PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Want cultural rewards track. Something like: Asuran heritage track, Norn Heritage track, etc.

You used to be able to get peacemaker/other cultural weapon skins through pvp rather easily. I may be wrong, but I don’t remember getting karma jugs through current pvp tracks, so these skins are not obtainable through pvp currently. You get 20 obsi shards = 42k karma value through the existing region tracks, so substantial karma equivalent rewards are already in tracks. Cultural armor would be nice too, but I’m not sure how to balance. Maybe an armor token as the final track reward 5 = coat, 4 = leggings, etc. Add in an exclusive racial mini from GW history (Miniature Vekk, Jora, Pyre, etc.) for 5-10 tokens if someone doesnt need the armor and let the fun ensue. Everything is account bound, so it doesn’t throw off tons of gold/sellable stuff either.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: masskillerxploit.2165


Are there rewards that people would want or don’t feel are earned fast enough that don’t directly generate gold?

Unique Miniatures [Account Bound on acquisition]
Unique Toys
Unique Emotes

Elaboration of the above:
Unique Miniatures:
-Mini Zhaitan, [rare drop from Arah Dungeon Track boxes] (not 0.000000001%)
-Mini Red & Blue Lords [rare drop from Glorious Track Boxes](not 0.0000001%)

Unique Toys:
-Mini Catapult
Costume Brawl toy, allows you to do long range damage in costume brawl
-Mini Sky Hammer
Costume Brawl toy, allows you to do massive aoe in costume brawl
-Dueling Dummy
Spawns a random class doll to spar with you. Can be used any where that allows the use of weapon skills. The dummy will only attack those who attack it, vanishes if player dies with a funny message.
-Fishing Pole, allows you to play a mini fishing game or fish in the open world
All of these can be tossed into a “Glorious Toy Box” track. The final reward in that
track will allow a player to chose one of those items. Track would be repeatable.

Unique Emotes:
After completing the glorious track:
times, you will unlock new emotes. Similar to the ones from GW1
would be the command, a shield would pop up with your rank’s animal
emblazoned across the front of it.

x1=Bronze Shield with your rank on it (bunny, dragon etc)
x6= Bronze Shield with 1 sword with your rank on it (bunny, dragon etc)
x12= Silver shield with 2 swords with your rank on it (bunny, dragon etc)
x18= Gold shield with 2 swords with your rank on it (bunny, dragon etc) and a crown over the shield.

Could even bring the Zaishen Keys and Chest to Guild Wars 2.
Make every end chest contain 1 Zaishen Key. [armor boxs or equivalent]
Zaishen Keys would be account bound, a chest would be placed where the Dragon Totem Vendor use to be. Some loot from the chest can be any of the toys or minis mentioned above as well as any one of the below:

-Random 1 Exotic Weapon
-Random 1 Endless Tonic
-3 Laurels
-10 Obsidian Shards
-Legacy GW1 Endless Tonic (Tonics from the GW1 Zaishen Chest)
-GW1 Envoy Weapon Set

Could we get a dev response to this. All Evan Lesh has been doing on this post is fighting forum warriors. Evan, could stuff like this be implemented pretty plzzzzzzzz. These rewards will be more than enough of an incentive to grow the high tier spvp crowd. The gaps between high, mid, and low tiers are embarrassing wide. I hope you agree with this evan.

Ferox, multiclass’r, ESL’r
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: masskillerxploit.2165


You hit on the main point that we can’t make rewards tracks simply better than PvE farming. They are there as an alternative. Players can go between PvP and PvE and not feel like one section of the game is worth less of their time. If you burn out on farming events, come spice things up in PvP and still get rewards!

Reward tracks also give us the ability to put unique rewards into PvP, like we’ve already done. I don’t see a reason why we would stop. It’s an effective way to make people want to play PvP.

We also already have some RNG PvE rewards as guaranteed on reward tracks as well: Mystic clovers.

