PvP Top 5 Plays

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Week 1 submissions went well for my Top 5 plays of the week.

The first week was very popular:

Please note that the top play is the only one rated out of the top 5 shown in the video. Other submissions were taken, but were commended.

Id love to follow this up as often as possible. Weekly might not be viable in the off season out of ranked play.

Id like to produce a video by next weekend 8th May ’16 for a follow up. So get those submissions in!

I just wanted to bring the attention of this series to the community. The details on how to submit are on the description and below:

Ill be showing weekly YOUR footage. Send me a top play, no longer than 40 seconds, to the below email & you can have a chance of being entered into a Monthly top 5 plays to win 800 or 400 gem codes!
Email to: GW2top5plays@gmail.com
Submit a link, google drive link, drop box link or other form of recording so I can easily download it & include it in an upcoming top 5!

- Please write a small description as to why you feel your play should be in the top 5 for the week, along with a build link.
- Every SUNDAY Ill compile these plays and put together the top 5. Week 2 deadline is: 8th May ’16 at 12pm GMT.
- Footage must be recorded within two months of the current Top 5 Plays week you are submitting too. This means 2016 people!
- No longer than 40 seconds of footage
- Footage must be easy too access & by submitting the footage you are giving me permission to post the footage in a compilation on my channel.
- Please submit an IGN (i.e. Jebro.6370) as well as an alias so I can mention you in the video & contact you about the giveaway if you win/come 2nd.
- Footage must be of your own play. Not footage from another claiming it for your own.
- No edits other than the 40 second splice. This must but a 40 second all in one rolling clip.
- The clip can for example, be your own contribution in a team fight that helped to sway the fight or even snowball the map.

Note: Please remove camera shake from the options.

Please set out the email as follows:
- Description/explanation of clip & why it should be in top 5
- Build (can be a link)
- Recorded date
- Contact (ign i.e. jebro.6370)
- Alias (name you want to be called by in the video & on screen)

Thanks & I hope you can get involved with this fun weekly series! Any questions or rules you think that would be good to add please state them below.


PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Lol that mesmer portal was pure genius

Bad Elementalist

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: Wintersnight.3061


I’d hate to be the wrong side of the 3 v 1 vs Supcutie. After that happens, you just rage quit and kick the dog on your way to getting a beer.

Cindy Lou Who, Retired Ranger
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: pico.6402


Nice play all of them

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Nice plays indeed.

BUT I really need submissions to keep this going

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


I guess you will have to wait till PvP comes back, Jebro.

I can send you Hearthstone or HotS clips, tho.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


haha true, prob better to run this during a ranked season

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Did you see unranked? They are so one sided and the skill gaps are so huge, there is hardly any material for videos.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


Lol that mesmer portal was pure genius

I actually make that portal play quite a bit, I watch for the chance to do it every time I am in a 1v1 with a Rev. Yeah it can sometimes be a waste of a portal but it feels so awesome when you pull it off!

I really enjoyed watching the video and I would like to see them regularly because even in unranked there can be some really awesome plays and close games, to be honest I can’t tell any difference between ranked and unranked. Hopefully people will submit a lot even if ranked needs to start again for that to happen because I always enjoy this type of video.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: Faizu.8125


thats some nice gameplay! moar!

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Well Pro League players & anyone can submit! Dont be shy!!

PvP Top 5 Plays

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.3952


Well Pro League players & anyone can submit! Dont be shy!!

no point in even qing right now; unranked it utter kitten

#1 gerdian na
0 counterplay