaking, including how when parties are not able to be evenly matched in terms of size the smaller sized groups and solo players are from a higher MMR than the premade to compensate for communication advantages.

I hate the idea that anyone who voted ’no" just wants to pug stomp. Some of us just found the tyranny of solo/duo-queue to be against our notion of freedom. That and we actually have friends we like to play with, ya bunch of commies.

@Spartacus did you actually record your stats on those games or is that just how you feel your matches went? Because without actual data your perception is biased and will trend towards your belief of how it went instead of actually how it went.

PvP: Season 5 Ranked Queue Poll (Closed)

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192



That video does a pretty good job of explaining matchmaking, including how when parties are not able to be evenly matched in terms of size the smaller sized groups and solo players are from a higher MMR than the premade to compensate for communication advantages.

I hate the idea that anyone who voted ’no" just wants to pug stomp. Some of us just found the tyranny of solo/duo-queue to be against our notion of freedom. That and we actually have friends we like to play with, ya bunch of commies.

@Spartacus did you actually record your stats on those games or is that just how you feel your matches went? Because without actual data your perception is biased and will trend towards your belief of how it went instead of actually how it went.

Thanks for the video. My perception is def biased which is why I said until anet releases actual data, mine will be biased. I don’t have records however I do know that on the odd times ive beaten a premade team when I was in a solo team ive been very excited/happy and those happy/excited times were few and far between compared to when ive clicked the “team” tab and seen 4man premade against me and we were stomped.

So yes I admit its biased and I cannot say exactly how many games I won vs lost but I know it is an unbalanced amount. Ive very very rarely been “OMG I was in a 4man team and we got rolled by a full solo team” and I mean very very very rarely.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

PvP: Season 5 Ranked Queue Poll (Closed)

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


What? Was the vote really about having solo/duo queue only? I voted yes but wouldn’t have done so in that case.

You need to read the fine print.

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