I disagree with one aspect of this post. Evan, tell me why brain dead, very skill less pve players earn (people have done the math when comparing rewards from pvp to pve) about 400 to 1000% more profit than skilled spvp players? Skilled play in spvp should be rewarded, and those rewards need to reflect the skill level of the player. I think it’s strange that a good sPvP player is sometimes recognized to not have anything close to the amount of gold an average pve player has. I hope you agree with this evan. If someone is really good at this game as in mechanically, or objectively, they should be rewarded the same if not more, than some of the “elite” (I laughed a bit here) pve players. GW1 had some great FEATURES (evan I know you like that word ;D) that complimented all levels of skill in pvp with appropriate rewards that reflecTed which tier of skill they were apart of. If you were good at pvp in GW1 you were able to sport the best looking gear along with the ability to show you were high tier through types of exclusive armor, weapons, titles, ranks, and emotes only associated with pvp. Evan I await your response to this.

F E A T U R E S.

Ferox, multiclass’r, ESL’r
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: MailMail.6534


Thanks to someone pointing out that pvpers are unable to obtain ANY karma weapons besides the karma you get from dailies. Yet another way that PvE rewards are better and more easily attained than in PvP….

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Thoth Divine.8642

Thoth Divine.8642

Reward tracks chests need to reward more rares and more exotics. You get basically 1-3 rares and if you’re lucky 1 exotic per reward track, which is absolutely ridiculous. Add in some more Ascended here and there too.

IE: Veteran: Guaranteed 1 rare; Champion: Guaranteed 1 exotic; final reward: random Ascended box.

That alone would make it much better.

Also, add Glorious weapons. And some way of showcasing one’s rank also would be great. Maybe some back item?

Basically, make PvP reward tracks more rewarding in gold/items and add good-looking PvP-only skins.

Blessed Curse – Symbolic DH
Thoth Divine – Power Necro
I Hope You Die – Burst Berserker

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


As an AP hunter, I really like the maguuma wastes track. Pvp is more fun than Dry Top.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Copestetic.5174


I’m sure people have noticed, but for those that have not. There’s a Silverwaste Reward Track now. I’m like, 75% sure it wasn’t there until today.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

structured PvP should always be more rewarding than PvE.

provided if players are actually playing structured PvP the way it is meant to be played.

like say, NOT playing team stacking such that one team gets massive advantage at the start of the match, causing the other team with one less player to rage quit or force auto balance.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Tigerlily.3765


I play PvE and sPvP both. I have gone through periods of playing PvP more than PvE, but generally I am a PvEr.

Unique rewards surely will bring PvEers into Spvp more and broaden the player base. This is needed for game health, better match-ups, and so on. Of course getting the information out there to more PvE-ers won’t hurt either.

I have a number of my PvE friends ask me when tribal armor is coming back. They are shocked when I tell them that people ask about this on the forum repeatedly and anet never gives an answer. It’s already in the game… just make a track for it already!

For people who are saying spvp is not rewarding blah blah… it’s kind of true. But it IS faster to do some things in PvP than PvE (dungeon skins, ambrite weps). It would be MUCH better imo to have unique spvp rewards rather than just give pvpers more money. They probably don’t want money anyway, they want prestige items. The suggestion post above about minis, tonics and emotes was great.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: MailMail.6534


Agreed. I don’t think PvPers want more money. I’m quite alright with being a poor lower-class pvper. LOL

But I think there simply needs to be more unique rewards or at least easier ways to achieve items that take a lot of grind in PvE like ambrite weapons and dungeon weapons. I really would love if they added keys or scraps to tracks. I think you’d instantly see everyone play PvP. lol

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Scryeless.1924


I wonder what the devs think about this…

I’m not a dev but I’ll give it a shot:

“Hey all, we really appreciate your interest in the new reward tracks. This is something we feel strongly about and we absolutely intend to expand this system even more. We will talk about this topic when we have more things to show you and when we are closer to releasing them”.

Love it. Darko for president.

SoS – Ele – Burn Me, Freeze Me, Blind Me, Pound Me — Wait…What?
Warrior – The New Burninator! Strongbad would be so proud!
Guardian – Burn for you, heal for me, block for me and uh…sorry Im all out of gifts.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: doomfodder.2906


Wanna get more ppl interested in pvp? How bout a chance for precursor???

Grind-able progressive limited repeatable Precursor Reward Track (hot join ONLY)

1st time complete track 25 times for 25% chance of random precursor chest
2nd time complete track 75 times for 33% chance of random precursor chest
3rd time complete track 150 times for 50% chance of random precursor chest
4th time complete track 250 times for 66% chance of random precursor chest
5th time complete track 500 times for 75% chance of random precursor chest
6th time complete track 1000 times for 100% chance of random precursor chest

Each time a precursor is acquired from the chest, existing odds cut 1/2 for each subsequent track completion sequence

A few extra things to “prevent abuse”

Can’t start next sequence without opening random chest from completed sequence = controls probability resets

No more then 5 levels per track per day = time gating

Track levels can only be “earned” from matches where moment of hot join occurred with less than 25 points acquired in the match for either team = discourages hot join “stalkers” from joining winning team after match is decidedly over

(edited by doomfodder.2906)

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyron.7081


Wanna get more ppl interested in pvp? How bout a chance for precursor???

Grind-able progressive limited repeatable Precursor Reward Track (hot join ONLY)

1st time complete track 25 times for 25% chance of random precursor chest
2nd time complete track 75 times for 33% chance of random precursor chest
3rd time complete track 150 times for 50% chance of random precursor chest
4th time complete track 250 times for 66% chance of random precursor chest
5th time complete track 500 times for 75% chance of random precursor chest
6th time complete track 1000 times for 100% chance of random precursor chest

Each time a precursor is acquired from the chest, existing odds cut 1/2 for each subsequent track completion sequence

OMG! Do this! Do this! Do this! Great idea! This is a great hybrid between grind and RNG, plus it would reward sPvP players a little more than just PvE players in only one aspect of the game because we would have something PvE does not = a sure way of obtaining a precursor. Just make sure the random precursor is NOT soul or account bound until after it is equipped. The player should be able to sell on TP any precursor he/she do not want.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I prefere precursor or gift (for legendary) like a special rewards for top high tier in the new spvp competitive seasons.

In this test season we will have exclusive armor and a exclusive minipet for top100 (armor only for top20).

Of course it’s a test, i think armor for top20 is nice but only a mini pet for 21-100 is not really great.

In general, i’d like a league system with divisions (gold bronze etc.) and rewarding every top tier of every division in different ways for different seasons.

This is a test so i hope future seasons will able to have this league structure.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: doomfodder.2906


I prefere precursor or gift (for legendary) like a special rewards for top high tier in the new spvp competitive seasons.

In this test season we will have exclusive armor and a exclusive minipet for top100 (armor only for top20).

Of course it’s a test, i think armor for top20 is nice but only a mini pet for 21-100 is not really great.

In general, i’d like a league system with divisions (gold bronze etc.) and rewarding every top tier of every division in different ways for different seasons.

This is a test so i hope future seasons will able to have this league structure.

Agree with unique rewards (armor & mini pets) for league play, why not right?

Still, my take on this thread is intended to discuss “keeping casuals invested”. Not sure that rewards for top high tier creates incentive for casuals, but hey, could happen. My sense is that “casuals” are a few hrs per wk or pve that want to do something different occasionally. I suspect that a relatively large % of pve already grind something. So the right incentive combined with the right controls should bring more into pvp. The real question is, after getting the grind reward, will they stay?

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: MailMail.6534


Considering there’s a lot of new stuff coming via HoT, there could potentially be new ways to incorporate player-drawing rewards into the pvp track reward system.

We still don’t know exactly how you’d be able to acquire Guild Halls, but if it’s similar to custom arenas where you need a currency as upkeep, PvP Tracks would be a great way to bring a broader player base into PvP. Just something to think about, Devs!

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Rome.7124


lots of good ideas and suggestions but the biggest problem right now is the match-making logic coded by developers that dont know what they are doing.

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: Acandis.3250


If we’re necro’ing this thread. I’d like to point out that the best system to bring it would be to implement tiered leaderboards.

Start out with 3 thresholds,
Start out unranked (this can be the equivalent of %X on the current LB)
T3 and above = Bronze
T2 and above = Silver
T1 and above = Gold

and then if you really want, the top 100 (or so) can be Master/Dragon/whatever Tier, and that’s always the top 100.

End of season = Get rewards based on what tier you ENDED with.

  • Reward can be something as simple as a Cape.
  • Reward for winning tournaments should still be reserved to Glorious Hero armor pieces.

(edited by Acandis.3250)

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: MailMail.6534



Omg maybe they really do listen!? I’m on a personal mission to achieve my own little cute llama now!

Come on Anet, keep up the work with these rewards. We can definitely do better moving forward.

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”